Crafts from potatoes with their own hands for school: instructions with photos and videos

Educational institutions sometimes require their pupils to create unusual accessories, ornaments, interior objects. Very interesting are crafts made of potatoes with their own hands for the school, as they are easy to do, but it is possible to present it very unusual. Consider step-by-step master classes on how to make interesting animals, birds, living things on the basis of such a vegetable and what additional materials at hand will be needed.

What craft can be made from potatoes for schoolchildren

  • Beasts: bears, rabbits, giraffes, pigs.
  • Insects: spiders, caterpillars, centipedes.
  • Vegetables: carrots, onions, beets, cabbage, mushrooms, tomatoes.
  • Pets: cats, chickens, dogs, mice, parrots, horses, lambs, cows.
  • Sea inhabitants: goldfish, jellyfish, shells, turtles.
  • Compositions of different kinds of animals in nature: lambs on pasture, horses for a walk, turtles in the lake, hippopotamus in a swamp, snakes on a branch.

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts from potatoes

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Crafted potatoes for the school should bring joy to the child who does it. Such an occupation will be interesting, therefore parents are obliged to pick up very effective materials: unusual potatoes, vegetables, glue, different sticks, clay, etc. If a child makes only one animal, then it is worth trying to arrange it so that it is pleasant to all teachers and friends. Consider step-by-step instructions for some easy variations of pottery crafts with your own hands for school.

Master-class for the production of Smeshariki from potatoes and plasticine

  1. We take 4 potatoes of medium size, carefully wash it, wipe it with dry napkins and put it on a warm place so that the vegetable will dry out completely.
  2. In the meantime we prepare plasticine, for this we put the material on a battery, in a microwave oven or in the sun, so that it becomes pliable for modeling.
  3. The "body" of each smesharika will be a potato, it must be wrapped in a thin layer of pastel shade plasticine( peach, lemon, beige, pink).
  4. White eyes of each hero are made with the help of nail polish or proofreader, which is often used by schoolchildren.
  5. Points, pupils, eyelashes and eyebrows to each Smesharik draw in black or brown pencil.
  6. The nose, handles and legs should be performed with the help of multi-colored plasticine of bright colors. To do this, you need to warm up a small piece of material in your hands, glue a triangle or strip and press it tightly against the finished body.
  7. One of the main ornaments of Smeshariki is their upper part, which is worth sculpting out of plasticine in the form of a horn, a cap, needles, a crown with a bow.
  8. When all the smeshariki are ready, the handicraft remains to complement the craft with a beautiful landscape with the use of leaves, twigs of pine, cones, small pieces of wood in the form of penechkov.

Charming couple cubs from potatoes

  1. Preparing potatoes: choose 6-7 raw potatoes of small size, about 3-4 cm in diameter. It is desirable that the shape of the vegetable is oblong. The color of potatoes is better to take neutral brown or greenish.
  2. Wash the vegetables with a brush to clear all the pieces of earth.
  3. Choose 2 small balls for the head. It is better to put oblong potatoes across, so that this part of the body is wide, rather than narrow.
  4. For the trunk, we take potatoes of a slightly larger size, set vertically.
  5. Cut out potatoes 4 quarters, which will serve as legs.
  6. Cut from the potato 4 strips, which will serve as hands.
  7. Small pieces of vegetables with a semicircular form of skin will be in the teddy bears.
  8. When all parts are ready, we connect them with usual toothpicks, piercing one and the second part, which need to be put together.
  9. Decorating crafts allowed plasticine flowers, berries or vegetables.
  10. Eyes, nose and mouth of each teddy need to be cut from colored paper, cardboard. They can be glued easily with glue or attached to a small piece of plasticine.

Original hedgehog with barbs from toothpicks

  1. My one medium-sized potato( if you want a bigger hedgehog, then you should take a large vegetable).
  2. Prepare about 30-50 toothpicks, the more, the more effective the hedgehog.
  3. Cut each toothpick in half and stick it into the potato so that the front left an empty space for the muzzle.
  4. Eyeglasses are allowed to be made using raisins, dried rowan or other berries. To prick such elements is better, too, on toothpicks.
  5. Spout and hedgehog legs should be made carrot, the vegetable should be washed and cut into pieces.
  6. To make a hedgehog of potatoes look very impressive, it should be decorated with leaves, fruits and berries( as if they themselves were attached to needles).For this, it is allowed to take apples, mini-zucchini, cucumbers, seeds or other natural gifts. You need to decompose them as fantasy tells you.
  7. Handicraft with a hedgehog will look even more beautiful if the animal is put on the bright yellow and red leaves that lie at the feet.

Making cheburashki with your own hands

  1. Choose one big white-fried potato. We wash it under running water with a brush to remove all the dirt.
  2. Dry the vegetable with dry napkins.
  3. We cut potatoes into strips 1-2 cm wide. From one vegetable, 6-7 circles should turn out, but it is better if they are oval.
  4. With the help of toothpicks to the largest piece( which becomes a trunk), pin the middle circle( this is the head).
  5. Further toothpicks fasten ears, which need to choose the same large size.
  6. The most extreme parts of potatoes will be excellent legs.
  7. Handles need to be cut from the remaining piece of potatoes, they will be small in size.
  8. Eyes, nose and mouth of Cheburashka must be made with spices, carrots, beets or cabbage.
  9. To cut off the potatoes is not black, it should be lubricated with a little oil or acidified water.
  10. Decorate a Cheburashka from potatoes with a hat, a flower, a leaf of an autumn tree.
  11. Very original will be hand-made with several Cheburashka: mom, dad and baby.

An interesting hand-crafted family of pigs

  1. For such a simple craft, pick up 5-6 potatoes, two of which are large( it will be mom and dad), and the rest - medium size( about 5 cm in diameter).The shape of the vegetables can be either round or oblong, it does not really matter. It is better to choose varieties of pink, purple, beige color with smooth skin.
  2. Rinse all potatoes under water and dry with dry paper towels.
  3. Prepare plasticine black or dark brown, pink and burgundy. Preheat it in a microwave or on a battery.
  4. Use skilled children's handles with the help of adults to blind the ears for all piglets of triangular shape. Attach them to each potato. Keep in mind that the ears of mom and dad should be slightly larger than children's.
  5. Twist the ball of plasticine and press it to the table, so you get a circle. Take a small carnation with a smooth hat and put on the area of ​​plasticine 2 points that will look like the nostrils of a piglet.
  6. Similar actions with other plasticine balls, which will be used as the nose of each pig.
  7. Attach plasticine circles with holes to the potato, place similar eyes, but very small diameter.
  8. It is important to fold a small plasticine sausage and spin it. This tail is attached to each potato. It is better if these parts are different for all piglets.
  9. Decorate the composition of pigs from potatoes possibly with vegetables, grass or leaves. The main thing is to look such an addition organically. Successful work!

How to make a potato little man

  1. In order to make a potato man, you need: 1-2 medium potatoes, 5 toothpicks or thin wooden skewers, 1 small tomato and 1 large.
  2. Rinse all vegetables and dry them with a tissue.
  3. From the first potato cut 1 cm from one edge and 1 cm from the opposite. This will be the torso of the future little man.
  4. From the second potato cut off a small ring, 0.5-1 cm wide, which will serve as the basis for the hat. We attach this part to the basis, the process of describing it in point 3.
  5. From the part of the second potato we cut the heart and attach it to the bottom of the structure, which is already there. This will be the legs of a man.
  6. From the remains of a vegetable, we cut out our hands and attach them to the torso using toothpicks.
  7. Cut the edge of a large tomato and attach it to the base of the hat. Such a red hat will look very good on a potato.
  8. Small tomato cut in half. One part of it is attached to the head to make a nose. The second will be used as a basket, which is held by a person in his hand.
  9. The eyes of a little man are made using raisins, small berries or plastic balls.
  10. Cut the mouth with a knife in the "head" of the potato.
  11. We decorate the composition with small vegetables, berries and fruits.

How to make a snowman from potatoes

  1. To make a craft from potatoes with your own hands for a school in the form of a snowman turned out beautiful, you need to pick up 3 such vegetables of different sizes( large, medium and small).
  2. For work, we also prepare carrots, toothpicks and wooden skewers, paper, markers, thick threads and any cap that looks like a bucket( maybe from old toys).
  3. We wash vegetables for crafts and dry them with a towel.
  4. We work on a large wooden skewer( allowed for two for a fortress) potatoes as they decrease. The lower vegetable should be placed so that it is as stable as possible( this is the easiest way).
  5. Through the central potato we pass the toothpick and puncture the carrot mugs on it. This will be the hands of a snowman.
  6. Attach the cap to the head with glue.
  7. We make the eyes of the snowman paper, and in the center draw dark pupils.
  8. The mouth is also better to draw with a red pen or pencil.
  9. The snowman's nose will be small, it needs to be done from the sharp part of the wooden skewer.
  10. We put the buttons of the craft on a dark felt-tip pen.
  11. Cut a few thick threads and glue them to the cut skewer. It will be a broom that we attach to the snowman's hand. The work is ready!

Video tutorials on creating crafts from potatoes for school and kindergarten

So that each parent can help his child make an unusual hand-made potato from his own hands for the school, it's best to consider some free video tutorials or recommendations for creating these accessories first. Careful moms and dads understand that the more interesting the idea is, the easier it is to involve the child in the work. From potatoes it is easy to make not only animals, but also plants. And if you combine all this into a single composition, then you get a chic hand-crafted article.

Potato rose

Hedgehog from potatoes with own hands for 10 minutes

Lesson on making ducks from potatoes and carrots for children

Photo of interesting hand-made articles on the theme "Autumn" from potatoes

To create your own unique idea for crafting a school exhibition, fair, contestor a holiday, it is allowed to analyze different pictures with the finished products of other students. Recently, it is very popular to make vegetables from rabbits, squirrels, poodles, cartoon heroes( smurfs, cops, simc and noch).It will be very original, if such creatures are planted in a house or on a clearing with gifts of nature. Consider light versions of such pottery crafts in the photo:

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