How to detect and relieve inflammation of the hemorrhoids

inflammation of the hemorrhoids Among the many proctologic diseases, the most common is hemorrhoids.

According to the statistics of specialists among all patients who turn to proctologists, this disease worries almost 40% of them. Hemorrhoids - this is the same varicose veins, only touching the veins in the rectum. Because of the outflow of blood in the veins of the rectum, a disease appears.

When it progresses, the hemorrhoidal nodes become inflamed, and then the necessity of surgical intervention is inevitable.

Absolutely able-bodied people are most likely to fall into the risk group for hemorrhoids.

A person begins to feel uncomfortable sensations in the anus, possibly also the occurrence of bleeding.

If once the disease manifested itself, and appropriate measures were taken in time, even in this case, the hemorrhoidal cones do not disappear, but simply become smaller.

When they become inflamed again, this indicates an exacerbation of the chronic form of hemorrhoids.


  • Causes of inflammation
  • instagram viewer
  • How does inflammation manifest?
  • First aid for inflammation
    • Traditional medicine: prescriptions and tips
  • Medication
  • Modern approach to therapy
  • How to prevent disease?
  • What is unpleasant about hemorrhoids?

Causes of inflammation

Because hemorrhoids are a vascular disease, the tone in them is significantly weakened and the blood properties begin to change. So, stagnant phenomena appear.

If the intra-abdominal pressure rises, the hemorrhoidal nodes may fall out. Especially acute it is felt during a bowel movement, it is unimportant, this is diarrhea or constipation, the mucous membrane in the anal passage will be traumatized by outgoing masses. This is one of the main reasons why hemorrhoidal nodes become inflamed.

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Improper nutrition is also often a cause of inflammation of hemorrhoids. Too sharp and salty food, drinking alcoholic drinks, ignoring liquid food, constant dry-fat food, all this provokes the disease.

A sedentary lifestyle can also provoke an inflammatory process in the nodes.

Unfortunately, very often and pregnant, this problem does not bypass, especially in the last months of the term. This is facilitated by an increase in the uterus, which begins to press on the vessels of the pelvis, which prevents normal blood flow.

Thus, stagnant phenomena are manifested, the pressure becomes much higher, and as a consequence, hemorrhoidal nodes become inflamed.

If the problem has already manifested itself, it is contraindicated to engage in strenuous physical work and carry weights.

Nevertheless, it can not be said that people engaged in mental work do not face such a problem. Scientists have proved that a person's mental state can also greatly affect the development of this disorder, in particular, stresses and excessive disturbances are counter-indicative.

The influence of genetic factors is not excluded.

How does inflammation manifest?

When the hemorrhoids become aggravated and inflammation of the hemorrhoids occurs, the process develops in several stages, each of which has its own characteristic symptoms:

  1. The first stage of the does not cause severe discomfort, only a slight itch or burning sensation, a tidal flow of blood in the anus. Especially the sensations after drinking alcohol or spicy food are amplified. There are also painful sensations during defecation. If you let it go, the next stage of the disease will begin very quickly, thromboses in the hemorrhoidal nodes and inflammation are formed.
  2. second - characterized by a strong and long-lasting pain in any position of the body, a person hard to defecate, hemorrhoids bleed and swell, throw out the outside temperature rises.
  3. Third - hemorrhoids become very dense and crimson, the tissues around the anus also appear inflamed. The pains become so strong that a person becomes disabled, the temperature jumps, it is difficult not only during defecation, but also urination. At this stage, the hemorrhoidal nodes increase, at least up to 2 cm and drop out of the anal passage.
  4. The last stage of requires immediate response and treatment from a proctologist or surgeon. The main thing is to pay attention to the condition of your organs in time, not to ignore any pain and discomfort, to seek help from a doctor.

Stages of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids in medicine are distinguished in two forms: chronic and acute.

The first one has four stages of development with such signs:

  • scar tissue excretion without prolapse of nodes during feces;
  • dropping out of nodes that are themselves returning back;
  • hemorrhoidal nodes come out, but they can still be inserted back by hand;
  • dropping nodes, which, unfortunately, you can not insert yourself.

The second form of the disease first manifests itself in thrombosis of the hemorrhoids, then they become inflamed, and then inflammation of all tissues in the anal passage and rectum is observed.

First aid for inflammation of

To relieve pain, relieve inflammation and prevent further constipation, it is recommended that enemas be used. Thrombosis of nodes

The intestine is cleaned with medicines or folk herbs that can help repair tissues in the gut, anesthetize, relieve the inflammation of the hemorrhoids and bring recovery from an unpleasant illness.

After cleansing with enema it is very useful to put a special candle, medicinal substances from which are well absorbed into the affected tissue.

Folk Medicine: Recipes and tips

reduce inflammation of hemorrhoids at home, you can use broth-based chamomile, which quickly disinfects and soothes inflammation. To prepare the decoction, one spoonful of grass, infused for an hour in a glass of boiling water, is sufficient.

Despite the healing properties of chamomile, prolonged use of it can disrupt the microflora in the intestine, so it is necessary to limit 10 sessions.

You can also use potassium permanganate. It should take just two pinches per glass of water. It is well disinfected, so it is often used even in the last stages of the disease. Enema is best placed before bedtime for one week.

Because hemorrhoids always aggravate the patient's condition with frequent constipation, and during them you can get injuries during defecation, increased pain and bleeding, you can try to pick the right laxative.

Such manipulations are also very important during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

It should be noted that the human body gets used to laxative drugs quite quickly, which once again proves the necessity of following clearly prescribed prescriptions and dosages.

Candles made of potatoes In addition to chamomile, you can brew and make baths from the bark of oak. Bee products, honey and propolis, have an excellent effect, they can be talked about for a very long time. The main thing is that the patient does not have allergies on them.

Stop bleeding from hemorrhoids, remove swelling and stop the inflammatory process by using potato or sea-buckthorn candles.

In addition, the sea buckthorn oil works well, which is lubricated by external knots of knots. Unfortunately, you can completely get rid of hemorrhoids only surgically or in a minimally invasive way.

During treatment of inflammation of the hemorrhoids it is important not to use toilet paper for wiping, it is better to wash with warm water.

Medical treatment

After the examination, the treating proctologist prescribes medical treatment of hemorrhoids. Most often candles and ointments are used that can fight with thrombosis, edema, itching and inflammation. Bethel candles

Among the candles, the most common are Anuzol and Nigepan, which together give good results. Of the ointments, more often than others, Relief and Proctosidil are prescribed. Their action can strengthen the lotions from herbal decoctions.

In addition, a doctor can prescribe a certain diet to a patient: the use of plant foods, beets, prunes, plentiful drink. Such food makes the stool so soft that it does not harm the hemorrhoids.

The modern approach to therapy

More modern methods of therapy for inflammation of hemorrhoids are:

  1. Sclerotherapy - reduction of nodes, by the introduction of a special drug in them.
  2. Ligation with latex rings .The ring is put on knots to stop blood flow to them. This leads to their withering away.
  3. Infrared photocoagulation - with the beam of the vein coagulate, and the blood flow to them decreases. Desaturization of hemorrhoids .Bandaging of arteries feeding blood nodes, under the influence of local anesthesia.
  4. Cryotherapy - freezing nodes for a few minutes, after which it dies.

Methods of treating hemorrhoids

If hemorrhoids become complicated, lotions and use of medicines does not help, you can get rid of the disease only surgically. Under general anesthesia, an operation is performed to remove the nodes.

How to prevent disease?

Since hemorrhoids often form with sedentary work, it is worth every hour to allocate yourself about 10 minutes for walking( at least along the corridor), and instead of soft furniture it is better to use more rigid seats.

It is important for drivers to do at least a short pause every three to four hours.

Human nutrition should be such that there are no problems with either diarrhea or constipation. After going to the toilet should be washed with cold water.

A special risk group includes pregnant women, they are best off walking and doing special gymnastics.

inflammation of the hemorrhoids photo

The photo shows how the inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes looks like

What is unpleasant about hemorrhoids?

If the case is really started, it can cause blood infection, the development of anemia and ulcers, the appearance of cracks in the anal passage and lead to incontinence of stool.

In this case, categorically prohibited independent treatment, only after consultation with specialists.

In addition, specialists should exclude the formation of a malignant tumor in the gut. It is best to start treatment on time and achieve the desired result.

Of course, the inflammation of the hemorrhoids is not the most pleasant disease you want to talk about. But, in time to solve the problem and do not run it, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It's better to go through all your shyness in such an intimate problem, because then you have to deal with more complex consequences.

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