Medicamentous treatment of hemorrhoids - the choice of an effective scheme

medical treatment of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids is a multifaceted disease, the course of which can be asymptomatic.

In some cases there is an exacerbation of the disease, which leads to the appearance of pain, bleeding.

In the initial stages of hemorrhoids, the most commonly used medication is medication.


  • Features of drug therapy
  • Groups and types of medicines
    • Topical preparations
    • Drugs for internal use
  • Selection of treatment regimen
    • Tactics of prescriptions for exacerbation of disease
    • Approach to treatment of chronic disease
    • How to stop bleeding?
  • Rules to be adhered to

Features of drug therapy

Treatment of hemorrhoids with medication is most often performed at the initial stage of the disease course.

This method of treatment is used in acute forms of the disease.

If the patient undergoes hemorrhoidectomy, then after her mandatory medication is used. Therapy is aimed at stopping the symptoms of the acute stage of the disease and preventing possible complications.

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If the patient has chronic illness, then medication should be used to prevent complications. itches the anus

The main purpose of using medication is to eliminate the itching, burning and pain in the anal passage that results from the development of hemorrhoids.

With the help of medicines, bleeding stops, and inflammation stops. In some cases, patients are prescribed drugs that help improve blood flow in the hemorrhoids, as well as reduce the fragility of the walls of the capillaries.

Groups and types of medicines

In order to get rid of the manifestations of hemorrhoids, the following groups of drugs are needed:

  • of corticosteroids;
  • systemic enzyme therapy;
  • of heparin;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Posterized, etc.
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Drugs for topical treatment of

Very often during the treatment of the disease in the initial stages, candles are used. They are inserted into the anal opening and have a universal effect.

candles from hemorrhoids To date, there are a huge number of suppositories that are able to fight a particular problem that occurs with hemorrhoids.

Candles can be used to heal cracks on hemorrhoids, stop bleeding, eliminate inflammation or pain syndrome.

Ointments are often used to reduce local manifestations of the disease. Thanks to their use, painful sensations in the anus are removed, and discomfort, itching, burning and heaviness are eliminated.

Ointment is applied directly to the patient's sore spot. Most often, a tampon is used for this purpose.

The most commonly used tools are:

  • Aurobin;
  • Neutluan;
  • Ultraproject;
  • Proctogliolol.

If the patient has complications of hemorrhoids, then he is given the appointment:

  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Proctosedil;
  • Troquesvasein ointment;
  • Heparin Ointment.

Drugs for internal use

For the most effective treatment, medications are given in the form of tablets, which are taken depending on the symptomatology observed in the patient.

If a patient has a pain syndrome, he needs to take analgesics. Paracetamol and its derivatives are most often used for this purpose.

If the pain occurs as a result of an anal fissure, then spasmolytics are used to eliminate it. Baralgin

The most common in this case is the reception:

  • Verolgana;
  • of Baralgina;
  • of spasmoverthalgin;
  • preparations of the nitroglycerin series.

If a patient has microcirculatory disorders and malfunctions in hemorheology, then he needs to take such drugs:

  • low molecular weight dextrans;
  • Trenal;
  • acetylsalicylic acid.

In order to reduce the fragility of capillaries, it is necessary to use combined phlebotonics.

In order to improve blood flow in the hemorrhoids, it is necessary to use drugs that belong to the group of chainsaws.

If a patient has constipation, then he needs to take laxative medications.

To date, there is a huge number of drugs used to treat a variety of forms of hemorrhoids.

Selection of treatment regimen

The choice of treatment for hemorrhoids directly depends on the features of its course.

Tactics of prescriptions for exacerbation of the disease

If a patient has an exacerbation of the disease, then he needs to prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

If a patient experiences severe pain during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, then he needs to take painkillers.

Patient needs to receive:

  • Nyosa;
  • of diclofenac;
  • of the Cenotal.

When spreading the inflammatory process to the subcutaneous tissue, the patient needs the following: Levomexol

  • Levomechol;
  • Mazy of Vishnevsky;
  • Levosina.

These drugs belong to the category of anti-inflammatory drugs.

If a patient develops thrombosis, then he needs to take Heparin and Troxevasin ointment.

For the purpose of liquefaction of blood and resorption of thrombi, venotonizing drugs and agents are prescribed. With an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, anal fissures are often observed in patients.

Their treatment is quite efficiently performed with the help of medicines, which belong to the Relief line.

Approach to the treatment of chronic disease

In the initial stages of chronic hemorrhoids, medication is most often used to treat the disease. Their use should be aimed at eliminating the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease.

If the patient has pain in the anal area, then he needs to take non-narcotic analgesics.

The most commonly used application is:

  • Nyosa;
  • Ketonal;
  • of diclofenac;
  • Voltaren;
  • Movalisa.

If the tissue that surrounds the node is spreading the inflammatory process, the patient must receive the following:

  • Posterized;
  • Ointments for Vishnevsky;
  • Bezornila.

Detralex For the most effective treatment of chronic hemorrhoids, phlebotonic drugs should be used. Most often in this case take Detralex.

If the patient has a bleeding, then it is necessary to use suppositories, which include adrenaline.

It is also acceptable to use drugs based on local hemostatic materials.

How to stop bleeding?

If hemorrhoids bleed, rectal suppositories are recommended, with the help of which the symptoms of the disease are eliminated and the discomfort is reduced.

Before prescribing candles, the doctor determines the stage of the disease development. A high level of effectiveness is characterized by suppositories of gepatrombin. gepatrombin suppositories

With their help the blood clotting process is normalized. When this disease develops, the patient is prescribed Detralex tablets. In the presence of severe bleeding, the patient must be injected with Vikasol.

The scheme of treatment of hemorrhoids directly depends on its form, the definition of which is carried out by physicians. With the proper selection of medications, you can quickly get rid of the symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

Rules to be followed by

To ensure high effectiveness of treatment, the patient must adhere to certain rules.

Treatment of this disease should never be done on its own. Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences.

Treat any manifestation of hemorrhoids need to be integrated. The appointment should be done solely by the doctor.

During treatment, the patient is strictly prohibited to change the dosage of medicines independently. If the patient has an allergic reaction to a certain drug, then it must be replaced by an analog.

hemorrhoids Treatment of hemorrhoids with drug therapy is performed at the initial stages of the disease.

With the help of some medicines it is almost impossible to get rid of hemorrhoids, but to eliminate symptoms and reduce manifestations is quite realistic.

Highly effective drug therapy is also after surgical intervention. Prescribe drugs should only be a proctologist.

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  • Feb 26, 2018
  • 33
  • 287