Nutrition for acne and seborrhea

Skin problems, such as acne( acne) or seborrhea, often appear due to a person's eating habits. How should you eat so that there are no such problems to avoid the appearance of pimples and dandruff?

What you need is

Daily replenishment of essential vitamins and trace elements is the main condition for having clean and healthy skin. The most important of them: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, chromium, vitamins A, C, PP and B vitamins.

  • Fill the lack of phosphorus with products such as cheese, milk, meat, cottage cheese and egg yolks.
  • Calcium is rich in greens, beans, all sour-milk products.
  • potassium, avocado, bananas and oranges are the leaders in potassium content.
  • For magnesium, answer bitter chocolate, watermelons, apples and parsley.
  • Chromium can be found in forest berries, carrots, apples, sweet peppers.
  • Lemons, cauliflower, red fruits will provide your body with vitamin C.
  • Carrots, liver and spinach - vitamin A.
  • Chicken, red fish and wheat - vitamin PP.
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  • In case of deficiency of B vitamins, you should eat bread, meat products, buckwheat.

Vegetable crops and fruits, containing a large number of plant fibers, help to cleanse the body of toxins. The establishment of favorable microflora in the digestive tract is promoted by fermented milk products.

Fatty fish and the omega-3 and vitamin A acids contained in it protect the skin from various kinds of rashes. Such fish should be eaten at least twice a week, or instead eat fish oil.

The most useful cooking methods are boiling, baking or steaming. Thus, the food will retain most of the nutrients.

You should eat several times a day, giving each meal a sufficient amount of time.

What is not needed

List of products that, if abused, can cause acne and seborrhea, lead to dandruff on the head.

  1. Sweets. All that contains a large amount of sugar and substances that replace sugar, certainly leads to the appearance of acne. Pure mineral water and green tea should replace soda. Sharply limit the sweet in the diet will help honey and fruits.
  2. Nuts. Most types of nuts contribute to the manifestation of acne. Do not completely remove the nuts, because they are still very useful. But reduce their consumption is up to a portion a day. The optimum serving is 5-6 not fried nuts of any kind.
  3. Fatty dairy products. Dairy products with a high proportion of fat badly affect the condition of the body, and skin in particular. It is worth paying attention to kefir and yoghurts containing live lactic cultures, which help the body to fight toxins.
  4. Meat. Can contain a high amount of both natural animal hormones, and artificially introduced into the feed. They contribute to the appearance of acne. Safe in this respect products - chicken, rabbit meat.
  5. Fats. Fried and fatty food is a real enemy of clean skin. Reduce the consumption of fats, give preference to vegetable oils of cold pressing.

It's not so difficult to follow this program. Start cleaning the body is necessary primarily with water. Try to drink at least one and a half liters of plain clean water every day. Try it yourself and you will see the result!

Therapeutic diets
  • Mar 07, 2018
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