Dangerous products for children up to the age of three

It is known that small children should not be given harmful food. Many believe that the list of products dangerous for children is limited to chips, soda and sweets. Alas, but this is not entirely true. The list of prohibited foods is much broader.

1. Meat broth

Doctors recommend to serve meat separately from the broth. When cooking, it accumulates substances that irritate the immature stomach of the child.

2. Sausage

Another harmful, unhealthy product in your baby's diet. Of course, moms do not give crumbs to smoked sausage. But they believe that the doctor's sausage is very safe and harmless for them.

This is not quite true. In boiled sausages, there are a lot of fats, food additives, dyes and salt. In addition, the quality of such sausages often wants to leave the best.

3. Overseas caviar

To increase hemoglobin, relatives often advise red or black caviar. Therefore, some moms try to stuff the kid with sandwiches and caviar.

Fortunately, many children do not want to eat such delicacies. Because of the excessive amount of salt that is contained in the caviar, the kids refuse them. And they do it right. Salt irritates the food tract.

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4. Seafood

If your baby has not refused to try shrimp or squid, then this is not a sign that they should be included in the diet. Seafood is too long to digest and heavy on the stomach. Therefore, they can not be used categorically.

5. Mushrooms

Doctors do not recommend preparing small mushrooms for small children until the very school. They are absorbed for a long time. And in general have every chance to provoke a terrible allergy, right up to poisoning.

6. Grandma's spins

Salted cucumbers, squash caviar, marinated mushrooms, tomatoes - all these products can affect the kidneys of the child.

7. Ice cream

It would seem an inoffensive product. But after reading the composition of the goodies, you do not want to buy it for the child anymore.

Modern types of ice cream contain a lot of harmful dyes, flavors, emulsifiers, fats and carbohydrates. You will not find anything dairy in them now.

8. Chocolate

So attracts by its smell, wrapper, advertising such tasty, sweet chocolate. But he is categorically forbidden to children.

First of all, it spoils children's teeth. Secondly, chocolate is an allergenic product. Thirdly, it is not a vital product, without which the child will not grow. Replace sweets, chocolate on sweet raisins, dried apricots, banana, a delicious apple.

9. Bakery

Cake, buns, waffles, cookies give a huge load to your baby's pancreas. In addition, if the baking is factory, then it contains a lot of food impurities, which can be a strong allergen. So do not buy confectionery for a child, pity his stomach.

Listen to the advice of nutritionists so that your baby does not have problems with the digestive tract and allergies. The later he tries all these products, the healthier will be. Accustom it to proper nutrition. And already being an adult, your child will only thank you.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 07, 2018
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