Lens Drying: Causes and Solutions

Contact lenses are preferred by people for whom the use of glasses is associated with a variety of inconveniences.

These include: misting glasses, awkward positioning of the bow bow, an error in the definition of diopters, etc.

Lenses are invisible to the eyes and with proper care of them can serve much more than the specified time.

But these devices are 25-80% water, and when dry, they turn into a solid crystalline substance, which easily crumbles in the hands.

Why is this happening and can we somehow improve the situation?

Contents of [Hide]
    • 1. Reasons for
    • 2. What is the danger of drying out?
    • 3. What to do in this case?
    • 4. How to avoid lens drying?
    • 5. Conclusion
    • 6. Video

Reasons for

Manufacturers produce different models of lenses. Some are designed for one-day use. Others suggest use within 2-3 months( washed every day with a special solution and stored at night in containers).

The third ones are designed for multi-day wearing( soft lenses that can be worn for up to 1 year, removing from time to time for cleaning from protein deposits).

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People with visual impairments can easily pick up suitable matrices if they have previously visited an ophthalmologist who gave the necessary recommendations and accurately picked up lenses for curvature and diopters.

And like the problem is solved, but at an unexpected moment one of the lenses either immediately dry out, and the person does not know what to do next? This happens for the reasons described below.

Products are stored in an open container

Keep lenses in open containers, and even more so in a room with low moisture values ​​is not allowed. As a consequence, the solution evaporates, and the lens becomes dry.

Violation of the rules for the use of lenses

The person is facing a mirror on which there is no shelf. One sloppy motion with your fingers, and a transparent matrix flies to the floor.

With strong visual defects, searching for a lost product becomes a problem - sometimes it takes several hours. Sometimes searches do not give any result, and it is necessary to acquire new lenses.

This includes any careless handling of lenses and containers for their storage, which causes them any defects.

They, as well as the accumulation of debris and dust can cause tingling, rubbing, burning, severe pain in the eyes. Because of them, the person once again takes off and clothes the lenses.

Incorrectly chosen version of the lens

If the lens is not bent improperly, its curvature is incorrectly selected, an error occurred in determining the diopter, after 10-15 minutes the person unconsciously tries to get rid of it: rubs and rubs the eyes, closes eyelids, blinks rapidly.

As a result of such activity, the matrix moves away from the pupil and falls. While the owner is looking for it, it dries up and becomes very fragile.

Ignoring the doctor's recommendations

Some people ignore the doctor's recommendations and rest at night without removing the lenses. This can lead to the loss and drying of the product, not designed for long-term use.

Much less often with such problems, those buyers who strictly follow the advice of a doctor and do not lazy to disinfect and clean products in a timely manner.

What is the danger of drying?

People who use lenses can get into an unpleasant situation at any time. But if it has already happened that the lens has dried up for the above reasons, why is it dangerous?

There is no unambiguous answer to this question. One person will gently place a lump, fragile as glass, in a washing solution and then wears the matrix, as if nothing had happened.

And the other after 5 minutes of use of a wet product will feel a strong discomfort. In this case, it is better to follow the recommendations of a specialist.

And his opinion on this issue will be the only correct one: the structure of the dried lens, which has lain long outside the liquid medium, can not be restored to its original state.

The product covered by the smallest micro-cracks that are not visible visually, but of eyes will not be able to "accept" the matrix and inflamed.

In the eyeball, small hemorrhages may occur, lachrymation begins, then there is photophobia and strong rezi. If a person is dear to his eyesight, then they will have to invest in new lenses.

The following articles may help:

  • At what age can I wear contact lenses?
  • What is the curvature of lenses?
  • One-day and monthly lenses: which ones are better?

What should I do?

But to run every time to the pharmacy for new lenses, which for a few minutes disappeared from the field of view, also there is no reason. This is how much money will need for scattered people, who have such incidents always!

If the matrix is ​​lost and after 10-15 minutes was found, it should immediately be placed in the solution and left for several hours. There is a chance that the surface of the product has retained its integrity.

If further discomfort has not occurred, then a gradual loss of moisture has not yet led to the formation of cracks.

Doubts about the integrity of the matrix arise when in the storage container few special liquid, and the transparent film adhered to its walls.

Is it possible to tear off the lens from a solid material? In no event, because the adherent edge may break when moving sharply, and then the lens will come to full disrepair.

To correct the situation, you need to pour the solution into the container to the very top so that the matrix is ​​completely immersed in the liquid. After a few minutes, she herself will lag behind the sides of the container.

How to avoid lens drying?

Before buying lenses specialist not only detect errors in vision, but also to explain how and why they should be stored, how to wear when you want to replace them.

When purchasing lenses, it is worth to take care of the presence:

  • of a sufficient amount of cleaning solution;
  • liquid or tablets for disinfecting products;
  • special container, designed to store 2 lenses;
  • cup, in which the disinfectant will be prepared;
  • sterile wipes;
  • clean cloth or oilcloth on which the lens will be visible if it falls( spread out on a shelf under the mirror).

Gathering to work or going on a long journey, you must always bring a container for storing lenses and a solution for washing them.

If it happened that there was no special liquid at hand, then you can put the lens in water. It is more rigid in composition than the solution, and if the matrix is ​​reused, there will be a feeling that sand has been poured into the eyes.

Therefore, a new solution is still necessary to buy. But the lens will remain unharmed. After purchasing a special liquid, you need to pull the product out of the water and rinse again in the cleaning solution.


Drying the lens is not a reason for panic if you act correctly. For this it is necessary: ​​

  1. To think about creating conditions under which a fallen lens will be detected in the shortest possible time.
  2. eliminate the risk of drying of the product, taking care to buy cleaning and disinfecting solution, a container and a special cup.
  3. Do not remove the lens, squeezing it with fingernails from both edges.
  4. If the solution has poured out or suddenly ended, and if the optics are far away, you can leave the matrix in water for this time.
  5. Do not wear lenses without a mirror.
  6. Do not rub or scratch your eyes if you experience discomfort, but carefully remove and inspect the lens. In this case, it is better to change the lens to a new one.
  7. It is compulsory to remove the night vision correction agent if, according to the instructions, the lenses need daily washing and disinfection.
  8. Visit again the ophthalmologist, if after using new lenses the head starts to hurt, the mucous eye becomes inflamed, pain and rezi appear.

Not everyone fits a lens, as a way to correct vision. The following picture shows their effect on the eye:

In rare cases, the eyes are so sensitive to foreign bodies that they even perceive the delicate and delicate texture of the matrix as sandpaper. In this case, there is one option - to use glasses instead of lenses.

Modern inventions allow people with physical defects not to feel inferiority in comparison with other people, not to disfigure appearance, not to lose the former capacity for work and the opportunity to communicate with colleagues.

Such very popular and effective tools include eye lenses. But whether they become real helpers for a person depends on his right actions.

In such situations it is better to rely not on your own flair and advice from friends, but listen to the right recommendations of experienced professionals who will explain what to do if suddenly the lenses are lost and dried up.


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