Circumcision of the foreskin in men: causes and consequences. Cutting operation for men: before and after photos

Contents of

  • In which countries are circumcision done in men?
  • What is the meaning of circumcision in men?
  • What circumcision do men do?
  • Where to make circumcision in men?
  • Male circumcision with laser, modern laser excision
  • Male circumcision, photo before and after surgery
  • Male circumcision, healing time, care
  • Consequences of circumcision in men, how to understand that there are complications?
  • Video: "Operation of circumcision"

In which countries do circumcision for men?

Circumcision is a surgical operation that is performed on the male genitalia. It was performed in ancient times in many countries and has not lost its relevance in modern times.

This operation is only of a religious nature and most often it occurs in infancy. Its essence lies in the circumcision and removal of a separate area of ​​skin tissue( foreskin) on the penis.

There is a certain tendency in the modern world, which indicates that circumcision can be carried out far not only in religious, but also for personal purposes at own will or the desire of parents.

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This initial operation takes this operation and the first traditions and foundations of Orthodoxy. Moreover, the Bible claims that "Circumcision of the Lord" is one of the greatest Orthodox holidays for believers. But at the same time, in many other ancient countries, for example in Egypt or Africa , there are also hints of such a rite.

Even before the turn of the twentieth century, approximately 80% of the entire male population that adhered to a certain Muslim faith had to necessarily perform this rite.

circumcision rite - surgical intervention to remove a skin area from the penis

Accordingly, there are a number of countries where the circumcision rite still remains relevant:

  • In all Muslim countries. This procession is an obligatory adherence to the faith and it takes place still in the infantile infant age, until the child has reached the age of one year. Since the child is small, his parents take the decision for him
  • However, it should be noted that modern views on circumcision have made their own adjustments and many Muslim countries, in which the predominant Arab male population, prefer to circumcise boys after twelve years of
  • Only some parents, who adhere to the Muslim faith, prefer that their child can make an independent decision about whether he needs circumcision or not. He takes such a decision only when he reaches his full age. This opinion from the part is considered correct, because only in this way a person will be able to go through the path of torment and doubt, similar to the fact that circumcision in the Muslim countries
fell on the share of the prophet
. However, Muslim countries are not the only ones among those in which male circumcision is performed. It is also carried out in in Jewish countries and in some African communities.
  • If we compare Muslim and Jewish customs of , then we can confidently say that Jews have a more strict attitude to circumcision and are subject to clear canons. Thus, newborn infants undergo this surgery, who survive only their eighth day of life.
  • . It is almost impossible to transfer child circumcision to Jews, except for a serious illness of the infant that will cause poor wound healing. In such cases, this event can be transferred already for the eighth year from the birth of .Only after circumcision the Jewish boy acquires his status in society and can be considered a full-fledged man.
  • And if we talk about the procedure of circumcision in some African communities, then it should be noted that this action is exposed to more than half of the male population. In this case, religious religions of a person also remain relevant. However, not every settlement can boast of advanced medicine and civilization. For this reason, such circumcision does not rarely "give" a person a lot of infectious diseases, tissue infections and there are deaths in men from circumcision
ceremony of Jewish circumcision of the foreskin in a baby

What is the meaning of circumcision in men?

Having learned about where the circumcision ceremony is done, it is also worth investigating the numerous reasons for it:

  • Religious canons - are the very beliefs that their religion dictates. Such canons are strictly adhered to by Jews and Muslims, where the procession is carried out even in the unconscious infant age by the parents' decision( most often before the child is one year old).
  • Aesthetic beliefs - such a decision of the operation is only aesthetic and cosmetic. Such intervention is often performed in adulthood for the reason that such an operation seems to him beautiful, capable of revealing and demonstratively demonstrating all the advantages of the penis. Attractively it or not - everyone decides individually
  • Sexual beliefs - many couples are convinced that such a surgical intervention can make adjustments to their sexual relations. Thus, some scientific studies have shown that women experience more pleasure when they have sex with a circumcised man.
  • Medical recommendations - in some cases the doctor himself is able to convince a man that he needs circumcision. This is due to the fact that the very foreskin, which is represented by a small fold of the skin - a place of accumulation of many unpleasant and harmful infections. Such infections often lead to a variety of inflammatory diseases of male genital organs and even to sexually transmitted diseases, which cause the urinary system

. These causes are the most crucial in this operation. It is worth noting that over time, such a surgical intervention has found its perfect form with quality disinfection and the availability of all the necessary tools.

If earlier this action was conducted in religious institutions, now it can be professionally carried out in a medical clinic quickly and efficiently.

What circumcision do men do?

It should be noted that circumcision exists in two forms. A distinction is made:

  • complete circumcision
  • partial circumcision

What the circumcision should occur is decided only by the physiological predisposition of the man and the size of the skin fold and the amount of flesh to be removed.

The most common is partial, not complete circumcision of the flesh. It is worth noting that there is no precise certainty or rigor in the quantity of cut flesh. The main thing is to cut the tissues so that the head of the penis in a calm position always had its open position.

Increasingly, circumcision takes on a very popular and demanded surgical operation, no matter what religion a man adheres to.

In some civilized countries, the baby is offered such an operation in the first days of his life in the maternity department of the hospital.

In adulthood, such an operation is extremely rare, because it is best to circumcise when the boy has not yet formed into a man. In adulthood, a man can be pushed into surgery by aesthetic and medical beliefs about beauty or the need for health.

In any case, this operation should be carried out only to the person who has high medical qualifications. So you can be sure that the procession will be successful, without infection, loss of blood, violations of the urinary system and the left wound quickly heals.

schematic depiction of the consequences of the performed operation for cutting the foreskin in men

Where to make circumcision in men?

Every adult who is going to this operation or parents who give the child circumcision should know that it should be done only by a professional in his field with a medical education and only in better conditions. Many modern private and public clinics offer this operation at any age.

Before performing the operation, the selected medical institution should be carefully examined:

  • Each modern medical clinic necessarily has its own personal website on the Internet. It is recommended to visit the page of your chosen clinic in order to get acquainted with the services provided by it, to study all prices and opportunities, to "get acquainted" with the personnel and to get acquainted with copies of all documents of the medical institution
  • . You can always make an appointment for an additional and often absolutely free consultation to the leading surgeon who will tellabout all the advantages and disadvantages of circumcision, will dispel fears and give recommendations to
  • . Doubtful reputation or insufficient financing of the clinic can lead tothat personnel will not be sufficiently attentive to the operation or processing of medical instruments, which in turn will lead to the consequences and infections of
before the circumcision surgery is performed - the reputation of the clinic and the personnel of

should be carefully studied. Male circumcision, modernlaser excision

Modern medicine offers many opportunities for conducting operations with minimal complications, pain and time costs. So the process of circumcision in men acquired a faster and almost painless form. Laser removal of the foreskin helps to perform the operation accurately and quickly and leads to the fact that all the consequences of the operation remain insignificant, and the wound very quickly heals.

Laser cutting allows you to accurately cut the skin folds clearly in a circle. This method is considered the best and has many positive aspects.

Laser surgery advantages:

  • Laser surgical intervention contributes to the fact that when cutting all blood vessels are literally "sealed".This phenomenon contributes to minimal blood loss and most often does not give blood vessels to cover
  • . Laser surgery contributes to the fact that the patient completely avoids any swelling of the surrounding tissues. Healing occurs very quickly
  • During this intervention, only local minimal anesthesia is used, and the operation itself is painless and almost imperceptible.
  • Such interference occurs with all the observance of sterility standards, which in turn favors a calm and rapid healing and absence of inflammatory processes after
  • operation. The method of operation is quite fast and self-circumcision does not take more than twenty minutes( in contrast to traditional operationswhich takes about an hour)

Tissue healing after laser surgery occurs much faster than from traditional surgery and therefore this method of circumcision is a favorite in the modern world. The only drawback of such intervention is its tangible value in private and professional clinics.

laser circumcision

Circumcision in men, photo before and after surgery

The procedure for circumcision of men's foreskin is becoming increasingly popular and it is conducted regardless of the age of the man. However, most often it is committed in childhood from one year to fourteen years.

The operation is simple enough:

  • first complete and thorough disinfection of the genitals of the male
  • using a special clamp and a tourniquet the penis is fixed.
  • , a special anesthetic is inserted into the base of the penis( local anesthesia).
  • , the skin fold is pulled and at this time it is cut
  • on the fabric superimposed seams and the penis lends itself to the dressing
photo before and after the circumcision

Circumcision of the foreskin in men, the duration of the lifeLenia,

care Most often, doctors do recommend male circumcision because they risk of catching a disease like phimosis.

Simply put, this disease is characterized by too narrow foreskin, through which the head of the penis can not completely free.

This disease often gives a man a lot of discomfort and pain, both in normal everyday and in sexual life.

During the operation, the man is given a special anesthetic, which allows him not to feel pain during the intervention.

However, in the postoperative period, the doctor prescribes the administration of certain drugs that allow you not to feel discomfort during the healing period.

If you performed a traditional operation( not laser), then most likely, the rehabilitation period will last for two weeks. Within a month after the operation, it is necessary to limit oneself from sex, so as not to damage the process of scarring.

If after this time you observe healing and do not feel any discomfort, you can have sex, but only with a condom( at least two months).

Postoperative period for circumcision

Care for the penis after the operation:

  • After the intervention the next day the doctor will make the dressing yourself, then you will need to do it yourself
  • The joints should be treated daily after the operation during the entire healing time
  • If after the operationthe place has a small inflammatory process - the penis should be treated with a small amount of antiseptic ointment

Depending on the method of operationthere may be consequences such as:

  • puffiness
  • soreness
  • excessive sensitivity

Consequences of circumcision in men, how to understand that there are complications?

A small puffiness and fighting sensations after surgery is a norm that can not be avoided. However, it is worth paying attention to excessive redness of the penis or its large swelling. If the situation does not decrease in any way and is not weakened by the day, urgent medical attention should be sought from the doctor for help.

A huge deviation is the presence of a person's temperature after the operation This indicates that the body has an infection or inflammatory disease.

To avoid the consequences, it is necessary: ​​

  • not to violate the prescribed mode of the doctor
  • to avoid any pressure on your genitals
  • not to wear tight underwear, give preference to free
  • to regularly change clothes to clean
  • after the operation to avoid any loads during one-two months

Consequences of incorrect operation:

  • inflammatory diseases
  • infectious diseases
  • blood infection
  • violation of erectile function
  • urinary system diseases
  • The loss
  • organ sensitivity venereal diseases
  • aesthetically pleasing
fatal consequences of incorrect operation to remove the foreskin

reviews circumcision


The Internet is filled with a lot of reviews about the operation performed for circumcision of the foreskin in men. It is interesting, but most of the comments on this matter belong to women who describe the attraction of such a sexual organ and its excellent opportunities during sex.

On the other hand, men are often embarrassed to talk or demonstrate a circumcised penis and only some of them are proud of this feature. Most often, these are the men who, at a conscious age, go to surgery for aesthetic reasons. Religious aspirations allow you to keep silent about men about their characteristics.

Video: "Cutting of the foreskin"

  • Mar 03, 2018
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