Draw a willow with children. How to draw a willow tree and a tree in pencil and gouache in stages?

Step-by-step instruction for drawing a pussy-branch, whole tree and landscape with a vase with willow branches in pencil and gouache.


The spring nature feels differently. For example, the willow breeds its fluffy buds early and attracts our attention.

We like to put its branches in vases, to depict on postcards and pictures, timed to the Easter holidays and women's day.

It's quite easy to draw test twigs in pencil and gouache. Let us analyze the details of the process in more detail.

How to draw a willow branch in pencil and gouache in stages?

pussy-branches lay on the table and are painted with

paint Ways to draw a willow branch of gouache are several:

instagram viewer
  • with a preliminary sketch of the
  • pencil without the sketch

. In the first variant, proceed as follows:

  • draw a bunch of willow branches. These are curved lines, the ends of which are slightly wrapped in different directions,
  • add ovals the size of a bundle of your little finger. Pencil without pressure along the branches,
  • at the ends indicate a light fuzz, moving the pencil up and down the perimeter of the ovals,
  • add the opened buds at the base of the ovals,
  • erase the auxiliary lines and gouache on the pattern,
  • the stems indicate brown with the addition of black fornatural,
  • fluffy buds paint over with a mixture of yellow and white, and their base - white and black.

If your goal is a painting without coloring, then:

  • stroke the branches from the bottom and the right thicker, indicating the shadow,
  • , the same action for fluffy buds located at the bottom of the picture.

following Picture User verbal description:

drawing threads willow pencil, Step 1
drawing threads willow pencil, Step 2
drawing threads willow pencil, Step 3
drawing threads willow pencil, Step 4
sequence drawing threads willow pencil and gouache

A branchpussy is even easier to depict with gouache without a sketch:

  • on a selected background, put white brush strokes so that they can be joined by a branch,
  • with a brown line draw from the distant bud of the pussy-willow to the bottom and continue a little,
  • branchThe ribs are ready,
  • repeat the steps to create the spring palatine bouquet.


drawing of the willow branch of gouache by steps, example 1
drawing of the willow branch with gouache in steps, example 2

How to draw a pussy-willow tree in pencil and gouache in stages?

a willow tree on the river bank - drawing gouache

First, decide for what time of year you will draw a willow. In winter, unlike summer, it has no leaves, in autumn they partially fell and more yellow and brown shades, and in the spring there are a lot of them, leaves of emerald and saturated green tones.

For pencil drawing, the color of foliage does not matter, but consider the shape of the crown and the visibility of the branches.

For example, draw a tree in the summer period:

  • lightly mark the massive trunk and several ovals of various sizes around it and upwards,
  • draw a sharper barrel and the main branches that look in the crown,
  • add the falling branches from the top down with thin strokes,
  • depict the game of shadow shading,
  • erase the auxiliary lines on the crown of Willow.

Photo-instruction of everything said:

a step-by-step drawing of a pussy-willow tree.step 1 and 2
a step-by-step drawing of the pussy-willow tree.step 3 and 4
a step-by-step drawing of a pussy-willow tree.step 5 and 6

To create a picture of a pussy-willow tree, prepare a sketch with a pencil as follows:

  • draw 2 lines that run in different directions from one point. This will be the trunk and branch direction of the pussy crown,
  • add thickness to the trunk at the bottom, draw the curvature of the roots of the earth and the crookedness of the bark for realism,
  • over each branch of the trunk from top to bottom add the falling strands of branches. They will look like thick hair hairs,
  • further draw on the right and left of the sketch obtained branches, from top to the desired level. Focus on your sensations of beauty,
  • , consider the location of the strands of branches on different plans. Those that are closer to you, are fully visible, the rest - in part,
  • color gouache the result. Remember the shadow and mix the colors for its image.

Drawing instructions below:

drawing a tree with a pussy, step 1 and 2
drawing a tree with a pussy, step 3 and 4
drawing a tree with a pussy, step 6
drawing a tree with a pussy, step 5
drawing a tree with a pussy, step 7

How to draw pussy-willow branches in a vase in pencil?

pussy-willow branches in a vase, drawing by paints

First, draw a vase. Think over its details - material, color, shape, presence / absence of water.

For an example, let's figure out a drawing of a figured vase with a narrow neck:

  • draw a vertical line equal to the height of the future vase,
  • mark the intersections with perpendicular lines at the bottom, neck and top points,
  • draw flattened ovals,
  • connect the farthest points of the ovals to the left of the central vertical curve,
  • symmetrically repeat the action on the right.

Add the willow branches to the opaque vase. Use the tips of the previous section on drawing branches of pussy, or:

  • designate the contour of branches and add ovals of future colors on both sides of them,
  • add to the willow twigs parallels and opened buds,
  • if you plan the vase placement with the willow not close, the fluffy endscolors do not draw,
  • erase the helper lines and add hatching for the volume,
  • with the eraser on the right along the contour of the vase, paint a glare.

Several pictures for displaying the above:

drawing of willow branches in vase in pencil, step 1, 2, 3
drawing of willow branches in vase with pencil, step 4 and 5
drawing of willow branches in vase in pencil, step 6 and 7
drawing of willow branchesin a vase with a pencil, step 8

How to draw a willow in a vase with gouache?

tools for drawing willow branches in a vase gouache, brushes and canvas on the table

Think over the background for the picture. For example, a vase will stand on the table near the open window of a house on the river bank. On the opposite bank is a forest and bushes with early leaves.

As the willow dissolves early, then the greenery around the minimum and it's light green shades interspersed with the brown ground.

How to draw a pussy-willow in a vase:

Divide the piece of paper into 4 colored parts - a brown horizontal strip at the bottom, above it a brown-green grass, then a strip for crowns of trees and bushes of black, brown, green and gray tones, and the highest one - blue with white and yellow. They will give the shade of the spring sky,
  • for the color game mix their basic shades with white. Work with a wide rigid brush,
  • on the table background with a pencil outline the outline of the vase. It will be with water, therefore add diluted smears with white paint,
  • shadows underlined by gray-blue strokes. For the vase, traverse the right contour in gray,
  • in brown tone draw a few lines from the vase. These will be willow branches,
  • with a fine brush designate the black points of the beginning of the growth of its kidneys,
  • white fluffy details form their canvas colors, surrounding the place with other shades,
  • in the center of each bloated bud, designate the cores of the yellow-white color mixture,
  • the shallowestBrush short strokes around the kidneys to give them splendor. Alternate white and yellow colors.
  • Instructions in the form of pictures below:

    draw willow branches in a gouache vase, step 1
    draw willow branches in a gouache vase, step 2
    draw willow branches in a gouache vase, step 3
    draw willow branches in a gouache vase, step 4
    draw branchesWilli in a gouache vase, step 5
    draw willow branches in a gouache vase, step 6
    draw willow branches in a gouache vase, step 7
    draw willow branches in a gouache vase, step 8
    draw willow branches in a gouache vase, step 9
    draw branchespussy willow in a gouache vase, step 10

    Willow branch: drawing for children

    children's drawing inPussy-willows in a vase with paints

    Children with pleasure draw willow twigs in gardens and schools, prepare spring cards for mothers and for Easter.

    Below is a photo of a number of ready-made children's works:

    pussy-branches of pussy-drawings of children, example 1
    pussy-branches of pussy-drawings of children, example 2
    pussy-branches of pussy-drawings of children, example 3
    pussy-branches of children - drawings of children, example 4

    So, we learned to drawa branch of pussy-willow and a whole tree with pencil and gouache, mastered the technique of landscape drawing with paints.

    Spend your free time with children with benefit - depict the beauty of the blossoming branches of pussy-willow, cook the cards yourself.

    Inspiration for you and ease the movement of your pencil / brush!

    Video: how to draw a branch of a willow?

    • Mar 07, 2018
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