Garden strawberries are a popular berry that requires constant attention, regular grooming and plenty of space. There are different methods of planting this culture in the ground. The traditional way is quite expensive, as the land plot is used irrationally. But growing strawberries in pipes in a vertical way is an opportunity to increase yield by saving on every square meter. This method allows you to grow juicy berries on a small plot of land or a balcony.
How to make a vertical flower bed for strawberries
You can purchase a ready-made structure or build it yourself with the help of a bed. What material to choose depends on the idea of the gardener and his material possibilities. Most berries are grown in PVC pipes, which are used for sewerage systems.
To create a vertical bed, you will need: a plastic pipe with a wide diameter, an electric drill, a fitting.
To make the irrigation system, you need the following:
- plastic pipe with small diameter;
- fasteners;
- construction knife;
- insulation tape;
- geotextile cut;
- twine.
Step-by-step instruction:
- First of all, it is necessary to determine the height of the construction and cut off the desired piece.
- Then you need to cut off the narrow pipe so that it is the same size.
- In the irrigation( narrow) tube we drill holes for water. Holes should cover 66% of the surface of the pipe, so water will flow mainly to the top of the bed.
- Wrap the irrigation pipe geotagging, fasten it with a string, then the bushes placed below will not be waterlogged, and those from above will receive the necessary amount of moisture. In addition, the geolocation does not let the roots in. Close the pipe with a cork and tape on the side where there are no holes. geotextile wind the irrigation pipe geotagging
- Take a wide pipe, make all around its perimeter cuts for bushes at a distance of 25 cm. Try to make holes on the side that will be turned to the sun. The distance between the floor and the bottom hole should be at least 18 cm. From the bottom, install the fitting, attach the irrigation pipe to it and put it in a vertical position.
- The irrigation tube is recommended to be installed in the center, so that the whole bed is evenly moistened. At the bottom of the pipe is laid drainage material, which will release the soil from excess water, and the earth is poured on top.
- Install the vertical structure in the designated area and connect it to the irrigation system. Secure the pipe with clamps. Using the connecting elements, connect the pipe to the water supply.
- After this, you can plant the seedlings in the holes, selecting healthy plants. In the lower holes plant the smallest seedlings.
- If the plant multiplies by shoots, leave the pair of lower holes empty so that the whiskers take root.
- In the end, you need to turn on the watering so that the soil settles slightly and presses the roots.
Soil preparation
How to grow strawberries in pipes so that it will bear abundant fruit?
- A weakly acid primer is an ideal medium for this crop. Universal soil can be bought or made by yourself. To do this, mix 150 g of vinegar with 12 liters of water, it is better to use a stand-by, room temperature. Pour the prepared soil with the solution. 150 ml vinegar 12 liters of water
- In addition, you need to prepare a soil mixture. To do this, mix the crushed peat, which does not contain weeds and pathogenic microorganisms, with calcium carbonate from the calculation: 11 kg of chalk per 1 m3 of peat, so the acidity of the soil will increase. The mixture must be enriched with mineral complex fertilizers.
- To make berries large and juicy, microfertilizers with magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc, boron and molybdenum will be needed. The main thing is to correctly combine the components.
- Autumn berries need to feed manganese. If you perform the procedure in the spring, then reduce the dose of the beneficial substance.
- To improve the taste and preserve the attractive appearance of the berries for a long time, potash fertilizers are used. With a deficiency of calcium shoots become thin and eventually die. To solve these problems, use potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, wood ash, potassium sulfate, potassium chloride.
- Pay attention to mineral fertilizers, which contribute to the rapid development of the plant. Many gardeners recommend using ammophos, nitrophos, diammofos, carbamide or ammonium nitrate.
Rules for planting
For growing strawberries in plastic pipes, choose young animals whose root neck is at least 5 cm and the root length is 8-9 cm. If the roots are too long, shorten them.
Ideal option - seedling frego, which was dug in late autumn and stored throughout the winter in a frozen state. Before planting the seedlings are settled for 5 days in a cool room with high humidity. Exactly after 5 days the seedlings must be planted, otherwise it will not take root. The strawberry heart should be at ground level( no higher and no lower), do not bend the roots so that they break. Plant seedlings only in moist soil!
- Before planting seedlings can be treated with tank mixtures that protect against insects and common diseases. To do this, just dunk the roots in the solution.
- The lower holes can be filled with nails or marigolds, which protect the young from the invasion of pests.
- If the strawberry reproduces with a mustache, then plant the seedlings through one hole. Then, as the regrowth grows, the whiskers will immediately take root in an empty hole.
- As far as lighting is concerned, this point also needs to be carefully thought through. The entire landing area should be evenly illuminated. For proper development, young animals should be regularly illuminated at least 16 hours a day.
- Then the plants must be watered, and each well should be mulched so that the soil does not dry out. For this, you can use humus or dry soil.
Vertical growing in a greenhouse
How does strawberries winter in pipes if it grows on the street? At the time of approaching frosts, the vertical structure can be brought into the greenhouse, and many gardeners initially install it there.
The advantage of vertical growing in greenhouses: beds take up little space, and plants are evenly lit and warmed by the sun. To increase the effect of a weak winter sun, raise the pipes as high as possible.
You can use a drainpipe to create a vertical fixture. Do it in the slots, install in them containers with earth for bushes. If the height of the pipe is 2 m, then it can accommodate 15-20 pots, the approximate yield will be 7 kg of berries. To collect the same crop from the garden, you need a plot of 6 × 3 m, so the benefits are obvious.
Do not forget to drill holes to drain water. For drainage, you can use a pallet and arrange a second watering to save water.
How to care for strawberries in pipes?
Water strawberries better in the early morning, so that by the evening the fries dry. Prior to the flowering phase, it is preferable to use sprinkling irrigation - to clean the leaves and grow quickly, and then apply a drip.
Frequent watering is prohibited, otherwise the plant may develop downy mildew, gray mold and other fungal diseases. Water the strawberries as the soil dries. To check the moisture level of the soil, touch the ground in the hole.
It is also extremely important to periodically feed the plants:
- The first soil fertilizer is carried out before planting, so that the plants adapt more quickly to the new area.
- Next time strawberries are fed when it develops and blooms.
- During the ripening period, it is possible to carry out foliar top dressing of the plant. To prepare the solution, dilute orthoboric acid, zinc sulfate, cobalt nitrate, manganese sulfate with water in accordance with the instructions. To feed roots, use organic, for example, manure of cattle or chicken litter.
As soon as berries appear, mulch the soil. For this you can use sawdust. So you protect the plants from overheating, drying and rotting. Next time, mulch in October.
Varieties of strawberries for vertical cultivation
Give preference to high-yield and sustainable varieties. As for the maturation period, strawberries are early, mid-late and mid-late. You can choose any, since vertical structures can really be placed both on the street and in the room.
- The most productive varieties: Queen Elizabeth, Santa Andrea, Marshal, Chosen One, Florina, Pink Flamingo.
- Popular medium-early varieties: Humi Grande, Dukat, Deskinaya Kokinskaya, Vityaz, Elkat.
- Strawberry of late varieties: Zenith, Saxonka, Bogota, Borovitskaya, Leningradskaya later. Queen Elizabeth ll Marshal
Pest Control
Often strawberries are attacked by pests.
- The most common of these is the strawberry mite, which affects the young leaves of the strawberry.
You can not see it with the naked eye, but if you notice that the sheets turn yellow or curl, and the fruits decrease, then it's time to take action.
The plant must be treated with an insecticidal preparation, for example, carbophos. To do this, dilute 4 tbsp.l.of the drug in 12 liters of water. Spray the plants after harvesting, cover with a film for 3 hours. The same method helps to fight with weevil and whitefly.
If the mite severely damaged the plant, then after sprinkling it must be mowed. And this should be done until mid-August, so that the strawberry has time to recover and normally survive the winter.
- To combat the Colorado potato beetle and larvae of May fungus, do not use chemicals: they last for a long time, and therefore are not suitable for rapidly ripening strawberries. These pests need to be removed manually.
- How to deal with slugs, centipedes and snails?
These pests simply adore raw shady places, and therefore often settle under bushes of strawberries. The most effective means is "Metaldehyde".Sprinkle this granular powder on the soil with the calculation of 6 g per 1 m², and the pests will die.
Strawberries in pipes are not only practical, but also beautiful, especially if you use repair varieties for planting. Using the vertical method, you save a useful area and get an abundant harvest from each square meter. This method does not require special material costs and is available even for beginners.
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