Do not be born beautiful. How can you feel beautiful, regardless of external data?

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So it is arranged that a person can constantly doubt himself. Do not forget that everyone comes to this world the way nature created it. External beauty is far from deciding when the inner world is empty and not interesting to the person.


The inner beauty of a woman, what is it?

Every body is given to man by nature, which means that it simply can not be not beautiful. It's very easy to create an impression on others: it's enough just to emphasize your dignity and hide your shortcomings, but is this enough for everyone? In addition to external beauty is usually considered that all people have inner beauty. It consists of many components and is not acquired immediately, but with time and experience.

Every woman has her own strategy: she knows how to submit herself on a profitable side and how to "flaunt" in front of her rivals. Ability to be interesting, kind, attentive and educated person is inner beauty. If it does not exist, it immediately becomes noticeable around, and even if a woman has beautiful external data, without inner harmony, it is unlikely that anyone will be interested.

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Exterior beauty of a person's beauty

The concept of a person of beauty is very uncertain. What for one is perfection, for another - flaws. It is difficult to define the real ideal of beauty, since it has the property of changing over time and taking on different forms. Numerous advertisements and bright signs impose on us the generally accepted standards of 90-60-90, long eyelashes, exaggerated nails, high heels and plump lips. But, is it beauty?

First of all, external beauty is health. There is nothing more important than a perfect state of health, a healthy body and spirit. Nothing distinguishes a person from the crowd, like an even posture, a free gait and a radiant smile. For having a sound sleep, full nutrition and emotional balance, you can safely consider yourself a beautiful and happy person.

The image of beauty

To attract admiring men to a woman, and women are endowed with envious gaze, you need to look after and always keep in perfect condition:

  • hair
  • skin
  • manicure
  • dress style

Do not forget that hair plays a very big role inhow you will be perceived. Dry, dull, bunched hair - will never become an object of sexuality.

Each woman needs to regularly wash her hair, moisten her hair with masks and rinses, achieve shine with cosmetology or folk remedies and paint over the gray hair if necessary. Fashionable haircut or flowing curls always add confidence in their beauty and become your highlight.

The face, hands and body skin should always be clean and moisturized. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to buy necessary cosmetics, when useful masks and scrubs can be made at home from products that are always in the refrigerator. And do not forget about the manicured manicure, which can add to your image of accuracy and individuality.

Competently selected clothes that will be able to emphasize all your advantages:

  • long legs
  • thin neck
  • beautiful hands
  • lush chest
  • slender waist

Spend time picking things that fit together, cold and warm colors, modern models and always keep clothesin a clean, pressed state. Do not forget to supplement your image with a perfume that will give you and give you a charm.

Beauty of the Soul

It's no secret that there are men who appreciate the beauty of a woman's inner world more than her external data. Pleasant features and a slender figure - just a shell, it is much more important that hides behind the wrapper. Beauty of the soul is the most valuable thing that it has. Many classics focused on the fact that without the inner world - a man of hearts and boring. Only the soul never grows old and is capable of giving youth a fading trait.

The beauty of the soul is gathered together, positive qualities:

  • responsiveness and desire to help others
  • sincerity and openness, lack of lies and duplicity
  • education and high intellectual level
  • desire to improve and develop
  • kind, noble deeds for others
  • love of the world around andto yourself

Of course, each person in his own way understands the inner beauty and has his own personal requirements for it. In any case, it can not be seen at all, it can only be felt in words and deeds, which means that one should never shut up and avoid contact with people. It's easier to love a person for natural sincerity and beauty than for a fashionable dress and expensive cosmetics!

Harmony of body and soul

There are ten golden rules that allow you to find harmony between the soul and the body. If your inner world perfectly co-exists in your shell, know that you are incredibly beautiful! Therefore, it is worthwhile to listen to important recommendations:

  1. Understand that no one in this world is perfect! Even the most beautiful women can suffer from their shortcomings, their advantages are that they professionally learned to hide them from unnecessary glas.
  2. Love yourself! Only when you completely love and arrange yourself, you can love the world around him and he will answer you the same
  3. Love your shortcomings! Perhaps you are too exaggerating and your faults seem to be disadvantages - these are the advantages in other eyes.
  4. Do not try to compare yourself with others, because you are the only individual in the world, and it means worse and better than someone you just can not be. Comparison leads to complexes and the desire to dislike yourself
  5. Cultivate! Try to improve the world around and inside yourself: read books, watch movies, grow flowers and do yoga. Take time to your favorite activities and find hobbies.
  6. Praise yourself for any good deeds and then you will want to make them more and more
  7. Do not think about the opinions of others! First of all, because you really do not know what it is, opinion. You just can not get to the head of all and understand their thoughts
  8. Listen to your inner voice and always do as your heart tells you without fear and regret.
  9. Take independent decisions, without recommendations and advice from strangers
  10. Be yourself! Do not try to podrozhat someone, you are a bright person with a lot of advantages and advantages.

The real beauty of

  • To become beautiful for others is to become beautiful for yourself. To love your personality is not at all embarrassing, it allows you to enjoy life and receive only positive emotions. Do not pay attention to what other people may think of you. Hardly they have any concept of beauty external or internal if they allow themselves to express aloud bad thoughts
  • Dependence on someone else's opinion - the quality greatly exacerbating our life. It must always be remembered that it is not given to us to bury in complexes and endlessly be in pursuit of beauty. First of all, you are beautiful then - when you feel beautiful and no diet, cosmetologists and fitness trainers are able to transform you better than love for yourself
  • Women are sensual, graceful and emotional by nature. It is only necessary to direct your energy for good and you will be surprised to notice how calm your internal state can be. A calm look, a pure smile and dreams - make you shine from the inside and cause admiration of the
  • . Do not stand still and are constantly on the move, do things that bring pleasure and never turn around. Where there has been a failure, a new opportunity for success and joy is opened. Remember your beauty and proudly carry it into the world of

Video: " Interior beauty VS Exterior beauty"

  • Mar 01, 2018
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