How to remove the flews on the face? How to tighten sagging cheeks after 50 years of botox, injections, threads, exercises, massage?

Where do they come from and what are they like? Salon and home remedies.

Contents of

  • What are flews, why do they appear in men and women?
  • How to quickly remove the flews at home: methods?
  • How to remove frayers with fillers?
  • How to clean injectables?
  • How to remove the flews with Botox?
  • How to remove the flews with filaments?
  • How to remove the flews with a massage?
  • How to remove the fleet exercises?
  • How to remove saggy cheeks after 50 years?
  • How to remove sagging cheeks and chin?
  • How to remove the rims on the face: Video

With age, we all do not get younger and more beautiful. On the face and neck, wrinkles appear, the skin begins to sag, and facial creases appear. In principle, this problem is irreversible. However, you can slightly delay aging and return to your face a part of youth and freshness. For this, it is necessary, first of all, to try to get rid of the so-called "brains" on the face.

Why are those very ill-fated fleets appearing? How to get rid of them in the cabin or at home? All of these questions will be attempted to answer this article, devoted to unwanted fringes.

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What are flews, why do they appear in men and women?

What are fleets?
  • The concept of "flews" came to us from the dog handlers. In dogs, this word was called the sagging lower lip
  • Today, however, "briljami" refers to the sagging of the skin on the face in the cheek and chin
  • . The main cause of the formation of flecks is the age-related changes in women and men. In the process of aging, the human body begins to synthesize collagen and elastane, which are responsible for the youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. Their deficiency, just and leads to the withering and sagging of the skin on the face
  • Age changes also provoke the weakening of the facial muscles, which cease to cope with their main function - supporting the skin and subcutaneous fat on the cheeks
  • . Also hormonal and age-related changes affect facial sculpture -in the course of time, all cheekbones and sharp corners of the face are rounded, which leads to slipping of the skin along the rounded reliefs and its sagging.
  • In the process of aging, the concentration of pigment melanin, capable ofprotect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Solar irradiation even more strongly stimulates skin wither
Where does the flew come from?

However, age is not the only reason for the emergence of brillets. The second enemy of smooth and tightened skin is obesity. In women and men with normal weight, the blisters appear much later than in people who are overweight. Even in my youth, young girls and boys suffering from obesity may have fleas. These guys, as a rule, look older than their peers and strongly because of this complex.

In addition to the above reasons for the emergence of FSBs, the following factors can also be attributed to the factors influencing their occurrence:

  • individual facial features of the
  • bad habits( smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs)
  • experiences and stresses
  • incorrect face mimicry
  • climatic conditionsfrost, wind, sun)
  • improper nutrition
  • effect of medical drugs
  • endocrine diseases
  • sharp slimming
  • underdeveloped chin
  • hormonal changesDuring pregnancy

How to quickly remove the fleas in the home: methods?

How to get rid of fleas at home?

In order to get rid of flews, you do not need to go to beauty salons and pay crazy money for their services. Prevention and control of this kind of inconsistencies can also be carried out at home.

For those young people, who caused the appearance of fleas were overweight, there is only one recommendation - you need to get rid of extra pounds. Moreover, the use of diets and other radical methods of weight loss, which can lead to too rapid weight loss, it is better to replace with proper nutrition and exercise. This is due to the fact that with rapid weight loss the skin will begin to sag, and the flews will become even more noticeable. Therefore, you need to lose weight gradually.

Other categories of men and women who want to get rid of flews, for starters should start to lead a healthy lifestyle - to abandon bad habits, start eating right, exercise, regularly take care of your skin.

At home, you can apply several methods to combat fleas:

  • Cosmetic procedures
  • Massage
  • Exercises for skin tightening

To cosmetic procedures from flews can be attributed daily cleansing, toning and nourishing manipulations for face, neck and decollete skin: masks, creams,serums, tonics, etc. This kind of funds can be purchased at the pharmacy, cosmetic stores, or you can do it yourself.
Industrial masks for getting rid of flews are usually made on the basis of natural marine plants and inhabitants of the depths( algae, kelp, fucus and plankton), as well as with the use of other active substances - panthenol, lecithin, and allantoin.

Face masks from

Bears With your own hands at home, you can do the following masks:

  1. Mask based on lemon. We take a peel of one lemon and rub it on a small grater. Add to the lemon peel a few drops of lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey
  2. Mask based on chicken eggs. We beat one egg with one tablespoon of fat cottage cheese. Add one teaspoon of olive oil to the resulting mass.
  3. Egg white mask. Thoroughly beat up two squirrels of chicken eggs.
  4. A milk-based mask. Preheat a tablespoon of milk with a low fat content. Add to the warm milk three tablespoons of low-fat sour cream
  5. Mask based on tar soap. We take 1/8 bar soap and three it on a grater. Add a small amount of sour cream to the soap and beat it into the foam. The resulting mask is applied to the face, neck and décolleté zone. When the first layer of mask is dried, we apply the second layer to it. When the second layer completely dries, wash off the mask with warm water. Moisturize the skin with

cream. All described home masks are recommended to be applied twice a week before bedtime. Within a month, the flews should decrease significantly and the skin tighten.

How to remove frayers with fillers?

How to remove frayers with fillers?

First, we'll figure out what fillers are. In cosmetology, fillers are substances injected under the skin with the help of injections.

Most often in cosmetic salons today is applied, has already managed to prove itself and fall in love with the ladies, hyaluronic acid.

As for the bryls, the following injection procedures based on fillers are accepted for dealing with them:

  1. Intralipotherapy
  2. Volumetric facelift
  3. Vector facelift or bioarmination

It should be noted that almost all injection procedures will have an effect when the blisters are not pronounced. The initiated case is corrected only surgically.

How to remove injected lobules?

Now we will consider more specifically each of the injecting procedures to combat fleas.


Intralipotherapy with

This kind of injection therapy is based on the introduction into the zone of sagging cheeks of a special drug Aqvalix. This filler stimulates the subcutaneous fat to be burned on its own in the shortest possible time. The procedure is considered effective, quite safe and painless. The fact is that Aqualix, when activated, affects only fatty tissues, and other types of tissues and
muscles leave intact. In addition, the substance itself is excreted from the body together with other degradation products after a certain period of time.

3D face lifting

Surface fleslifting

This technique consists in the introduction of special volumizer gels in problem areas of the skin. Such gels can add the necessary volume where it does not reach, thereby increasing the tension of the skin and eliminate the flews.
Vector facelift

Vector facelift

Biomain or vector facelift is the introduction of special fillers under the skin of the face, allowing you to create some kind of a fairly strong web. This kind of web will create a reinforcing skeleton across the surface of critical skin areas. Thus, the sagging areas of the skin( flews) will catch up and will no longer sag. This procedure is very popular among women. However, it has a couple of shortcomings - high cost and short duration( from six months to a year).

How to remove a fleet Botox?

How to remove the flews with Botox?
  • In the case of injections, Botox will not be effective. The fact is that the main task of Botox is wrinkle smoothing, and not skin tightening
  • Even if the application of Botox has the effect of a brace, it is minimal - to remove the flew it is not enough

How to remove the flews with threads?

Modern plastic surgery offers its customers several ways to combat flews with threads. Let's consider each of them.

Face reinforcement with gold threads

Face reinforcement with gold threads

This procedure consists in creating under the skin a pull-up frame made of special gold threads. Such threads are made of high-quality gold, which is not perceived by the human body, as a foreign body. After a while after the introduction of threads, they become overgrown with human organic matter and are not rejected by it. The duration of the effect of reinforcing the gold threads
is about fifteen years.

Fiberglass lifting Aptos

Filament lifting Aptos

Aptos thread pulling, in principle, is somewhat similar to the procedure for reinforcing a face with gold threads. The only difference is that Aptos threads are made of polypropylene, not gold. Therefore, the effect of this procedure lasts only three years.

Facelifting threads Silhoutte Lift

Facelifting threads Silhoutte Lift

This procedure is practically the same as the previous manipulation. However, there is one departure - after 4-5 years after the operation, Silhoutte Lift threads can be tightened. Thus, the effect will be much longer than with Aptos threads.

During the filamentary plastic surgery, the surgeon makes incisions 1 cm behind the ears. In these notches, the thread is passed and stretched along the blade. Outside the needle stretches in several places on the face.

The rehabilitation period after the filament plastics takes up to three weeks. The final effect will be noticeable a couple of months after the operation.

How to remove the flews with a massage? Face massage from

  1. Take a soft terry towel and fold it with a rope. We dip the towel in an aqueous solution of salt. With pathetic movements, we pass through a towel on the lower part of the jaw and neck. Massage is performed for fifteen minutes. After the procedure, moisturize the skin with
  2. cream. With the back side of your fingers, pat the lower part of the jaw, moving from the chin to the ears of the
  3. . Dip the fingertips into the massage oil and begin to actively slip along the edge of the face from the chin to the ears.
  4. . With fingertips from the chin to the sideears. In doing so, we try to tighten the skin
  5. Fold the towel in half and wet it in cold or warm water( best alternate - first a warm towel and then a cold one).Put the face in the resulting loop from the towel - the ends of the towels should be raised up. We start alternately pulling one, then the other end of the towel, thereby massaging the skin of the chin
  6. Imitating the process of shaving. One hand( forefinger and thumb) fix the skin of the face on the chin. With the other hand( forefinger) we begin to "shave" the skin of the face in the direction from the chin to the ears

How to remove the shirts with exercises?

Exercises from

  1. No less effective than massage are special exercises to combat flecks:
    1. We draw air into the mouth, blowing up the cheeks to the maximum. We count up to five and let out air through the lips, giving them the shape of a tube. Repeat exercise at least fifteen times a day.
    2. Massage the tongue of the cheek from the inside. We make circular movements in the mouth, then one or the other, five times each.
    3. We dial the full mouth of the air, inflating the cheeks to the maximum. We start to roll a ball of air on the cheeks in all directions. Do the exercise for at least half a minute
    4. Blow the air out of your mouth in such a way as if blowing out candles. Repeat the exercise from fifty to fifty-five times
    5. The tip of the tongue is trying to reach the tip of the nose. With this exercise, you can perform various body movements with your tongue, turning it from side to side. Repeat the exercise five times
    6. Now with the tip of the tongue we try to reach the chin
    7. We try to open the mouth, with the pressure on the jaw from below, not letting it fall down
    8. We throw the head back until we feel the tension of the neck muscles. We start turning one's head one by one and then the other
    9. . We dial the full mouth of the air, thus greatly inflating the cheeks. Close the mouth with the palm of your hand and start gradually blowing the air into it
    10. Stretch your mouth in a smile as much as possible and begin to pronounce the vowels of the letters
    11. Fold the mouth with a tube and blow out the vowels "U" and "Y" alternately in turn.
    12. Alternately cover the upper lip of the lower and vice versa. Do the exercise at least twenty times
    13. Trying to smile, while pressing two fingers on both cheeks
    14. Trying to blow balloons

    more often How to remove the saggy cheeks after 50 years?

    How to remove saggy cheeks after fifty years?

    In addition to all the aforementioned methods of eliminating flews, modern cosmetology and plastic surgery offer a whole range of manipulations to get rid of sagging cheeks:

    1. Circular or local face lift
    2. The implantation of the chin implant is a procedure for correcting and increasing the chin, which allows smoothing the skin and tightening the rims
    3. Removing the lumps of Bisha is an operation performed at a young age, aimed at partial excision of fatty lumps on the cheeks. In this way the oval of the face, prominent cheekbones and the appearance of the
    4. are prevented. Thermolifting is a non-surgical manipulation based on the stimulation of skin regeneration with the help of thermal action on it.
    5. Lymphatic drainage massage - salon hand or hardware manipulation, based on massage
    6. Face myostimulation -performed with the help of electric pulses sent inside the skin

    How to remove sagging cheeks and chin?

    How to get rid of saggy cheeks and chin?
    • Another technique that allows you to get rid of abscesses is liposuction
    • Liposuction is a procedure for pumping fat from "emergency" areas of the facial skin
    • Liposuction of shaving is performed in the same way as liposuction of other parts of the body - an incision is made behind the ear through whichVacuum suction of all unnecessary fat
    • Such manipulation will be relevant only if the cause of the emergence of the fleet was an excess of adipose tissue on the cheeks of the

    All the existing methods of getting rid of the saggingchin can be found here - http: // kak-ubrat-vtoroj-podborodok-s-pomoshhyu-operacii-inekcii-i-niti-ot-vtorogo-podborodka

    http: // otkuda-beretsya-vtoroj-podborodok-kak-ubrat-vtoroj-podborodok-bez-operacii

    How to remove facial features: Video

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