Iodine - instructions for use

Iodine is one of the most important elements necessary for our body for normal work. It supports the function of the thyroid gland, it ensures the proper functioning of the immune system and brain. Deficiency of this element can lead to the fact that the nutrients will cease to be properly distributed, the nervous system will begin to malfunction, the skin, nails and hair will deteriorate.


  • Forms of release
  • Alcohol solution of iodine
  • Tablets of iodine
  • Indications for use
  • Iodine contraindications
  • How to use?
  • Use in folk medicine
  • How to make iodine mesh
  • Iodine or zelenka
  • Analogues of iodine
  • Iodine: Tips and reviews
  • Video: Iodine in the body. Symptoms of deficiency and excess. Simple test

IMPORTANT: Iodine deficiency is very dangerous during the development of the child's body. The lack of this element will worsen the mental development of the child and his physical activity and can even provoke anemia.

Iodine is a fairly rare substance. But, in nature it occurs in every living organism, in sea water and vegetable products. The largest source of iodine for humans is seaweed.

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Forms of release

Iodine is sold as an alcohol solution and in tablet form. If it is dissolved in alcohol, then such a solution can disinfect wounds. Therefore, it is cut and inflamed on the skin. For prevention of atherosclerosis, iodine is added to the milk and taken 1-2 times a day.

Iodine tablets are used to replenish this element in the body. Also in each pharmacy you can buy various dietary supplements in which this item is included.

Alcohol solution of iodine

Treatment of wound

For treating the edges of wounds and damaged skin areas, use an alcohol solution of iodine. When taking oral dosage of this drug is prescribed individually.

Iodine is used in liquid form to wash lacunae and supratonsillar spaces. They are washed with nasopharynx, instilled in the ears and used in surgery.

Iodine tablets

Iodine tablets are used to prevent iodine deficiency, and also to make up for its reserves in the body. The tableted form contains the active substance, milk powder and lactose monohydrate. In one package can be 40 - 200 tablets.

Iodine tablets are taken with meals. The daily dosage is 1-2 tablets once a day.

IMPORTANT: It is possible to restore the necessary amount of iodine in the body without the help of tablets. To do this, it is enough to diversify your diet due to products such as: walnuts, seaweed, feijoa, cod, lobster and bananas.

Indications for use

Drug in vials

Most often, iodine is used as an antimicrobial and antiseptic drug. Local iodine use is performed with:

  • Purulent otitis
  • Chronic tonsillitis
  • Atrophic rhinitis
  • Infected burns

Iodine is used to reduce the effects of mercury poisoning and some heavy metals.

Iodine contraindications

  • Do not take this drug containing this item if it is intolerant. And also with tuberculosis, nephritis, acne, hemorrhagic diathesis, urticaria, furunculosis and other health problems
  • Children under 5 years of age, iodine should not be taken inside
  • When using alcohol-containing iodine solutions, you must be careful not to get them into the eyes. Long-term external use of iodine-based drugs can lead to the activation of allergic reactions of the body manifested by acne, increased salivation, urticaria
  • Overdose of iodine during ingestion can provoke tachycardia, excessive sweating, insomnia, skin reactions
  • Iodine can not be used simultaneously with solutions of ammonia and essential oils

How to use?

If iodine is used externally, it is necessary to lubricate the affected part of the skin with cotton swabs soaked in a solution of this drug. If the wound bleeds, then the alcohol solution of iodine needs not the wound itself, but the place around it. If the drug gets into the wound, it can lead to a burn, which will reduce the healing rate.

This medication is used for procedures for washing the supratonsillar space. For this purpose, 4-5 procedures are prescribed. Between each procedure should take at least 2 days. You can use this substance to treat the ears and nasopharynx. For this, it is used 2-2.5 weeks with the above-described interval.

Iodine is also used in the treatment of burns. To do this, they moisten gauze bandages and apply them to the affected area.

Usage in folk medicine

Iodine is widely used in folk medicine. It can be used for angina. To do this, boil a glass of water and after it has cooled to 45 degrees, add 2-3 drops of alcohol solution of iodine. Such a tool caresses the throat.

With a cold, you can use this remedy. In 2-3 glasses of warm water, you must dissolve 1 spoon of salt and 5 drops of alcohol solution of iodine. The received agent is drawn in by the nostrils. To facilitate the process, you can use the saucer. Use this method of treating the common cold 1-2 times a day until complete recovery.

In diseases of the pulmonary system, "dry" mustard plasters with iodine are shown. To do this, a piece of cloth is moistened in a 20% alcohol solution with the addition of iodine( 5 drops per 20 ml of alcohol).The tissue is applied to the supraclavicular and right subclavian areas of the breast.

How to do iodine mesh

Iodine mesh in place of injections

Iodine mesh is very widely used to treat various problems. Its effect is in the irritating functions of iodine. After the application of such a grid, the blood flows to the site to be treated. With this net, you can treat:

  • Bronchitis and tracheitis
  • Colds and sore throats
  • Stretchs and bruises
  • Neuralgic diseases
  • Arthritis and sciatica
  • Muscle aches
  • Bruising and bruising

When using an iodine net, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to iodine. For the procedure described, an iodine solution of a concentration of not more than 5% can be used.

Iodine mesh is applied using vertical and horizontal lines. Between them should be 1-1,5 cm. The mesh is applied to the place that bothers. If it is used to treat a cough, it is applied to the back between the shoulder blades.

Iodine or zelenka

  • Both preparations have alcohol in their composition. Therefore, when they treat open wounds, painful sensations appear. It is especially difficult to treat wounds with green and iodine in young children. Zelenka, in contrast to iodine, contains less alcohol, and so the sensation when it is used will be less painful. That's why zelenok can be used on open wounds, and iodine is not recommended.
  • Iodine unlike zelenka can dry the skin and has a warming effect. Due to increased blood flow to the damaged site, iodine accelerates tissue regeneration processes. That is why after bruises and bruises "draw" iodine mesh
  • If the wound is too deep, then iodine and zelenok can not be applied. First, to treat such wounds, there are special drugs. And, secondly, before treating such wounds specialist must examine them. If they are filled with iodine, and even more green, he will not be able to fully see the nature of the
  • wound. Experts believe that it is better to use zelenok for bleeding wounds, and iodine for bruises. A good alternative to alcohol-containing drugs for wound treatment is hydrogen peroxide. When using it, tissue necrosis around the wound does not develop. So, the healing process will be faster

Analogues of iodine

Lugol's solution

"Antistrum". Tablets, which include potassium iodide. Used to treat and prevent endemic goiter.

  • Dosage: 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Course: 2-3 times a week for 20-30 days

"Yoks". A spray based on allantoin and polyvidon-iodine. Used for diseases of the oral cavity and in ENT-practice.

  • Dosage: 2-4 times a day

"Iodinol". A drug based on iodine diluted in polyvinyl alcohol. Used for the treatment of wounds, burns and varicose ulcers. Is taken internally for atherosclerosis.

  • Dosage: Depending on the disease. Course: is established by the attending physician

"Lugol's Solution". A medicinal preparation that is used externally in cases of yeast fungus lesions and treatment of diffuse forms of endemic goiter.

  • Dosage: 1-6 drops depending on the disease. Course: Depends on the disease

"Betadine". Solution with antiseptic action for external use. Active substance: Povidone-iodine.

  • Dosage: applied as a lubricant

Iodine: Tips and Feedback

Irina. I use iodine to check the quality of cottage cheese. The whole point is that if you drip on this cottage cheese and the place turns blue, it means that starch is added to it. And it is added only to low-quality sour-milk products. I will not mention the brands of this product, but even in some expensive varieties of cottage cheese, starch is added. Found a brand for itself, in which there is no starch.

Maria. Of course, and I use iodine. I make mesh from it after injections. And not so long ago I learned that it can be used to strengthen the nails. Now periodically I do or make trays for fingernails or nails with an iodine.

Video: Iodine in the body. Symptoms of deficiency and excess. Simple test

  • Mar 07, 2018
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