What is an incorrect bite and what kinds of violations are distinguished

Beautiful smile - an integral part of the ideal image. Healthy and smooth teeth not only make the smile beautiful, but also responsible for diction, the process of food processing, speech activity.

Violation of the bite due to dentoalveolar anomalies significantly complicates the performance of these functions.

Contents of

  • What is it, the right bite?
  • Why do teeth grow crooked?
  • Classification of violation
  • Consequences of incorrect closing of the dentition
  • What if the molars grow crooked?
  • What do crooked teeth say about the owner?

What is it, the right bite?

Biting is understood as the position of the teeth of both rows when it comes into contact during the compression of the jaw. The final position that completes the chewing movement, and is an occlusion.

Dentists call the contact of the dentition in a natural position otherwise - the central occlusion.

Physiologically correct occlusion means the closing of the jaws with the upper teeth overlapping by 1/3.In this case, the molars closely interact with each other.
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There are the following types of physiologically correct occlusion:

  • The photo shows the correct bite of the

    straight - the teeth-antagonists completely coincide with each other, while the edges of the incisors clearly coincide;

  • orthognathic - is considered an optimal bite, in which the upper teeth slightly overlap the lower teeth;
  • Progenic - the lower teeth project forward due to an easy displacement of the jaw;
  • biprognatic - the incisors of both rows have a slight inclination forward.

Any of these species is the norm. An abnormal bite interferes with the functioning of the dentoalveolar system and spoils the appearance.

Why do teeth grow crooked?

An abnormal bite is formed due to genetic or acquired defects. In the first case, it is impossible to prevent an anomaly. To correct dentoalveolar defects is possible only from the moment of formation of a temporary occlusion, which appears together with milk teeth.

To acquired defects include bite anomalies resulting from:

  • bad habits - it can be sucking a finger, a habit in childhood to gnaw pencils and pens, prolonged use of the pacifier, etc.;
  • of artificial feeding - in itself artificial feeding is not a cause for concern if it is carried out correctly, if during the sucking process the child receives a disproportionate load on the upper and lower jaws, this may cause a delay in the development of an unused( usually lower) jaw;
  • ENT diseases - if a child often has a nose in his childhood, it causes him to breathe his mouth all the time, which contributes to improper formation of the jaw;
  • delay in the timing of teething - if the delay in the appearance of milk teeth is not so noticeable, problems with eruption of permanent teeth can become a serious cause of malformation of the bite;
  • lack of solid food - a weak workload of the dentition device in childhood leads to inhibition in the development of facial bones;
  • of the tumor - prevents the normal formation of the dentition.

The formation of an incorrect occlusion is possible at any stage of the development of the teeth: from eruption of the first milk teeth to their complete replacement by permanent teeth.

Classification of violation

The following malocclusion anomalies are distinguished:

  1. Open is considered to be the most complex tooth-jaw defect. Characterized by the presence of a gap between the upper and lower rows. Most often a gap is formed between the front teeth, less often between the lateral teeth. The complexity of his treatment is due to the pathology of the development of the jaw bones. Symptoms of open bite include impaired swallowing functions, a disproportionate position of the jaw, impaired speech, difficulty chewing. Depending on the location of the gap, abrasion of the teeth, which have a close contact, occurs abnormally.
  2. The bite-reducing is an abnormality of the occlusion, which is formed when the cutting surface is erased. Characterized by the following symptoms: pain during chewing, head and facial pains, rapid fatigue of the chewing muscles, a sense of stuffiness in the ears.
  3. Mesial is formed with high activity of the lower jaw. Also known as a medial bite. The signs of this pathology include: the protruding lower jaw, the sinking of the upper lip, the inability to properly chew food.
  4. Cross - orthodontic pathology, in which the dentition is closed overlapping. Prevents normal food processing, worsens diction and significantly spoils the appearance. Depending on the type of displacement of the jaw, a one-sided, two-sided and mixed cross bite is distinguished. A similar anomaly occurs with the narrowed lower jaw, as a result of which the eruption of the teeth of the lower row is not carried out correctly.
  5. Distal is a pathological bite, which is more common in the period of teeth change. The signs of this anomaly are: hyperemia of the oral mucosa, absence of contact between the incisors during closure, impossibility of contact of the lips in a relaxed state, deformation of the palate.
  6. With the deep , the front teeth of the upper row completely overlap the lower teeth. In rare cases, the anomaly affects the lateral sections of the dentition.
  7. Dystopic interferes with normal teething and contributes to their curvature. Dystopia can accompany other tooth-jaw anomalies. Often, it is observed with an open or cross bite.
  8. Non-fixed occurs when there are no antagonist teeth that control the activity of the masticatory muscles.

Incorrect bites:

Consequences of incorrect closure of the dentition of the

The main problem with an abnormality of the occlusion is a change in the masticatory function.

This, in turn, leads to impaired digestion and disease of the digestive system. Anomalies of the occlusion can lead to the loss of one or more teeth due to abrasion.

In the absence of treatment over a long period, patients notice the occurrence of frequent headaches, strains in the temporomandibular area, discomfort during meals.

The presence of defects in the dentition complicates the treatment of diseases such as caries, periodontitis, gingivitis and several others. Patients with an anomaly of an occlusion often resort to prosthetics.

An abnormality of the bite leads to deformation of the jaw and a loss of aesthetic appeal. Incorrect loading leads to loosening and damage to the teeth.

What if the molars grow crooked?

The method of treatment of dentoalveolar pathology is determined by a doctor orthodontist. It is believed that any anomalies can be corrected before a complete change of teeth.

Correction of a fully formed occlusion is more difficult. Bracket systems allow you to adjust the bite and return the teeth to the desired position. Alternatives to brackets are removable silicone or propylene constructions, which are often used to eliminate minor defects.

Fixed devices are installed only on fully prepared teeth that have undergone a preliminary sanation. Correction of carious or defective teeth can lead to complications.

In severe cases, surgical bite correction is required. As a rule, surgical treatment is prescribed for malocclusion, leading to destruction of bone tissue and deformation of the facial skull.

What do crooked teeth say about the owner?

Crooked teeth are not only an aesthetic problem, but also an occasion for superstition. It is believed that the owners of the malocclusion are of an envious nature. Perhaps people with crooked teeth in secret envy the owners of a beautiful smile. But how can you blame them?

Crooked teeth tell a lot about their host and his health. First, a person with crooked teeth does not pay enough attention to their health.

Perhaps the reason for reluctance to visit a dentist is a banal fear, which many have survived since childhood. Secondly, "crooked" often have complexes, because they often hear ridicule about their appearance, which they have been accustomed to since childhood. Owners of crooked teeth are more shy and secretive.

Psychologists do not see anything mystical or surprising in this. And the shyness of the crooked people is explained by discontent with their own appearance, namely, an ugly smile that they constantly try to hide from others.

That's why they look stern, sometimes cold and detached, which is not indicative of the peculiarities of their character, but of their desire not to expose their shortcomings for show.

  • Mar 07, 2018
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