It's clear that people do not marry at all in order to think about divorce.
We rarely practice the Western tradition of contracting marriages, we do not want to think about the day when we will have to part with the adored man nowadays.
But where is the guarantee that after a while you will not start thinking, is like divorcing your wife or your husband, because even the strongest love can not stand the test of time, life, copper pipes and other things.
Adult modern people do not have to suffer forever in an unsuccessful marriage, they can try their luck in building a new family.
But the last gift is a civilized divorce - they are obliged to make an ex-spouse.
How to divorce a man from a wife without enmity?
Men are not given a divorce easier than women, and sometimes even more difficult, because:
- they can not so openly show their emotions as women;
- , the child custody court most often takes the side of the mother;
- from a man expects that he will not make any material claims, even if the initiator of the gap is the wife.
I believe that in any case it is necessary to try to find compromises in order to part civilized.
Take an example with Western couples who part good friends and even continue to communicate with other families.
It's better to give way than to exhaust yourself with long ship processes and endless scandals.
The victory, given such a high price, can be bitterer than you thought.
How to become a real man?
Even if you are unlucky and your wife got you a real bitch who is completely guilty for a failed marriage, you should:
Make peace with her , so that the divorce becomes a civil process, rather than resembling a fight where there will be left aliveonly one.
Are you sure that you will survive?
Bitches - they are incredibly tenacious.
It's easy to talk to find out what your wife is claiming( property, custody of children, pets, general business, etc.) and that you agree to give her in return for a calm divorce.
If you can not agree, then you have to transfer the case to the court, and this - extra financial spending, I'm not talking about the time and nerves spent.
Think about whether to get involved in the ship's process or rather give it to the trough on wheels?
Are you, so smart and strong, not working for a new car?
How to get a divorce from my wife so that children will not be harmed?
If in marriage you did not make any big fortune, neither children, nor even pets, the divorce should be given to you easily.
It's quite another matter if the fruits of your love are one or several minor children.
Men should do everything to divorce their wives, reducing the traumatism of this event for the kids.
You should talk with the kids and convince them that:
- part ways with your mother for reasons that have nothing to do with them;
- still love them the most in the world;
- will spend a lot of free time with them;
- will provide them financially, etc.
No kid should feel abandoned and forgotten, because you are getting divorced from your wife, regardless of the reasons that led to such a step.
And you need to agree amicably with your wife about joint custody of children and the amount of alimony.
It will be hard for those husbands whose wives are trying to punish them for divorce, and begin to set up children against their fathers and forbid them to meet.
If you married in your time on such a stupid woman, now you have to accumulate all the forces to reach a compromise in matters of joint custody of children.
Before the trial it is better not to bring - usually the judge takes the side of the mother.
How to get a divorce from his wife through a registry office?
The simplest, cheapest and nerve-wracking way to divorce your wife - will apply to a registry office.
You may have to negotiate for a long time how to divide the apartment and who will get your favorite doggie, run around for lawyers to find out your rights, visit a psychologist to make sure that your marriage is long dead and can not be revived, but it's worth it.
Sometimes the preparation for divorce can last six months and longer, whereas the divorce with the wife after applying does not take more than 1 month time.
So, you found a compromise, calmed down, agreed on everything and are ready to divorce. You need:
- To find out in the local registry office, on what day applications for divorce are submitted.
- Will appear on this day with his wife or a form filled out by her, if she does not manage to come to the registrar's office in person.
- Provide copies of your passports, marriage certificates and birth certificates of your children, if any.
- Fill in the appropriate forms.
- Wait 1 month, which is given to the spouses for consideration.
Appear again with his wife or on the appointed day in the registry office and undergo the procedure for divorce.
If the wife for some reason can not attend the procedure, then she must give written permission to dissolve the marriage without her.
- After drinking with his wife a cup of coffee / a glass of wine, thank each other for the happy years spent together, and wish you happiness in a new life.
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How to get a divorce from a wife through a court?
If you have not been able to reach a compromise in any way because:
- your wife is categorically against divorce;
- can not civilizedly share the acquired property;
- you require joint custody of children, and your wife is against;
then you need only the court.
To seek help from an attorney or not is your business, it all depends on the complexity of the process.
It is better to insure yourself and entrust the defending of your rights to a professional.
It is expensive, long and traumatic to get divorced from the wife through the court.
First, there will be a pre-trial investigation, then a court hearing, according to which the judge decides.
There are ways by which your wife can delay the process:
- by submitting an application for a period of reconciliation;
- after appealing the decision.
In addition, it should be remembered that it is possible to divorce quickly through the court( in a few months, if everything goes smoothly), whereas property deals can last for years, so it is better to file two separate claims.
After the judge has decided to divorce, your wife finally agreed with him and did not appeal, you receive a document confirming this.
You do not need to recover for the certificate of termination, but you can go there to put the appropriate stamp in your passport.
In the video below the lawyer gives advice on how to speed up the divorce process:
How to get a divorce from a civil wife?
Civil marriage is not officially recognized as our state, so if you want to divorce your civil wife, then you just need to leave her or ask her to leave your home.
The case can be complicated only if you have joint children or property acquired together, for example, an apartment and a car.
If you can not get a divorce amicably, then you have to solve the matter through the court.
Proving that it is exactly co-owned property is difficult enough, usually the decision is made in favor of the official owner.
With children it's still harder - you'll have to try to get joint custody.
If you find yourself a scoundrel and do not want to pay child support to your own child, even if you are born into a civil marriage, then your wife can force you to do this through the court, proving your paternity.
I'm sorry that your family life did not work out and you think how to get divorced from wife .
Do everything to maintain a good relationship with your spouse and without anger, resentment and reproach to open up for a new relationship.