Forming cucumbers in the open field - an instruction for truckers to care for shoots on beds

Cucumber is a whimsical plant for which the main condition is leaving, fresh air and good soil. Cucumber bushes alone can not provide the ovary with nutrients, tk.these plants do not have a strong root system. In this connection it is necessary to carry out the formation of cucumber beds.

How to properly form cucumbers

In order for cucumber bushes to develop properly, do not become infected with an infection and bring a good harvest, it is necessary to carry out such procedure as the formation of cucumbers in the open ground. This measure is necessary, it affects both the quality and the number of fruits. To properly form a cucumber bush, you need to follow certain recommendations:

  • use only sharpened blades( knife or scissors) so as not to damage the fragile plant;
  • if a lot of empty ovaries formed on the stem, you just need to dry the soil.

Gartering cucumbers in the open ground

Many gardeners are often interested in the question of how to properly tie cucumbers in the open field, and why such manipulation is needed? Fertility of the plant depends directly on their garter. It is important to do it in time, so that the curly bush actively crawls up. Garter in the beds, as in greenhouses, will significantly increase the number of vegetables. There are several ways to properly tie a cucumber in a garden bed:

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  • Horizontal. This formation of cucumbers in the open ground is suitable for gardeners-beginners. In this case it follows:
    • take long sticks and deepen them;
    • pull the rope between them;
    • gently direct the stems of the young cucumber to the bottom row of rope;
    • plant seeds at a distance of about 10 to 15 centimeters from each other.
  • Vertical or hybrid. This option also begins with two supports. Then stretches the rope, on which the entire length of the fabric strips are attached. The lower end should grab a cucumber stalk.
  • Mesh for cucumbers. Plants must be hooked on special devices( mesh).Cover the night with cover material.

Clipping of cucumbers outdoors without garter

When ripening plants, many gardeners do not know if you need to pinch the cucumbers in the open ground. The process of pinching in the open space, as a rule, depends on how well the varieties were planted. For short cucumber bushes, this procedure is not required, becauseit does not have a particular impact on yields. Prischipka is mandatory when caring for long varieties.

When growing a plant, it must be possible to distribute the food correctly. When flowers begin to grow, all useful substances go to them. The main one is the central stem. Only a small number of nutrients reach the side shoots. Hence, the yield of fruits will greatly decrease. To ensure the distribution of food, it is necessary to remove hollow flowers, so that later female ovaries that can self-pollinate are formed. Step-by-step instructions on when to pinch the cucumbers:

  • if the plant has reached a height of one meter, you can begin to pick off the tops;
  • with lateral processes should be 50 cm and have 2 orders;
  • if there is no garter, then on the main sprout it is necessary to destroy the growth point after every fourth leaflet, at the lateral - after the second.

Other ways to form cucumbers in the garden

Cucumber bushes can be left alone for their natural growth and allow them to creep wherever they like, but it will be quite inconvenient. If the summer is rainy and wet, the cucumber stems are damaged and decayed from dampness, the fruits are spoiled. Therefore, the plants must be tied up. For the formation of cucumbers must observe a distance of at least half a meter. In addition, there are other ways to effectively grow fruit:

  1. On the cord. It is necessary for each plant to remove lateral shoots, to form only one stem and bind the twine.
  2. The most spectacular way to garter is the trellis. This special grate should be installed on wooden racks and letting the whips through it. To cucumber on the trellis fruit well, we remove the lower shoots from the plant.
  3. Pasynkovanie cucumbers. To break off shoots should be carefully, trying not to harm the plant. Only those shoots that grow no more than 6 centimeters should go into bed.

Video: how to form cucumbers in the open ground

A good harvest and effective cultivation of cucumbers requires careful care, watering and the right place for planting. To properly form a cucumber zone, the beginning vegetable grower should take advice and planting schemes for plants of seasoned farmers. You can find out about the options of cucumber formation in the open ground if you look at the detailed video instruction.

How to tie cucumbers in the open ground on the trellis

When and how to pinch the cucumbers

Forming cucumbers in the open ground on the

  • Mar 07, 2018
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