5 best ways to grow eyebrows. How to grow eyebrows quickly?

The article will reveal effective ways for quick eyebrow growth, give advice on proper care, guaranteeing the growth of beautiful thick eyebrows.

Contents of

  • Is it possible to grow eyebrows?
  • How to grow rare eyebrows?
  • How to grow eyebrows after tattooing?
  • How quickly to grow eyebrows after an unsuccessful correction?
  • How to grow thick thick eyebrows?
  • Can I grow my eyebrow after plucking?
  • How to grow a brow? Video for
  • How long does it take to grow eyebrows?
  • How fast to grow eyebrows in a week?
  • How to grow eyebrows quickly: tips and reviews
  • Video: How to grow ideal thick eyebrows? Tips and Rules for Eyebrow Growth

Returning your natural eyebrows after a long plucking, disappointing tattoo or making them more dense according to a new trend in fashion - the motives may be completely different, but the desire to increase the amount of hair in the eyebrow area is quite real and justified.

Is it possible to grow eyebrows?

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Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand the causes of rare eyebrows:

  • Frequent staining of
    Aggressive chemical exposure negatively affects the condition of the hairs, therefore long-term use of paint, especially of poor quality, can lead to slowing and stopping of eyebrow growth
  • Non-compliance with the basic principles of care
    Ignoring the removal of cosmetics leftovers in the eyebrow area at night can be the main cause of brittleness and hair loss
  • Wrong plucking
    Inept use of tweezers can cause significant damage to hair bulbs and cause hair growth to stop or to chaotic and rare appearance of hairs

  • Heredity
    If in family history thick sable eyebrows have always been just the desired way, then the likelihood that you will become the owner of such eyebrows is also verysmall
  • Hormonal failures
    If the hormonal background changes, hair loss will be noticeable not only on the eyebrows. Most likely, the hair on the head will react first. Therefore, when the first symptoms should be consulted a doctor, pass the necessary tests for hormones. As a rule, the thyroid hormones
  • are responsible for the condition of the hair. Unhealthy lifestyle
    Unbalanced nutrition, alcohol abuse, smoking, etc.have negative consequences for the body as a whole. Eyebrows will not be an exception. Want to improve the look of your eyebrows and prevent the development of other potential health problems and appearance - change your lifestyle comprehensively
  • Unprofessional correction of
    Very often you have to face a human factor and, resorting to the help of seemingly professionals, eventually get an unsuccessful eyebrow correction, forthe correction of which on the eyebrows is no longer the hair

Despite the completely different reasons for slowing growth or lack of the desired number of hairs on the eyebrows, correct withthe situation is possible. Even in the most difficult cases, when rare eyebrows are caused by genetics, there are ways that, combined with perseverance and patience, will give noticeable improvements.

How to grow rare eyebrows?

There are 5 main ways of to grow eyebrows, which, depending on the required speed of obtaining the result and the complexity of the initial situation, can be used individually or collectively as a complex.

  1. regularly do massage , using oils that stimulate
  2. hair growth once or twice during the week to nourish hair follicles masks from extracts of oils, chamomile, honey, aloe, fig
  3. daily care for the eyebrows: clean and comb
  4. Enablein food ration products rich in vitamins for hair growth
  5. To undergo a course of intensive hair follicle regeneration and growth acceleration with the help of professional cosmetic preparations , balms, gelslei, eyebrow serum

All methods with a competent approach and provided that the tweezers no longer touch the eyebrows, will help to revive the inactive bulbs and strengthen the hairs on the eyebrows, which will lead to a significant increase in their volume. Next, consider each of the methods in more detail.

How to grow eyebrows after tattooing?

The procedure for tattooing is used for several reasons: rare eyebrows from birth, lack of time for constant care, coloring, drawing and shaping, prejudice that it is fashionable and guaranteed beautifully. But there may come a time when there will be a desire to return natural eyebrows. A proven effect for the resumption of growth of eyebrows and improve their condition are some oils.

  • Castor oil
    Oil extracted from castor seeds is known for its wide application in medicine and cosmetology.

Healing properties of castor oil in the hair care area:

  • does not form a fatty film
  • nourishes the hair follicles
  • promotes active hair growth
  • smoothes flakes in the hair, giving it a smooth

Thanks to this, as well as affordability, castor oil has gained popularity among those who,who want to quickly grow beautiful thick eyebrows.

  • Burdock oil

Another essential tool in the struggle for beauty - burdock oil, derived from the roots of burdock. As part of the oil: palmitic and stearic acids, essential oils, mineral salts, vitamins A, E, C and B.

Burdock oil is characterized by the ability to strengthen and activate hair growth, prevent brittleness and hair loss, restore metabolic processes when exposed to hair,which makes it an excellent weapon in achieving the effect of long thick eyebrows.

IMPORTANT: Burdock oil more often than castor causes allergic reactions.

Given this fact, before use, check for allergies by applying a small amount of oil to the back of your wrist. If there is a tendency to allergies, you should refrain from unauthorized use of any oil before consulting a doctor.

  • Asymmetric oil

  • Unlike castor oil and burdock oil, not many people know of the existence of such a wonderful tool as the oil of the
  • . Usma( waida) is common in the East. In China, the ossa is cultivated as a medicinal plant. One of the known properties of the hair is the fight against hair loss
  • Oil obtained from the leaves of the osmium, rich in valuable vitamins and nutrients
  • Eighth has a strong effect on the hair follicles, prevents excessive hair loss and stimulates their active growth

Butter oil, the medicinal properties of which are attributedcure even complex cases of baldness, can significantly improve the structure and amount of hair on the eyebrows.

It is used in the treatment of hair of the head, eyelashes and eyebrows like the juice of the leaves of the ossima, and oil.

IMPORTANT: Juice Juice is characterized by the property of staining, first in a dark green color, which after a while becomes black. Oil has no such effect.

Therefore, if you do not want to give a dark shade to the eyebrows, you should give preference to the oil of the osmium.

In addition, to increase the growth of eyebrows and give them a smoothness capable oils:

  • almond
  • peach
  • coconut
  • olive
  • sea buckthorn
  • ethereal( lavender, lemon oil)

It is recommended to apply oil with eyebrow line massage .This will stimulate the blood flow and will allow better absorption of oil in the base of the hair.

Massage should be done on the growth vector of the hair: from the nose to the ears, you can use light tweaks, jerky pushing or spiral rubbing.
It is enough to drop a couple of drops of oil on your fingers and rub it in a few minutes with massage movements.

IMPORTANT: A convenient alternative is to apply the oil with a special eyebrow brush, an old toothbrush or a brush for the carcass, for which the oil can be poured into a loosened and well-washed tube from the carcass.

  • The procedure should be performed every night before going to bed
  • In the morning, butter from the eyebrows must be washed off
  • To enhance and accelerate the process, you can repeat the manipulations twice a day

How quickly to grow eyebrows after an unsuccessful correction?

In pursuit of perfection, it is not difficult and overzealous. And the desire to pluck a few hairs to give the eyebrows a beautiful shape can be a failure.

In order to correct the situation, it is often necessary to first grow the hairs, and then again give the eyebrows an attractive appearance.

In addition to the above method of daily application of oil to stimulate the growth of hairs, you can make eyebrows different nourishing masks. Prepare them quite real at home, using a different combination of ingredients, each of which will perform a special function, and together they will provide a comprehensive impact on the eyebrow zone.


  • figs
  • milk
  • cook until consistency of gruel
  • cool
  • put mixture in cheesecloth or other thin cloth
  • attach to eyebrow area, cover to keep heat with towel( knitted scarf)
  • keep until fully cooled


  • 2st.l.chamomile flowers
  • pour boiling water, insist
  • put in the tincture 1 tsp.honey
  • with a cotton swab
  • , remove after 15-20 min


  • 1 tbsp.l.calendula flowers
  • 5 tbsp.l.olive oil
  • insist a couple of days
  • keep on the eyebrows 20-30 min


  • parsley
  • aloe juice
  • mix chopped parsley with aloe juice( squeeze out of leaves)
  • immediately after preparation
  • wash off after 10-15 min


  • 1 tbsp.l. Castor oil
  • 1 tsp.rum or cognac
  • warm up in the bath
  • make a compress for 30-40 minutes


  • Almond and peach oil in equal parts
  • heat and rub into the eyebrow zone for 15 minutes

You can choose a unique recipe for yourself by adding and combining differentthe ingredients present in these masks.

IMPORTANT: To enhance the effect, 2-3 drops of vitamin A. bought in the pharmacy can be added to the mask.

How to grow thick, thick eyebrows?

The secret of thick velvety eyebrows is a regular everyday care. Therefore, in order to not only achieve growth of the eyebrows, but also provide them with a healthy appearance, the eyebrow follows:

  • Clean
    When removing make-up from the eyelids, you should also scrupulously clean the eyebrow arches. Left over for a whole night, cosmetics lead to the destruction of hair follicles and brittle hair on the eyebrows. For cleaning, you should give preference to products that contain oils, for example, two-phase lotions for removing decorative make-up

IMPORTANT: Avoid chaotic movements when cleaning eyebrows. The affected hairs will react to this by brittleness and begin to grow in an undesirable direction. Move in the direction of growth.

  • Combing
    This should become a habit, like putting hair on your head. For combing, you should use a special brush for the eyebrows. It is better to combine the combing procedure with applying oil to the eyebrows before going to sleep.

Is it possible to grow eyebrows after plucking?

Prolonged pulling of the hairs can lead to damage to the follicles, a significant slowing or cessation of hair growth at the sites of this manipulation. However, to grow wide brows and in this case it is possible. Especially, if the eyebrows were thick from birth and thinned only with regular plucking.

In addition to the above procedures to enhance the growth of eyebrows aimed at local effects, an important factor is also the saturation of the body with the necessary nutrients and useful vitamins from the inside.

It is known that vitamins A, E, C, and also B1, B6 and B12 are responsible for hair growth. The logical step is to re-evaluate the diet in the pose of food products containing these vitamins.

Vitamin A: viburnum, liver, broccoli, garlic, sour cream, garlic, butter, cream cheese, carrots, potato yam, ramson etc.
Vitamin E: nuts( hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, peanuts),spinach, squid, millet, dried apricots, vegetable oil, sea buckthorn, sunflower seeds, etc.
Vitamin C: rose hips, orange, sweet pepper, lemon, black currant, cabbage, sea buckthorn, kiwi, etc.
Vitamins B1, B6, B12: liver, meat, fish( mackerel, cod, tuna, perch, sardines), beans, pine nuts, lentils, horseradish, oatmeal, etc.

However, the food should be balanced. If the body does not have enough of an element, it will certainly affect the condition of the skin, hair, bones, nails.

How to grow a brow? Video

In order to grow eyebrows effectively, quickly and not take much effort and time, remember the following rules and advice:

  • Do not tweeze your eyebrows. Even if at first the hairs do not grow as you would like, you should be patient and do not grab for tweezers or wax. Wait until the eyebrows grow in sufficient quantity to proceed with the correction of the form
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics near the eyebrows , or at least reduce its use to a minimum. Cosmetic drugs clog pores and prevent the growth of healthy hairs
  • Rub oils on clean eyebrows, beforehand removing the remnants of cosmetics, particles of sweat, dirt, dust, etc. This will allow the oil to penetrate deep into the hair base, soak into the skin and act more effectively.
  • eyebrows. Usually the process goes more live, if the situation is let go and do not check daily how much the hairs have grown
  • Moisturize and massage the eyebrow area
  • Practice a healthy diet and drink more liquid

How long does it take to grow eyebrows?

The speed of hair growth is individual, so the universal term for growing wide eyebrows is difficult to name. On average, on the site of the plucked hair, the new begins to grow after 4-5 days( about 1 mm).Therefore, in a month or two, you can count on a complete restoration of the previous length of the eyebrows.

However, if you resort to the above methods of accelerating growth, improving the structure of the hair on the eyebrows, the first results can be discerned after 14 days. The hairs will grow substantially and will be more smooth and bulky.

How fast to grow eyebrows in a week?

If the time limit for eyebrows is limited to a week, without the support of special means is indispensable. In the cosmetics market, there is a wide range of high-tech products developed for effective eyebrow growth. Conditionally they can be divided into hormonal and non-hormonal.
The first in its composition contain hormones, prostaglandins, obtained by artificial means( bimatoprost, etc.).The popular hormonal drugs for accelerating eyebrow growth are:

  • Latisse, USA
  • Careprost, India

  • Advanced Lash, USA
  • Volum, Ireland
  • Rapidlash Eyelash Enhancing Serum, USA
  • Feg Eyelash Enhancer, China

IMPORTANT: Hormonal drugs are very effective, but they have a number of side effects and contraindications, in particular they can not be used in pregnancy. Therefore, before using these products, it is recommended that you receive a doctor's approval.

Non-hormonal agents are safer due to their natural composition, many of which contain the same castor, burdock oil, etc. Accordingly, the effect will not be noticeable as quickly as from the use of hormonal drugs, but will persist for a longer time and without risk to health. Among non-hormonal agents are known:

  • balm SATURA, Russia
  • gel Mavala Double-lash, Switzerland
  • gel Talika Lipocils, France
  • organic serum Adonia BrowRevive, USA

  • oil Elma, Russia
  • stimulant Alerana, Russia

The funds are usually equipped with special brushesor brushes for convenient application, are used 1-2 times a day.

How to grow eyebrows quickly: tips and feedback

Many girls can share the positive results of a quick and effective eyebrow extension.

Olga from Ekaterinburg:
"I checked the effect of castor oil on my eyebrows. The result is »

Alena from Minsk:
« I used different means, I liked MAVALA and TALIKA »

Tatyana from Volgograd:
« I started rubbing burdock oil in eyebrows two weeks ago. Already I see many new hairs »

Thus, it is possible to grow natural thick eyebrows, and this requires very little: intensive exposure with oils, masks and special means for eyebrow growth or just basic care, rejection of tweezers and time.

Video: How to grow ideal thick eyebrows? Tips and rules for eyebrow augmentation

  • Mar 03, 2018
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