Many people today suffer from excessive eating, most often very harmful, but can not stop and reduce the amount of food eaten. Why is this happening?
The reason for overeating is in the head?
No wonder they say that you need to start losing weight from your head. The problem of overeating does not come from the stomach, but straight from our brain, often as a consequence of some psychological problems. Therefore, someone eats another chocolate because of a quarrel with a loved one, someone because of problems at work, and others from frequent failures and stresses. Getting rid of this habit is difficult, but possible.
First of all, you need to understand yourself. Analyze your day, remember what happened to you before you once again broke down and ate a lot of harmful food. Next time, as soon as you feel the desire to please yourself with harmful treats, try to stay and send this desire to another channel.
How not to overeat under stress and other problems
For example, the money you would spend on buying various delicious food or going to a cafe can be used to pay beauty services or purchase new clothes. Thus, you will be able to "kill two birds with one stone" - to take one step on the way to getting rid of food dependence, and to be happy with the acquisition of a thing, or new sensations after changing your appearance.
If you can not switch your desires, then use the trick. Buy yourself a variety of fruits, and at the time of desire to eat, eat them. Gradually, you will love them, you will find the fruit really tasty product, and every day you will more and more be weaned from the desire to eat chips or drink soda.
It is not superfluous to think up a hobby for yourself, in which you would like to invest your energy and, possibly, money. For example, if you like drawing, then you can indulge yourself with the purchase of new colors or an album, this will greatly help you to escape from the constant habit of pleasing yourself with food.
Do not scold yourself for failures, just be glad that you have relaxed today, and the next day start with new strength and determination.
Believe in yourself, constantly praising yourself for every little step on the way to freeing yourself from dependence, understand that all this you do only for your health and well-being. Imagine how you will be satisfied with yourself, when you finally get rid of the addiction, how your self-esteem and pride will grow.