The second phase is weight stabilization

The second phase is weight stabilization

Phase 2 is the phase of maintaining the achieved weight, the stage at which we really learn how to eat properly.

Unlike phase 1, which lasted for a limited period of time, you will have to stick to phase 2 for the rest of your life if you want to keep the weight you achieved. At the first stage, it was said that you can not eat, and that you should eat in limited quantities or in a certain sequence. At the second stage, the restrictions will be weakened, there will be freedom of interpretation, that is, the stage of the art of power management will come. The stage of creative mastering of the method has come.

Phase 2 is easier and at the same time more difficult to enforce than Phase 1. It is easier because there are fewer prohibitions and more choices for food products that are allowed to be consumed. It is more difficult because this phase assumes cautious and very reasonable power management, the main characteristics of such management are constancy and rigor. Be vigilant, as you will have to constantly avoid risk.

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The first danger that lies in wait for you is erroneous power regulation. You can regulate nutrition, but keep records for only one component of your diet. For example: you drink whiskey before meals and wait for the main course to drink after it one of the three glasses of wine. You have well learned that the effect of alcohol does not harm the body if there is food in the stomach. But you have already taken an aperitif on an empty stomach and now do not wait for a positive effect.

The second danger is the misconception that if I "warm up", I can always go back to phase 1 and restore everything again. It will not happen.

You will need 2 times more time to restore the initial weight, usually at least 3 months.

The main task is to achieve stability for the rest of our life, then there will not be a return path to the past. If you achieve this, you will not want to go back - so much better you will feel. And then automatism will develop, and the method will turn into a behavioral skill, you will go the right course on "autopilot".

Do not try to convert everyone. Do not advocate at every step the principles of your new diet. Do not tell everyone what you eat and what you do not eat. Do not tell others what errors in the diet they allow. Do not try to save everyone who does not adhere to a diet, from the mortal danger that threatens him. In addition to bitterness, you will not achieve anything. Most people understand that they eat wrong, but they do not have enough will to make a step in the right direction. You will awaken a feeling of guilt in them, but people do not like it.

Keep track of your weight. Have an accurate balance and regularly weigh at the same time. You will quickly feel that the greatest deviation in weight can be corrected by diet, and if a tendency appears, do not rush to extremes - just change course slightly, and everything will become in place. There will come a time when you will do this automatically, without noticing the process itself.

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