- Plant characteristics
- Healing composition
- About the incredible benefits of
- Contraindications
Asparagus is a fairly ancient plant. In total there are more than 200 species of its varieties, and the most common and famous is asparagus officinalis. And, although from the point of view of traditional medicine it is not a curative vegetable, folk doctors still distinguish this variety of asparagus among other cultures. So, what are the beneficial properties of asparagus, and how to recognize the medicinal plant among its many species?
Plant characteristics
Asparagus, asparagus, or asparagus, is a perennial plant belonging to the genus Asparagus of the Asparagus family. In the wild, it can be found in areas that are temperate. It grows in the countries of Europe, North America, Central and Asia Minor, New Zealand, Australia. Prefers grassy places, steppes and floodplain meadows, rarely fields, where it grows mainly among shrubs.
How does the asparagus look ordinary? It is a herbaceous plant, whose stem can reach 1.5 m in height;the stem is erect, naked, numerous branches branch from it. It has straight threadlike cladodia up to 3 cm long, pressed against the stem and collected at 3-6.Leaves with spurge, scaly.
In May-June, inflorescences of whitish-yellow hue appear, which can be located on branches and on the main stem. In August, the fruit ripens;they have the form of a berry, painted in red-brick color, globular. In the next photo you can consider asparagus medicinal during the collection period.
Popular types of
The following two types of asparagus would be worth considering in more detail, as they are the most common on sale - it's green asparagus and white asparagus.
Green asparagus is the most popular kind of this vegetable, which can be found in almost any supermarket or in the market. This plant has a more intense taste, very juicy and crispy when cooked correctly. It grows like an ordinary vegetable - on a bed, but gives fruits throughout the year. As can be seen from the color, in the composition of green asparagus there is much more vitamins showing antioxidant properties - A and E, as well as B vitamins and folic acid.
White asparagus is a choice of true gourmets, and its appearance in the menu speaks about the high status of the restaurant. This vegetable is seasonal - the collection begins in March and ends in June. At the same time, the collection process itself is quite labor intensive, as white asparagus grows under peculiar earth mounds - sandy hills.
Compared with green asparagus, white has a more vivid taste and soft shoots, in addition, it includes chlorophyll, which is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to all tissues of our body. But at the same time this type of plant is characterized by high sugar content, therefore, as a rule, green asparagus is included in diets.
Healing composition
As you know the healing power of any plant lies in the list of substances that make up its composition. Asparagus will be as follows:
- vitamins - PP, A, B1, B2, C, E;
- micronutrients are iron;
- macronutrients - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus;
- asparagine;
- arginine;
- lysine;
- mineral salts;
- saponins;
- carotene.
Regarding the energy value of this product, in young shoots:
- proteins were found;
- fats;
- carbohydrates;
- dietary fiber;
- organic acids;
- di- and monosaccharides;
- ash;
- starch.
Caloric content of asparagus - 21 kcal per 100 g of product.
The incredible benefits of
This vegetable is very easy for our body - it is quickly and easily digested, besides it is a low-calorie. And thanks to a rich list of important components, asparagus combines a fairly large number of useful properties.
- Asparagine, included in its composition, acts as a vasodilator, which helps to lower blood pressure to normal. It also promotes the removal of ammonia from the body and improves the functioning of the heart muscle, strengthening its contractions and slowing the rhythm.
Note! For these reasons, asparagus is recommended for use by patients who have had a heart attack!
- Beta-carotene has a positive effect on our eyesight and skin condition.
- Since asparagus contains phosphorus and potassium, its use becomes useful for bone tissue.
- Magnesium and iron are responsible for the process of blood formation.
- Asparagus officinalis is rich in coarse fibers, which help to normalize the digestion process.
- Thanks zinc, the wound is healing early and the connective tissue is strengthened.
- Nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP, is the best prophylaxis for pellagra.
- Folic acid prevents the development of liver diseases and promotes the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy.
Important! Fresh asparagus juice is used even in cosmetology - it perfectly exfoliates, cleanses and softens the skin!
What else is as good as asparagus? In folk medicine, this plant is recommended for use in the following cases:
- hepatitis;
- cirrhosis;
- prostatitis;
- swelling;
- problems with urination;
- neuroses;
- hysterical states;
- tachycardia;
- hypertension;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- poor digestion;
- lack of appetite;
- lung disease;
- whooping cough;
- gout;
- rheumatism;
- kidney failure.
Note! All asparagus preparations have one advantage - a rather strong anti-inflammatory property and a diuretic effect.
When pregnant
The combination of important substances that make up asparagus makes it very useful for women during pregnancy.
- Folic acid contributes to the normal formation and development of the fetus.
Note! Folic acid is a very important substance that is necessary for the female body not only during the period of carrying out the child, but also in preparation for it. Therefore, asparagus is recommended to use not only during, but also until pregnancy - when planning it.
- Macro and micronutrients are involved in the formation of the fetal bone and dental systems.
- Having a diuretic effect, asparagus will help a pregnant woman to eliminate puffiness, which during pregnancy is not uncommon, and potassium salts will contribute to the normalization of kidney function.
- Magnesium will normalize the nervous system - calm, return a strong healthy sleep.
- Acids will remove toxins, slags from the body and remove inflammatory processes.
- Group B vitamins take care of the liver.
In addition, asparagus will help a woman during pregnancy look great: the juice softens and tones the skin, the broth will strengthen the hair and nail plate, and the vegetable itself will have a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.
Important! But it is worth remembering that during pregnancy, asparagus should be eaten moderately, because otherwise it can cause allergies, which sometimes turn into hives!
For weight loss
Stick to a strict diet? Be sure to pay attention to asparagus! This product is ideal for those who want to lose weight and at the same time do not want to eat boring. So, why this vegetable is suitable for the diet menu:
- insignificant calorie content of 21 kcal per 100 products, which only the fatty sauce, rashly added to the asparagus salad, can spoil;
- asparagine, in honor of which the plant is actually named, will help to remove excess fluid from the body, accelerate metabolism, improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys - in other words, will do everything possible to help in losing weight;
- quite often, adhering to a strict diet, a person deprives his body of important vitamins and minerals. With asparagus this will not happen! Rather, on the contrary, this vegetable will help fill the lack of vital substances and will prevent avitaminosis.
Important! But do not overdo it, as the diuretic effect of this product can lead to dehydration of the body! Therefore, asparagus should not become the basis of your diet, but only an additional ingredient in a balanced menu!
Despite the huge benefits in some cases, asparagus can cause health harm. Contraindications include:
- individual intolerance;
- peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum;
- diabetes and addiction to it.
In addition, remember that any product will be useful only if you observe the measure when using it. Cook asparagus, consider contraindications and be healthy!