As you know, to get the most benefit from honeysuckle, it should be eaten raw. Without heat treatment, berries retain all their healing power and support the protective forces of our body. But unfortunately, it is possible to do this only in the season of fruit ripening - in the summer. And how to stock up on vitamins for the winter? Prepare honeysuckle with sugar without cooking! This dessert will be an excellent addition to tea and at the same time will bring tremendous benefits to our body.
Valuable properties of the raw billet
Fresh honeysuckle has a rather pleasant taste, which somewhat resembles blueberry. But at the same time its useful properties are more powerful than strawberries, cowberries and black currants. Edible are not all varieties of honeysuckle. Those that can be eaten without fear, can have a variety of shapes, from round to elongated, but their color must necessarily be dark blue or black with a light bluish bloom.
In the ripe berries of honeysuckle is concentrated a huge number of useful components. Among them:
- vitamins;
- micro and macro elements;
- sugar;
- pectins;
- tanning agents;
- organic acids.
Note! The chemical composition of the fruit of honeysuckle can vary depending on the region of growth of the bush! For example, the southern berry will be saturated with sugars, and the northern - with ascorbic acid!
This berry can be used in dietary nutrition, as its calorie content is very low - about 30 kilocalories per 100 g of ripe fruit. Honeysuckle, wiped with sugar, is first of all an excellent antipyretic agent, which shows very good results for colds. In addition, it helps to normalize blood pressure, which is accompanied by headache and dizziness.
"Live" honeysuckle for the winter
Among edible varieties of honeysuckle, everyone can pick a berries for themselves to taste. There are fruits with spicy bitterness, with a slight sourish tinge and sweet. Prepare them for the winter can be in various ways: jams, jams, compotes, jellies and juices. But today we will talk about the most gentle method - without heat treatment. Honeysuckle can be twisted with sugar or freeze the fruit.
Today, more and more housewives are leaning toward such variants of blanks. And this is not surprising, because that's how you can make not only very tasty, but also the most useful delicacy.
Raw jam
This recipe for making honeysuckle with sugar is pretty simple. For dessert you will need ripe berries and granulated sugar, which must be taken in a ratio of 1: 1.5.
Recommendation! If you get a sour sort of honeysuckle, then the amount of sugar can be increased by 200-300 g!
- Freshly picked fruits carefully sorted, discard spoiled, as well as vegetable debris.
- Gently wash the berries in several waters and discard them in a colander. We wait until all the liquid has gone, then we dry the honeysuckle, spreading it in a thin layer on a paper towel.
- We grind. To do this, it is convenient to use a blender. You can also skip the berries a couple of times through a meat grinder or knead them with a wooden tolstick.
Note! With the last method of grinding, honeysuckle will preserve the entire strength of the useful substances, since the pulp will not contact the metal, and, therefore, will avoid the oxidation process!
- The prepared weight is transferred to a large container and poured over with sugar. Thoroughly mix and leave for half an hour to secrete the juice.
- While the berry mass "rests" we are engaged in jars. Thoroughly wash and sterilize them for 7 minutes. Next, put the neck down on the towel. We sterilize the lids and dry them.
- After the berry puree leaves the juice, it can be divided into jars and tightly sealed. We transfer our workpiece to a cool cellar or cellar.
This fragrant dessert can be served with homemade cottage cheese, with ice cream or with tea.
Frozen in sugar
Another way of harvesting honeysuckle with sugar, which allows you to keep the maximum of useful substances, is freezing. You need to select entire fruits, preferably dense, without the slightest damage.
- We sort out and wash the honeysuckle, carefully dry it.
- Prepare plastic containers: thoroughly wash and dry.
Recommendation! For this method of harvesting honeysuckle, it is convenient to take small jars - a capacity of half a liter!
- Pour a small layer of berries, pour the sugar, gently shake. Then, again, honeysuckle, sugar. The procedure is repeated several times until the plastic containers are filled to 4/5 of the volume.
- Filled boxes again shake and put the last layer of sugar on top with a thickness of about 1 cm.
- Tightly sealed.
In powdered sugar
Honeysuckle can be frozen not with sugar, but with powdered sugar. The ratio of ingredients will be as follows: per kilogram of 2 kg of powdered sugar.
- We sorted the berries, dried them and put them in jars.
- Each layer is sprinkled with powdered sugar and shaken several times to distribute it evenly.
- From above, fill the fruit with a layer of sugar, the thickness of which should be at least a centimeter.
- We seal the workpiece and freeze it.
In addition, you can freeze the honeysuckle without additives. For this, berries, as always, sorting, washing and drying. Next, the shelf of the freezer compartment is covered with food film and spread on it fruits in one layer. It is desirable to keep a small distance between them. After an hour we pour the honeysuckle into plastic bags and send it to storage.