- Constipation and beneficial bacteria
- How probiotics facilitate defecation
- How to choose the most effective probiotic
Insufficient rationing of products rich in coarse fiber, stress, taking painkillers or antidepressants, chronic pathologies often cause constipation. The human body quickly gets used to the action of laxatives, so their repeated use does not bring the desired effect. Probiotics with constipation have a complex effect, eliminating not only the symptoms of the pathological condition, but also its cause. Gastroenterologist after the examination and study of the results of laboratory( and if necessary, and instrumental) studies will select a drug for each small and adult patient.
Constipation and beneficial bacteria
The rate of product cleavage, adsorption of nutrients and biologically active substances is individual for every adult and baby. Someone empties the intestines every morning and evening, and for someone the defecation is every two days. If such a regime does not adversely affect the health of a person, then he does not need to take medicines or dietary supplements. In medicine, constipation means the absence of defecation for 2-3 days, as well as the need to strain strongly with each emptying of the intestine.
Tip: When there is no complete loss of stools during stool and there is a feeling of heaviness, you should make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. This condition is considered pathological and requires course treatment with drugs of various groups, including probiotics.
Most often constipation develops in the postoperative period, during rehabilitation after bacterial and viral infections, with exacerbations of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is often accompanied by the following symptoms:
- pains and heaviness in the abdomen;
- by excessive gassing;
- dyspeptic disorders.
As a rule, people who neglect visiting a hospital are sent to the nearest pharmacy for laxatives and pain medications. Wrong choice of the latter will lead to the development of constipation even more pronounced. This is especially true for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, isotropic antispasmodics and analgesics. A laxative with bark buckthorn or senna leaves does not retain its effectiveness for a long time. To achieve the former therapeutic activity, requires a constant increase in the doses of pharmacological or phytopreparations.
Prolonged congestion of the food lump in the gastrointestinal tract provokes putrefactive and fermenting processes. A large number of intestinal gases are formed, which suppress the growth and active reproduction of useful microorganisms. The number of fermented bacteria and fungi is rapidly decreasing. In their place, the population of pathogenic microorganisms rapidly increases:
- clostridium;
- Escherichia coli;
- of staphylococci.
Not only the adult and the child feel worse, the risk of developing a dangerous intestinal infection increases. Adjust the work of the digestive tract, optimize peristalsis, restore the number of beneficial bacteria will help the course of probiotics.
. As probiotics facilitate the defecation of
People often do not realize that the cause of rapid fatigue, recurrence of bacterial and viral infections, various avitaminosis, constipation, provoked by the death of intestinal biocenosis. Eliminate these pathological conditions as quickly as possible, otherwise health problems will only accumulate and worsen. Probiotics for constipation in adults and toddlers will help to get rid of difficulties with defecation.
These preparations contain dried cultures of living beneficial microorganisms in anaerobic "hibernation".The bacterial strains show their therapeutic activity in the liquid biological environment of the human body. After penetrating into the stomach, useful fungi and bacteria enter the intestine, where the most favorable conditions for their growth and reproduction are present.
It is interesting: In the course of their life microorganisms break down polysaccharides, inulins, fiber into products that create a medium with acidic pH values.
The course reception of probiotics has a complex positive effect:
- recovery of optimal intestinal microbiocenosis;
- increase in fecal matter due to beneficial bacteria;
- elimination of excessive gassing, rotting and fermentation processes;
- increased the tone of the smooth muscle of the intestine;
- stimulates the synthesis of folic acid and vitamin K, which improves blood circulation.
The use of probiotics in the treatment of constipation may be one-component, when irregular emptying of the intestine does not cause beriberi or dysbiosis, but provokes only increased anxiety and anxiety for one's condition. If the absence of defecation led to the active reproduction of clostridia and the development of infection, then preparations with beneficial bacteria are prescribed by gastroenterologists in combination with other means:
- by intestinal antiseptics;
- enterosorbents;
- antimicrobial agents;
- balanced complexes of vitamins and trace elements.
The intake of probiotics creates an acidic environment in the intestine that is destructive for staphylococci, enterococci, E. coli. Their numbers gradually decrease to the optimum values - 15% of the total bacterial mass.
How to choose the most effective probiotic
If the cause of difficulty with bowel movement is dysbiosis, the doctor sends an adult or a small patient to the laboratory for testing. Their results allow us to establish which deficiency of which bacteria or fungi has occurred in the lower part of the digestive tract. It is this type of beneficial microorganisms that should be present in the maximum concentration in the probiotic prescribed by the gastroenterologist. What factors are also considered by the doctor when choosing a medicine:
- the maximum therapeutic effect of a probiotic occurs in the shortest possible time;
- preparation does not have a wide range of contraindications and side effects;
- probiotic is convenient to take and dose;
- the patient does not have individual sensitivity to the active and auxiliary ingredients of drugs and biological supplements;
- the patient does not have chronic immunodeficient pathologies( AIDS, HIV), in which the course of probiotics provokes an acute relapse.
Higher cost does not guarantee high quality probiotics. First, many foreign manufacturers deliberately distort information about the quantitative composition of their products. Secondly, cheap Russian probiotics are most adapted to the intestinal microflora of small and adult Russians.
Drugs with beneficial bacteria for babies
Children with any age experience difficulties with bowel movement from time to time. Newborns and infants suffer from constipation due to the imperfection of their digestive tract. The stomach and pancreas produce an insufficient number of enzymes. Deficiency of digestive enzymes leads to the development of various disorders in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And in older children the cause of constipation is an unbalanced diet. It's no secret that a child of 3-10 years will prefer a tasty chocolate candy to a plate of useful cereal porridge. For treatment, and in some cases, prevention, problems with defecation, pediatricians prescribe to children drugs with lactic bacteria and fungi. The following are the most effective probiotics for children with constipation:
- Acipol. The composition of small capsules include natural inhabitants of the large intestine - acidophilus lactobacilli and polysaccharides of kefir fungi. Acipol is a domestic development and belongs to the group of eubiotics. Useful bacteria and fungi stabilize the motor activity of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, promote liquefaction and optimal evacuation of stool;
- Hilak Forte. The drug refers to drugs of the metabolic type. It contains not only probiotic microorganisms, but also organic substances for their active growth and reproduction. Hilak Forte can be used to restore intestinal biocoenosis and normalize defecation from the first days of a baby's life. The probiotic contains natural components, which indicates its safety and the absence of a large number of side effects;
- Linex Forte and Linex for children. Preparations are manufactured by the manufacturer in the form of enteric-soluble capsules and powders. The probiotic contains fermented enterococci, lacto- and bifidobacteria. Course treatment Linex successfully eliminates all the unpleasant symptoms of dysbiosis - frequent regurgitation, painful colic, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. The probiotic contains useful microorganisms, which are vital for digestion and peristalsis.
If the pediatrician has prescribed the drug in capsules to small children who can not yet swallow them, then the integrity of the drug coatings is allowed. The dry mixture in them can be dissolved in water for drinking, breast milk, milk porridge, fruit and vegetable puree. It should be given probiotics to babies half an hour before the next feeding or a couple of hours after eating. The drug mixture should only be freshly prepared, since lacto- and bifidobacteria can not live long outside the human body.
Drugs for adults
All probiotics that are used in the therapy of young children will help get rid of constipation and adults. The gastroenterologist only corrects daily and single dosages upward. Problems with bowel evacuation often occur in adults on the background of accumulation in the digestive tract of slags, toxins, unabsorbed products of protein digestion, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, doctors recommend to patients a course of taking sorbed bifido-containing probiotics. The preparations contain living bacteria of useful microflora, which are immobilized on a sorbent, usually on activated carbon. Here is a list of probiotics for the intestines with constipation in adults:
- Probiophore;
- Bifidumbacterin Forte;
- Florin Forte.
The use of this group of probiotic drugs has a complex effect on the human body. Useful bacteria quickly colonize the lumen of the intestine, displacing pathogenic and opportunistic microbes. And activated carbon during passage through the gastrointestinal tract adsorbs on its surface all harmful organic and inorganic substances.
For constipations that have taken chronic course, the duration of the therapeutic course may be 1-2 months. In addition to immobilized probiotics, such medicines can be prescribed to an adult:
- Bifidumbacterin;
- Lactobacterin;
- Bifiform;
- Bactistatin;
- Primadofilus.
To prevent the development of constipation and dysbiosis, probiotics are used for the ferment of whole milk - Narine and Evitalia. Often, to enhance the therapeutic activity of drugs with beneficial bacteria, patients are prescribed a simultaneous intake of prebiotics - Normate, Eubicor, Dufalac.
Recommendation: Patients who are diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity, doctors often prescribe Enterol. It contains only useful fungi of saccharomycete, inert to the destructive effect of digestive enzymes and gastric juice.