Polish diet

The Polish diet is considered quite useful due to its high-grade, albeit low-calorie menu and the fact that weight loss occurs over a long period of 1 month. Its diet is balanced, which allows, during its observance, not to feel hungry. Due to the content of many useful products, it will help not only in losing weight, but also in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Principles and results of the Polish diet

During this diet, the extra pounds go away gradually. The most active burning of fatty deposits occurs in the final couple of weeks. In the total amount for such a month you can get rid of about 5-7 kg of weight.

The Polish diet has a characteristic difference, consisting in limiting the consumption of liquid to 1 liter per day. As a liquid, it allows you to consume broths, soups, kissels, compotes, natural or diluted water purchased juices, unsweetened tea, coffee. In half the cases, a spoonful of honey should be added to the tea. Otherwise, honey is added to a slice of rye dried bread, which is used with a drink.

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Rules of the Polish diet

The basis of the diet on this diet are dairy products, such as: kefir, milk, cottage cheese and cheese. The second main component is black bread, which is used necessarily in the dried state. Slices of bread are sometimes recommended for consumption a small amount of oil, and the bread itself must be combined with greens, for example with salad or parsley.

Every day you need to eat vegetables: radish, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and greens. Beans should be entered in the menu on the last week of the diet. Potatoes are always used in boiled form in the amount of 2 potatoes.

From meat dishes, the diet recommends eating boiled beef, fish, chicken, you can also sometimes eat unsalted cutlet and pâté.

Sweets are also provided in the menu. A day later, you can add a small portion of a biscuit or biscuit to your diet, as well as jam. Unsweetened fruit can be consumed daily in an amount of 1-2 pieces, allocating for their use a separate method of writing, supplemented with a cup of unsweetened tea.

Also low-calorie diet is supplemented with dishes cooked with the oven: stewed mushrooms and vegetables, baked apples.

For achievement of the greatest result the diet needs to be supplemented with physical exercises.

Interestingly, this diet has two menus for each week, which alternate every day. In winter and autumn, the diet is recommended to supplement with sauerkraut and canned vegetables, drink more natural juices.

Detailed menu of the Polish diet

Menu A and B replaces each other every day during the relevant week.

First week

Menu A

  • 1st breakfast: a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey, slightly hardened bun.
  • 2nd breakfast: a glass of unsweetened tea, 2 slices of black bread, thinly anointed with butter, with lettuce or other greens.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, a piece of lean beef( 100 grams), 2-3 potatoes, fruit salad, seasoned with sugar and lemon juice.
  • Snack: 2 tomatoes or a glass of tomato juice, cracker.
  • Dinner: a glass of skimmed yogurt, 2 slices of black bread, smeared with a thin layer of oil and sprinkled with parsley.

Menu In

  • 1st breakfast: a cup of unsweetened tea, a piece of black bread sprinkled with parsley.
  • 2nd breakfast: a glass of yogurt, stale bread, radish, which can be slightly salted.
  • Lunch: broth, boiled fish( 100 grams), potatoes( 2-3 pieces), sprinkled with parsley, green salad.
  • Snack: fruit or a glass of fruit juice, a biscuit or a biscuit.
  • Dinner: a glass of milk, 2 slices of black bread with honey.

The second week

Menu A

  • 1st breakfast: a glass of juice, fruit or vegetable, one cracker.
  • 2nd breakfast: a piece of black bread, a little butter and cheese( cheese), a glass of tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: vegetarian soup, meat cutlet, carrot salad, kissel.
  • Snack: fruit, cookies.
  • Dinner: a glass of yogurt, stale bread with jam.

Menu In the

  • 1st breakfast: a glass of tea with milk, a piece of black bread with honey.
  • 2nd breakfast: 2 pieces of black bread with meat( 100 grams), 2 tomatoes, a glass of tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: borsch, fish( 100 grams) boiled or steamed, 2 potatoes, green salad.
  • Snack: kefir, cracker.
  • Dinner: a glass of tea without sugar, 2 slices of low-fat cheese, radish.

Third week

Menu A

  • 1st breakfast: a cup of coffee, a piece of black bread with honey.
  • 2nd breakfast: kefir, a piece of black bread, thinly anointed with oil, one soft-boiled egg, radish.
  • Lunch: mushroom soup, beefsteak or cutlet from low-fat meat, vegetable salad, a glass of juice.
  • Snack: fruit, cracker.
  • Dinner: a glass of milk, a stale bun, cottage cheese( 100 grams).

Menu In

  • 1st breakfast: a glass of milk with honey, cracker.
  • 2nd breakfast: a glass of tea without sugar, 2 slices of bread with sausage without fat( 50 grams), 2 tomatoes.
  • Lunch: broth, stewed mushrooms or vegetables, 2 baked apples.
  • Snack: fruit, a small piece of biscuit.
  • Dinner: a glass of tea without sugar, a piece of bread with fish( 100 grams), boiled or steamed, an apple.


Menu A

  • 1st breakfast: a cup of tea, a cracker with honey.
  • 2nd breakfast: 2 pieces of black bread with butter and low-fat cheese( 50 grams), 2 apples.
  • Lunch: broth, chicken fillet( 200 grams) with vegetables, 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes, green salad, jelly.
  • Snack: carrot juice, biscuit.
  • Dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir, cookies.

Menu In

  • 1st breakfast: a glass of milk, rye bread and butter.
  • 2nd breakfast: soft-boiled egg, bread, butter( 20 grams), tea, apple.
  • Lunch: a cup of low-fat broth, beans with tomato, two boiled potatoes with parsley greens, an apple.
  • Snack: kefir, cracker.
  • Dinner: radish, 2 sandwiches with pâté.
Weight loss diets
  • Mar 07, 2018
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