Of a number of citrus fruits, kumquat is particularly prominent. It's hard not to notice and it's simply impossible to pass by. It is bright, juicy, tasty and also very useful. Unlike many other representatives of this family, this product is used together with a peel, which has a pleasant slightly tart taste.
The description of the wonder fruit
Kumquat is a citrus fruit that is small in size and resembles a walnut in shape. But atypical for this family is not only its appearance. The uniqueness of this product is that its skin is no less valuable than the flesh, so they eat this whole fruit without removing the peel.
The taste of the flesh of kumquat is somewhat acidic, somewhat similar to mandarin. And its soft peel is quite thin and sweet with a slight tart flavor.
Useful properties
This fruit contains in its composition a long vitamin series, minerals and pectins. It is thanks to them that kumquat and shows its useful properties:
- strengthens the immune system;
- increases the resistance of the body to diseases;
- relieves the symptoms of colds;
- shows bactericidal and antifungal properties;
- reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes;
- improves the digestive system;
- is the prevention of ulcerative diseases;
- protects against stress;
- relieves depression;
- raises the tone of the body;
- helps to get rid of apathy;
- regulates the level of cholesterol.
Dried fruit
Dried kumquat also has useful properties and at the same time they are much more intense. In this form, this fruit has a sufficiently powerful antibacterial effect and helps the body resist viral infections.
Please note! Dried kumquat is not only consumed in order to recover quickly from colds, but also spread it around the house. In this case, it works exactly the skin, which is placed near the open fire!
The caloric content of dried fruits of the Japanese orange is small and is no more than 71 kCal. For this reason, it can be used as a dietary supplement, enriching them with salads, main dishes and low-calorie desserts.
Dried fruits
Kumquat dried has the same useful properties as a fresh product. But the most valuable fruits are those that are processed in a dehydrator or for a long time were under direct sunlight.
Note! If kumquat was first cooked in sugar syrup and only after sunk under the sun, then the finished product can be considered only a delicious dessert. Any useful qualities in it will not be!
Unpresentable appearance of dried fruits bordered on their huge value. Dark shriveled fruits will be useful in:
- retinal diseases;
- skin rashes;
- permanent exposure to ultraviolet light.
How to use kumquat?
We have got acquainted with useful properties of kumquat, now it is necessary to understand how it is eaten. As it was said above, this fruit is used entirely - together with the peel. In this case it is desirable to cut into small slices.
Note! When buying, remember that the skin of some varieties, for example, Hong Kong kumquat, can be very acidic, so before using it is removed!
As a rule, in the raw form it is customary to use only sweet varieties, but also acidic ones do not remain without attention. From this fruit you can get delicious desserts: jam, candied fruits, jam, marmalade, etc. These varieties can be preserved, added to sauces, which perfectly match meat and fish dishes.
In most cases, kumquat brings great benefits to the body, and it is harmful only with individual intolerance. Also extremely it is not recommended to use this fruit in unlimited quantity - 5-6 fruits, eaten in the morning, will provide the body with all the necessary substances.
In addition, the dried product is contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys and increased acidity. During pregnancy and with a tendency to allergy from the use of such fruits should also be discarded.
Jam from kumquat
And finally we suggest you familiarize yourself with the recipe of kumquat jam, which can take one of the first places on your home shelf shelf.
To prepare a fragrant dessert you will need:
- kumquat fruits - 1 kg;
- sugar - 1 kg;
- water - 1 liter.
The cooking process.
- Fruits wash and cut into thin slices, choosing the bones.
- Seeds collect, put them in a bag of gauze and wrap the tip with a thread.
- Slices of kumquat should be poured into a saucepan and poured with water.
- Peg the seed with a thread in the handle of the lid and also dip into a saucepan.
- Bring the contents to a boil, reduce the flow of gas and cook for 25 minutes.
- Check the fruit for readiness and if they are too hard, then cook for about 10 minutes.
- When the fruit is sufficiently softened, a bag of seeds must be removed and sugar added.
- Mix the future jam and wait for the sugar to completely dissolve.
- Bring the mixture to a boil, cover and cook for about half an hour.
- Check the jam for availability: on the saucer, drop a small amount of it and send it to the freezer for a minute - if the surface is wrinkled, then the dessert is ready.
- The saucepan should be removed from the cooker and left for 5 minutes. After that, jam pour into cans and roll.
The benefits of kumquat can not be overemphasized. It is good in fresh, dried and processed form. Do not forget to include this product in your diet and it will necessarily decorate your menu. Be healthy!