Why eggplant is recognized as a vegetable of longevity in the East?

In our country the eggplant was introduced long ago. Homeland of this vegetable is Burma and used it there about a thousand years before our era. And the inhabitants of European countries first tried the eggplant much later - only after the discovery of South America. In this case, if in the Indian tropics before sir there are wild eggplants, then on the territory of Europe it was immediately taken for a very tender almost roomy plant. But the greatest respect for the eggplant was not awarded to us - it is a vegetable of longevity in the East. Why? Let's find out!

In the East, eggplant is a remedy for many diseases! Healer of eggplant!

Despite the fact that the aubergine came from Burma for a very long time, its useful properties were not immediately recognized, but only with time. It turned out that this vegetable culture contains a large number of valuable substances. Among the minerals in it are sodium and potassium, phosphorus, copper and calcium, as well as pectins and vitamins C, PP and group B. For this reason the eggplant has another saying name - "pharmacy in the skin."

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Note! Eggplant has a slightly bitter taste, which he owes to the solanine. But as you know, bitterness disappears, if the vegetable stays in the water for a while. In ancient times, they did not know this and believed that the eggplant was poisonous - it was dried and poured into the food of enemies, trying to poison them in this way!

Today, eggplant is actively used in both normal and dietary nutrition.

And in the vegetarian menu, it often serves as a substitute for meat

And this vegetable is not only very tasty, but also useful, because it's not for nothing in the east it is considered a vegetable of longevity.

The properties of eggplant will come in handy in various situations:

  • in case of heart failure;
  • when intestinal cleansing is required;
  • for the removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • for lowering cholesterol;
  • with pain in the kidney and liver;
  • for elimination of constipation;
  • with gout;
  • for improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • with anemia;
  • for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Note! Eggplant can raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and therefore can be recommended for use by children and women during pregnancy!

Ways of using

In the East, eggplant appears in a huge number of recipes that help ease the course or help cure a variety of diseases.


Green cups are used here. They should be removed from the vegetables, dried and sent to storage in a dark place. If necessary, a medicinal decoction is prepared from the harvested raw material, which is used as a kind of antidote for alcohol poisoning, as well as poisoning with poisonous berries or mushrooms:

  • dry "cups" to grind;
  • separate 5 tablespoons of raw material and pour a liter of water;
  • set everything on fire and cook with a small gas supply for about a third of an hour;
Ready eggplant broth slightly cooled and consumed in warm form in small portions

Toothache and gum diseases

To combat bleeding gums and with toothache from the "cups" of eggplant, the following medicine is prepared:

  • fresh "calyxes" is laid out on a baking tray and at low feedgas is dried in an oven;
  • on the second baking sheet spread 2 tablespoons of sea kale powder and 55 g of sea salt and also very slowly dry:
  • dried "cups" grind in a mortar to the state of powder, add a mixture of salt and sea kale, stir everything;
  • the received structure we rub in a gum or gingiva near a sick tooth for two minutes;
  • with periodontal disease we use this remedy daily: brush our teeth, lubricate the gum, and then intensively gargle with cool water.

Rheumatism, gout, joint pain

If you have these problems, you can use baked aubergines or dried and after steamed. The procedure is as follows:

  • from a teaspoon of baking soda and half a liter of boiling water prepare the solution and wipe it with a painful place;
  • then apply to this area one or more pieces of eggplant;
  • fix everything with a bandage, we wrap it on top with a woolen cloth;
  • after three hours compress remove, wash the treated area with cool water and grease with vegetable oil.
Eggplant will help you in the treatment and prevention of joint diseases

In addition, eggplant or as it was christened in the East, the vegetable of longevity is used:

  • for urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and cystitis - twice a day it is necessary to drink fresh eggplant juice and as often as possible to consumevegetables;
  • for skin problems - lubricate problem areas with freshly squeezed eggplant juice;
  • from a yellow plaque on the teeth - the eggplant should be burned to the ash state, after which it should be cleaned twice a day.


Today, eggplant is a fairly common and very frequent guest on our tables. And despite a rather wide range of positive qualities, in some situations it is capable of doing harm.

  1. If the fruits are overripe and fall onto the table without prior exposure to water, then a high concentration of solanine may be poisonous. In such cases, cramps, diarrhea, colic and dizziness are possible.
    There is a white aubergine variety in which solanine is absent completely! Therefore, such fruits should not be feared!
  2. Eggplants are rich in fiber, which should be taken into account when gastritis, serious diseases of the kidneys and stomach, including ulcers.
  3. With a deficiency of calcium, it is extremely undesirable to use eggplants, as they interfere with the assimilation of this element.

In addition, remember that it is recommended to eat aubergine with a thin shiny skin, as under the thick skin will be quite large seeds with a high content of solanine. Plus, the skin should be as dark as possible - this determines the concentration of nutrients. And never buy vegetables with a dry peduncle, as this indicates that the fruits were ripped off for a long time.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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