The most appetizing recipes of jam from gooseberry are the aroma and benefit of a small jar!

  1. Cooking Rules
  2. Recipes

Gem from gooseberries is a fairly simple dessert that even a child can make. All that is needed is fresh berries, some free time and a few bits of your heat for each jar. Do not be lazy and be sure to cook one of the following desserts and the result will not disappoint you.

Gooseberries are an ideal berry for jam, which even after heat treatment can give you a favor.

Rules for cooking

  1. Unlike jam, jam from gooseberry will be more dense, since the main product before or after cooking must be crushed.
  2. For jam it is necessary to select fruits with a dense skin, ripe, fresh, without any damage or dents.
  3. Typically, 5 minutes before the completion of the cooking process in the jam, add a small amount of citric acid.
  4. Usually this delicacy is prepared with the addition of gelatin, since gooseberries are rich in pectin substances, an artificial gelling additive will not be needed.

Recipes of

Today we will consider several recipes of jam from gooseberry. They are all quite simple to prepare. All that is required of you is a little time and effort. But, believe me, these costs will be fully justified in the winter, when you open a jar of delicious dessert. Let's start cooking!

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Classic recipe

This is the simplest version of the preparation of jam from gooseberry for the winter. At your discretion, you can take green, pink or black varieties of this berry - whatever your choice, the delicacy will turn out tasty anyway.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 1 kg fresh berries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 70-80 ml of water.

Note! The only thing about which it is worth remembering, black gooseberry in comparison with other varieties contains a little more vitamin C in its composition. Therefore, if you really have something to choose from, then give preference to it and prepare a useful jam of black gooseberries!

The cooking process.

  1. Fruits thoroughly washed in several waters and discarded in a colander to leave excess liquid.
  2. When the water drains, put the gooseberries in a saucepan, add water, cover and put on a fire.
  3. After 5-7 minutes, the fruit should become soft. At this time, they should be removed from the pan and rubed through a sieve.
  4. Berry mass to return to the pan, add sugar and put again on the fire.
  5. Constantly stirring the jam, wait for it to boil, remove the foam, reduce the gas supply to the minimum mark and cook for 30-35 minutes.
  6. Ready dessert pour over clean glass containers, close and send for storage.
Wealth of vitamins and the joy of taste in one dessert spoon!

Do you want to make the cooking process even easier? Then we suggest you to cook jam from gooseberry in a multivark. Thanks to this kitchen device you will not need to constantly interfere with the berry mass, so that it does not burn out. So, we turn to the recipe.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 1 kg of red gooseberry fruit;
  • 5 cups of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons water.

The cooking process.

  1. Gooseberries rinse, remove stems and sepals.
  2. In the cup multivarki pour water and add 1 cup sugar, mix.
  3. Switch on the "Quenching" mode and wait for the liquid to boil.
  4. In a boiling syrup fill berries, close the cover of the multivark and cook for about 15 minutes.

    Note! For 15 minutes of cooking, the skin of the fruit should burst. Therefore, it is necessary to look under the cover from time to time.

  5. When all the berries burst, they need to be cut in a blender, return the mass to the bowl of the multivarquet, send the remaining 4 cups of sugar to them, mix and, without closing the lid, cook jam about half an hour.

    Recommendation! If a drop of jam does not spread out on a cold plate - the dessert is ready!

  6. Hot jam from red gooseberries to pour on jars and close.
Gem in the multivark - it's very simple and everything is just as delicious!

Through a meat grinder

To prepare jam from gooseberry for the winter it is possible through a meat grinder. Unlike a blender, the meat grinder ideally grinds the gooseberry skin and results in a uniform mass.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 700 g of gooseberry fruit;
  • 2 kiwi fruit;
  • 500 g of sugar;
  • several branches of fresh mint.

The cooking process.

  1. Gooseberry wash, kiwi free from peel.
  2. Berry and fruit to pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Transfer the mixture into a saucepan and place on a fire.
  4. With the minimum gas supply, bring the contents of the pan to a boil.
  5. Add the sugar, put the mint and re-bring everything to a boil.

    Tip! Mint must be tied in a bundle, so that after it is more convenient to remove it from the jam.

  6. Cook for 30-35 minutes.
  7. Mint to get and pour hot jam on the jars.
Jam from gooseberries and kiwi is sure to please all your households

With orange

Jam from gooseberries with oranges is a minimum of financial expenses and maximum of pleasure. The delicacy turns out very tasty, and for some it will seem even unusual. Its taste is both sweet and sour at the same time, and the jam itself turns out to be incredibly fragrant thanks to the presence of oranges.

Important! In this recipe, special attention should be given to oranges - if the white partitions are not completely removed, the dessert will be bitter! From the same considerations it is necessary to extract all the bones!

So, we turn to the recipe for making jam from gooseberry with orange.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 1 kg fresh gooseberry fruit;
  • 2 large oranges;
  • 1-1,2 kg of sugar.

The cooking process.

  1. Clean oranges with a sharp knife, peel off the skin together with a white film and gently cut the fillets, discarding the bones.
  2. Gooseberry wash and remove stems.
  3. Grind berries and fruits in a blender or pass through a meat grinder with a fine grate.

    Recommendation! If you do not like, when there are bones of gooseberries in the jam, then the mass can additionally be passed through a sieve!

  4. Add the sugar and put the container with the future jam on the fire.
  5. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, remove the foam and cook on low heat for about 30 minutes.
  6. Hot mass pour over clean jars and close.

Similar jam from gooseberry can be prepared with a lemon. The proportions for this delicacy will remain the same - for 1 kg of berries, 1-1.2 kg of sugar and 2 lemon.

This dessert is pleasantly sour, and with a lemon it will be felt a little more intensively.

With currant

Currant and gooseberry are one of the most successful combinations for jam. But the quality of the finished dessert will depend on the selected variety of currant.

  1. Gem from gooseberry and red currant will be saturated with vitamin P, which is an excellent strengthening agent for the walls of blood vessels, as well as vitamin K, the ability of which is to increase blood clotting. These vitamins are resistant to high temperatures and do not break down even after prolonged cooking.
  2. Gem from gooseberry and blackcurrant is a unique mixture of vitamins A, C and E. However, these antioxidants are quite sensitive to temperature increase and begin to break down in the presence of oxygen. And if you want to preserve the full benefits of berries, then it is preferable not to cook this jam, but to cover it in raw form, simply by wiping the fruits with sugar. But on the other hand, if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should eat a dessert that has been heat treated, and the microelements that remain in it will help the body to resist the diseases. In addition, pectin, which is rich in gooseberries and currants, also remains intact, so it does not lose the ability to bind and remove toxins, slags and cholesterol from the body.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 1 kg of gooseberry fruit;
  • 1 kg of currant;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

The cooking process.

  1. Gooseberries rinse and discard in a colander, to dry the fruits.
  2. Remove currant berries from sprigs, wash and dry.
  3. Wash the currant through a sieve.

    Recommendation! It will be much easier to wipe the currant through a sieve if it is prepared for this. And you can do this in one of the following ways: put the fruits in a fire-resistant bowl and send it to a preheated oven to 200 ° C for 20 minutes or brew the berry for 2 minutes in boiling water. Gooseberry milled in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

  4. Mix two berry masses, add sugar.
  5. The container with the future jam set on fire and cook until thickened for about 30-40 minutes, stirring constantly and taking off the foam.
  6. Ready dessert spread on jars and close.
Currant in jam perfectly shades the taste and aroma of gooseberry

As you can see, each of the above recipes is incredibly simple and is available in cooking. Cook with pleasure, make original mixes of berries and fruits and enjoy their unusual taste. Be healthy!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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