Correctly prepared mousse from manga and cranberries should turn out to be gentle and airy. Penka is characterized by a homogeneous density and color mass, the lack of lumps and a pleasant sweet and sour taste. In this case semolina is not felt at all. An inexperienced taster will find it hard to guess what is at the heart of the dish.
TOP-5 recipes
- 130 g of sugar
- 70 gr of cranberries
- 30 gr of mangaki
- 250 ml of water.
Wash the cranberries, squeeze the juice with a strainer. Spin water and cook for about 10 minutes. In a strained broth add sugar, and after boiling the syrup - the manga with a thin trickle.
Porridge to cook for at least 20 minutes, stirring constantly, so that the bottom does not burn out, and lumps do not form. When ready to cool the manke, beat well with a mixer. It remains to expand the mousse on kremankami and you can regale guests. Bon Appetit.
Note! Blender does not give the desired result, to achieve the formation of magnificent foam will not work! Only mixer or whisk!
With Cranberry Juice
This mousse has a more intense taste than the one considered in the classic cooking. Still, this time culinary masters suggest adding not only water to the manga, but also pure cranberry juice. The benefit of adding a new component is obvious. It is only necessary to recall the medicinal properties of Morse from this berry.
- 300 g cranberries
- 300 grams of granulated sugar
- 100 gr mangies
- 450 ml of water.
Berries knead in a blender or mortar, add 100 ml of water. The resulting mass is wiped through a sieve( gauze).The cake is spread into the saucepan, the remaining water is poured, sugar is added immediately. After boiling cranberry dip, the sauté pan is removed from the plate, the syrup is filtered. In a clear broth, stirring constantly, pour semolina. After 15 minutes of languor over a slow fire, a thick, viscid porridge is obtained. It is well cooled, add freshly squeezed cranberry juice and beat with a mixer.
The mousse should turn out to be light pink( much paler than after the infusion of juice), airy and light. It remains to spread the mass into molds and put it in the cold for final cooling and thickening. Mousse of cranberries with a manga is ready. It turned out not only a tasty, but also a useful dish. Children like it.
Note! Beating mousse in aluminum cookware can lead to discoloration of the dish and the appearance of a taste of metal!
On Cranberry Juice
This is a simplified way to prepare a dessert. If the house has a cranberry fruit juice, then the rough work on wringing out the berry can be safely eliminated.
- 2 cups of cranberry Morse from
- 3 tbsp.manki
- granulated sugar to taste( depending on how much sour mors).
Algorithm of action is no different from cooking porridge. In the boiling water, carefully pour the rump, often interfere. About 5 minutes later they put sugar. Ready porridge is studded, beaten with a mixer until tightly packed. Mousse from manga and cranberries is laid out in molds, decorated with sprigs of mint or berries.
Note! Do not try to whip the mass in a warm state. The effect will be deplorable!
With jam
This way of making mousse of cranberry with a manga will be liked by those who do not like to cook. Let's say it's easier - an option for lazy people.
- semolina porridge on milk - 2 parts
- cranberry jam - 1 part
The proportions can be adjusted to taste. The meaning of the recipe is to whip in a mixer a ready cooled chicken with jam to the state of sour cream. Jam is preferably a homogeneous consistency, without whole berries, peel and seeds. The dessert is ready. You can serve with cold milk.
Interesting! The longer the mousse of cranberry and mango in the fridge costs, the air becomes!
With bananas
The sweetness of dessert in this case is determined not by sugar, but by bananas. Therefore, the amount of these ingredients will eventually have to be adjusted independently, to your taste.
- 150 g fresh berries
- 1 banana
- 130 g granulated sugar
- 50 g semolina
- 200 ml of water.
General advice
To make mousse of manga and cranberries a success, you should adhere to the rules already considered:
- semolina is cooked for at least 20 minutes.
- whip the ingredients with cold, never warm
- so that the foam is doubled, it is necessary to send mousse torefrigerator for at least 2 hours.
By the way, the fluffiness of mousse depends directly on the pectin contained in the peel of berries. Therefore, making mousse exclusively on cranberry juice will be problematic!
How to whip the cream
Usually mousse of cranberry based on mango is served with milk or whipped cream. It will be useful to get acquainted with the nuances of preparing this culinary supplement.
Creams are different: 10, 20 or 30 + percent fat. To whip it is better to choose the latter option - the work will finish faster, and the result will be more delicious.
To get whipped cream for mousse of cranberry, and not butter or whey, the raw material along with the dishes and whisk should be well cooled. It should be remembered that even partial freezing can damage the product. Warm cream will exfoliate, they will crash into oil. Whisk the cream in portions, in small batches. Initially, the mixer must be set to minimum speed, gradually increasing the speed. The readiness of the product is determined by the thick consistency and the cessation of appreciable circulation. Whipped cream perfectly keep the form and not "float".
If possible, sugar should be replaced with powdered sugar!