- Composition
- Mechanism of action
- Effects of
- How to take?
- Side effect
- Contraindications
- Reviews
Many people who live in the post-Soviet space, are well aware of the healing and nutritional properties of fish oil. Doctors still prescribe fish oil to children for the prevention of rickets. The expediency of such appointments deserves a separate discussion, but the fact that fish oil is able to improve calcium metabolism remains indisputable. Fish oil in bodybuilding has been used for a long time. It is highly valued by athletes for their ability to favorably affect the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
Composition of
The composition of fish oil includes a lot of different components, however, the main beneficial effect brings only a few:
- Omega-3;
- Vitamin A;
- Vitamin D;
- Antioxidants.
Mechanism of action
Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil stimulate the production of hormones that regulate blood pressure, increase immunity, and also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Fish oil allows you to fight excessive thrombosis, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing myocardial infarction, stroke and PE.In addition, omega-3 normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, fights with heart rhythm disturbances and helps to improve the work of the brain. Recent studies of the effects of fish oil have shown that this product is an excellent way to prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.
People who lead an active lifestyle, an athlete, bodybuilders are recommended to take fish oil because of its ability to improve the transport of oxygen to muscle tissue, increase aerobic metabolism and physical endurance. There is also an improvement in regenerative processes, a decrease in the severity of inflammation in the joints and muscle tissue.
Effects of
Regular use of fish oil favorably affects the work of the whole organism. The components of this product affect many organ systems, thanks to which it is possible to increase the overall tone of the body, improve endurance and increase muscle strength.
Protein production
Protein is the basis of muscle tissue. Without myosin and actin, muscle contraction would be impossible. In various studies studying the physiology of muscle tissue, it was found that if you take PUFA together with a powder protein and amino acids, then the protein production increases by 30% compared with the baseline. Due to this property, fish oil is actively used in various sports that require great muscle strength.
Decrease in the rate of disintegration of the protein
Catabolic processes occurring in the human body, lead to a decrease in the level of the total protein. Normally, protein synthesis and catabolism are in balance, which helps maintain a constant level of protein in the blood. With increased physical exertion, there is an increased need for protein, so the disintegration of protein molecules should be suspended. PUFAs contained in fish oil have the property of inhibiting catabolism. Fish oil interacts with various mechanisms of muscle metabolism, which makes it irreplaceable as a sports nutrition.
Improved immunity
Everyone has had a cold and everyone knows how unpleasant it is. At least for 3 days a person "drops out of the cage".Coughing, sneezing, fever and stuffy nose are mandatory companions of any cold. It is clear that for this period will not be up to training in the gym. It is better to sit at home with a cup of chicken broth and gain strength to quickly recover. However, many are interested in "How can I accelerate the recovery period?".With the second it will be more difficult, but you can get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time with the help of fish oil. With the regular consumption of fish oil, white blood cells are responsible for the immune response.
Increased Insulin Sensitivity and Lower Fat Layer
The reduction in insulin sensitivity has so far reached epidemic proportions. Every year, people suffering from diabetes, is becoming more. To prevent this and normalize blood sugar levels, fish oil should be used. Increased consumption of simple carbohydrates and fats leads to obesity. If you sit for a long time on a high-calorie "diet" you can reduce the sensitivity of surrounding tissues to insulin, which will lead to diabetes mellitus of the second type. Regular use of fish oil normalizes metabolic processes in cells and returns them sensitivity to insulin.
It was noted that the consumption of fish oil in a dosage of 1.5 g for 1 month allows to reduce the percentage of fatty tissue. According to the results of studies in the US, it can be argued that men who take omega-3, note a greater increase in muscle mass compared with the control group, which took "dummies."In addition, due to PUFA, the production of cortisol can be reduced. This hormone activates catabolic processes, which lead to loss of muscle mass and fat gain.
Acceleration of nutrient transport
Timely delivery of nutritional components to muscle tissue plays an important role in bodybuilding. The use of PUFA facilitates the supply of nutrients through the cell membrane, which allows the myocytes to recover more quickly and build new actin-myosin bonds.
How to take?
How to take fish oil for athletes? Observance of the correct dosages plays an important role in obtaining the desired effect. Depending on the weight of the body, the daily dosage can be from 1-2 g. The standard capsule contains 0.5 g, so it is recommended to take no more than 4 capsules per day. Keep capsules in a cool place, preferably in a refrigerator. At the end of the shelf life, the fish oil loses its useful properties and can even harm the health.
Recommendations given in the text are not a guide to action. For more detailed information about taking medications, consult a specialist.
This product is not designed for continuous continuous use. Fish oil should be taken regularly, but in courses of 1 month 4 times a year. Taking capsules on an empty stomach can cause dyspeptic disorders. If the dosage is exceeded, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and pain in the abdominal area may occur.
Side effect of
Unfortunately, in our time the ecological situation leaves much to be desired. Polluted air, pesticides in vegetables and fruits, growth hormones and antibiotics in meat are just the tip of the iceberg. The most dangerous are polluted water bodies. Dumping chemical waste in the sea, oil tanker accidents - all this has an extremely unfavorable effect on the hydrosphere and its inhabitants.
The fish organism absorbs very well various heavy metals and toxins, which, when processed, can get into the fish oil. To avoid poisoning with such a spoiled product, it is recommended to purchase fish oil only in trusted stores. The guarantee of the absence of toxins is the availability of a quality certificate, which indicates a high degree of purification and processing of fat. It is necessary to say that many other useful substances contained in natural fat, after processing lose their properties, but the omega-3 remains the same.
In some cases, the appearance of allergic reactions against the background of the consumption of fish oil. Similar reactions are manifested in the form of urticaria, rash, skin itch, Quincke's edema, digestive disorders. If you find yourself in the above symptoms, you should immediately contact your doctor.
Fish oil affects the functioning of many organs, so it is not surprising that there are a number of contraindications and limitations for its administration. It is not recommended to take fish oil with:
- Hypercalcemia;
- Chronic renal failure;
- Tuberculosis of the lungs.
In addition, this product should be taken with caution to children, the elderly, pregnant women, people suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
Also not recommended for use by individuals with individual intolerance. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing severe complications, up to a lethal outcome.
Many bodybuilders and people who are not indifferent to sports using fish oil note the positive effect of using it. For athletes, fish oil is an extremely necessary food additive, because thanks to its action it can be trained longer and more intensively. Already in the first weeks of use, you can see some increase in muscle mass and a decrease in fatty layer. In addition, there is an improvement in the condition of the skin and its appendages.
Many repel the taste of liquid fish oil, so athletes recommend to use it in capsules. If you rely on reviews of bodybuilders in special forums, then from their words, side effects develop rarely and only if the above dosage is exceeded.