Sorbed probiotics: useful properties and application features


  1. Typical features of
  2. preparations Advantages of immobilized
  3. Weight loss with probiotics
  4. How to choose

Medication Disruption of digestion and peristalsis often causes accumulation of toxins and toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. The person has skin problems, weight gain, chronic constipation and diarrhea. In various life systems, a deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and microelements is formed. Increase the functional activity of the stomach, intestines, pancreas and gallbladder will help sorbed probiotics. They contain not only colonies of beneficial bacteria, but also enterosorbent, which cleans the body of accumulated harmful compounds.

Sorbated probiotics contain two active substances - beneficial bacteria and enterosorbent particles

Characteristic features of

preparations Probiotic medicines contain strains of living dried useful microorganisms. These can be colonies of marsupial fungi of saccharomycetes or sour-milk lactobacilli. But most often manufacturers produce drugs with bifidobacteria, natural inhabitants of the intestinal biocenosis. They have a diverse beneficial effect on the body of an adult and a baby:

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  • are involved in the synthesis of folic acid and vitamin K;
  • regulates optimal peristalsis due to increased fecal masses and increased functional activity of the smooth muscle of the digestive tract;
  • suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora - staphylococci, enterococci, clostridia, yeast fungi;
  • normalizes the water-electrolyte balance during the treatment of respiratory and intestinal infections;
  • accelerate the exchange of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

The second active ingredient of sorbed probiotics is enterosorbent. Most often manufacturers of dietary supplements and drugs use highly porous activated carbon, which has pronounced adsorbing properties. When manufacturing sorbed probiotics, the immobilization or immobilization technique is applied. Useful microorganisms are grown and fixed on the smallest particles of activated carbon, while maintaining the ability to grow and multiply. After taking the drug, bifidobacteria leave the anaerobic state and begin to colonize the intestine.

Sorbate probiotic Bifidumbacterin Forte is used in the treatment of intestinal infections and chronic diarrhea

Advantages of immobilized

Some doctors are skeptical about treating probiotics due to bioavailability of the drugs. After getting useful bifidobacteria in the human body, most of the strains are destroyed by caustic gastric juice and digestive enzymes. This environment is so aggressive that even a dense protective shell of capsules or dragees does not solve the problem. A small number of bacteria, still reaching the thick intestine, are not ways to gain a foothold on the mucous membrane and are quickly removed from the feces. This is relevant for all probiotics, but not for those that are immobilized on an enterosorbent.

Warning: Sorbed probiotics can not be washed down with hot tea or milk. Useful bacteria and fungi die at a temperature above 45-50 ° C.

Microorganisms firmly adherent to activated charcoal particles penetrate into the stomach unhindered. Enterosorbent serves as a reliable protection for bacteria, attracting aggressive substances to its surface. Probiotics, obtained by immobilization, fall into the large intestine, retaining most of the microorganisms. The presence of activated carbon in the formulation affects not only the bioavailability, but also the therapeutic activity of the preparations:

  • bifidobacteria are firmly attached to the intestinal wall of the intestine;
  • accelerates the growth and reproduction of beneficial microorganisms;
  • rapidly decreases the population of bacteria belonging to the opportunistic and pathogenic microflora.

Microbial activity from a useful biocenosis is accompanied by the release into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract products creating an acidic pH medium. Under such conditions, only the E. coli can exist, and the number of staphylococci and clostridia gradually decreases. Normalization of the microbiocenosis leads to the restoration of optimal digestion and peristalsis. Adults or children cease to experience the painful symptoms of dysbiosis - acid burps, heartburn, bloating, nausea, rumbling and rumbling.

Thanks to its unique combination, Florin Forte is used to treat any dysbacteriosis of any etiology

. Weight loss with probiotics

. With the same calorie content, a person with normal health can not lose weight using only sorbed probiotics. The use of these drugs is appropriate for people who have accumulated extra pounds due to digestive disorders. As a rule, in addition to being overweight, they have other symptoms of slagging of the body:

  • excessive gas formation, a feeling of heaviness and bloating;
  • chronic constipation, incomplete separation of stool, strong tension during defecation;
  • dysbacteriosis of the vagina( pain in the lower abdomen, thick discharge);
  • acne, gray and dry skin;
  • delamination of nail plates, abundant hair loss.

The course reception of sorbed probiotics will help to solve problems, both with excess weight, and with negative changes in appearance. Gastroenterologists strongly recommend during the treatment to take a complex of B vitamins( Pentovit, Neuromultivitis, Milgamma).The fact is that activated charcoal adsorbs not only toxins and slags, but biologically active substances necessary for the organism. Additional intake of vitamins will help to eliminate their deficiency.

How probiotics help lose weight

Sorbing probiotics for weight loss are used as a means to speed up the metabolism. After several days of taking medications, food stops to stagnate for a long time in the gastrointestinal tract. The suppression of rotting and fermentation processes provoked by this state promotes an improvement in the absorption of nutrients and biologically active substances. As a result, a person is saturated with a smaller volume of food, and the feeling of hunger visits him much less often.

Note: Acceleration of protein and carbohydrate metabolism causes a reduction in cravings for sweets - chocolate, caramel, sweet and flaky pastries.

Sorbent probiotic Probifor helps to get rid of excess weight and skin eruptions - acne, acne, redness

Proper use of

preparations Before starting a therapeutic course, you should definitely visit your doctor for a survey. First, excess weight often occurs with a decrease in the functional activity of the endocrine glands. Secondly, the acceleration of the metabolism is inexpedient and even dangerous in some chronic pathologies of the liver and kidneys. If the doctor allowed the intake of sorbed probiotics, then you can start therapy. Its duration should not exceed 3-4 weeks, after which you need to take a break for 2-3 months. During this time, the body must "learn" independently evacuate slags and toxic substances. How to take the probiotic correctly:

  • divide the amount of food consumed by 5-6 meals and take a medicine half an hour before a meal;
  • powder with beneficial bacteria should be diluted with warm water.
During treatment, side effects of sorbed probiotics are sometimes observed. This is usually due to the excess of the recommended dosages in order to accelerate weight loss. If there is a headache, nausea, fast fatigue, stop taking the probiotic and consult a doctor.

How to choose a medicine

Sorbents are the last generation of probiotics, therefore on the shelves of pharmacies are represented only in several forms. When choosing a medicine, you should focus on ease of use, composition, the number of contraindications and side effects. The most effective in accelerating metabolic processes is observed in such sorbed probiotics:

  • A probiophore. Probiotic contains two active ingredients - activated charcoal and dried cultures of bifidobacteria. The probiophore is prescribed for patients to stabilize the microbiocenosis with the development of intestinal infections, chronic constipation or diarrhea, dysbacteriosis of any etiology, including after antibiotic therapy;
  • Florin Forte. The probiotic contains bifidobacteria and lactobacilli immobilized on activated carbon. Also Florin Forte contains milk sugar, which serves as a nutrient medium for beneficial microorganisms. This greatly enhances the therapeutic activity of the drug, facilitating the rapid colonization of bacteria.
  • Bifidumbacterin Forte. Probiotic quickly restores optimal peristalsis and digestion due to the presence of a large number of strains of bifidobacteria. Bifidumbacterin Forte is prescribed for patients to suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms that activate in intestinal infections.

During the intake of sorbed probiotics, one should take into account their powerful adsorbing and antimicrobial action. Such medicines can not be used for a long time because of the high probability of developing avitaminosis.

It's interesting: Sorbed probiotics can not be used to prevent the development of dysbiosis during antibiotic therapy. Particles of activated carbon will adsorb antibacterial agents, reducing their therapeutic effectiveness.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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