Do you notice more and more that the whole world seems to have turned into a vague haze?
Stopping to distinguish the numbers of cars passing by?
Straighten your eyes while reading and working on the computer, but not so long ago it was not there?
You can easily diagnose a sharp deterioration in vision. It not only in itself causes a lot of problems.
But it can also be a symptom of severe illness. Some of them, such as retinoblastoma, threaten not only the health, but also the life of the patient. Others are successfully treated.
- 1. Visual impairment in children: the main causes of
- 2. Visual deterioration in adults
- 3. Visual deterioration in one eye
- 4. Falling vision on two eyes
- 5. What should I do?
- 6. How to prevent a sharp decline in vision?
- 7. Conclusion
- 8. Useful video
Visual impairment in children: the main causes of
After entering the school, the child faces great learning loads, including for sight.
Many hours reading books and working at a computer( as, indeed, computer games) lead to eye fatigue, or astenopia, caused by overexertion of the muscles of the eyeball.
Its symptoms are pain in the eyes, redness and lacrimation, the inability to focus the vision on small objects, the shroud or haze in front of the eyes.
Another scourge - false myopia, or a spasm of accommodation. This is a transient form of myopia, caused by overwork of the muscle that regulates the curvature of the lens.
Congenital myopia, or true nearsightedness, most often begins to develop early enough, and it is in school, when the load on the eyes becomes larger, usually makes itself felt in full.
The most formidable cause of visual impairment, found only in childhood is retinal cancer, or retinoblastoma. Her symptoms are pain in the affected eye, leukocoria( whitening of the pupil), increased intraocular pressure.
Visual deterioration in adults
The list of diseases that usually develop with age is large enough, and the older a person becomes, the greater the risk of their development.
First of all, age-related diseases include cataracts - opacity of the lens, and open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma - increased intraocular pressure, leading to compression and death of the optic nerve.
Also with age, myopia and hyperopia may develop. If they appeared in their youth, they will progress with the years. A similar picture is typical for many other diseases - keratoconus,
Diabetic retinopathy is a retinal disease caused by vascular complications of diabetes mellitus. With a severe course of the underlying disease, it occurs in children, but usually for its development several decades of life with diabetes are required.
Other endocrine diseases, such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, pituitary adenoma, lead to eye problems.
Common among alcoholics, the cause of visual impairment and even blindness can be called toxic neuropathy, which is caused by the use of methyl alcohol.
A sharp decline in vision is fraught with many lesions of the brain and its vessels, starting with stroke and TBI and ending with an increase in intracranial pressure and malignant tumors, as well as detachment of the retina.
These conditions most often make themselves felt not only with problems with the eyes, but also other painful symptoms: partial paralysis, impaired motility and turbidity of the mind in stroke, severe headaches with high intracranial pressure, and require immediate medical attention.
Visual impairment on one eye
Both eyes are not always affected, in some cases only one of them is violated.
Very often, problems that arise only on one eye are caused by unilateral disturbances in the work of the nervous and vascular system - hemorrhage into the corresponding part of the brain, temporal arteritis, atherosclerosis.
Retinal detachment is also rarely bilateral and usually affects one eye. Often, the opacity of the cornea and the lens is one-sided.
Falling of vision on two eyes
Diseases that cause bilateral deterioration of vision, the vast majority.
This is a glaucoma( and the pressure in the eyes can vary greatly, and each dosage of drugs is prescribed), myopia and hyperopia, various retinopathies, keratoconus, amblyopia attacks caused by high intracranial pressure, accommodation spasm and asthenopia.
What should I do?
The answer to the question "what to do" can only be given by a doctor, since the methods of treatment for various diseases that cause a sharp decrease in vision are significantly different.
Sometimes there are enough eye drops that relieve tension from overworked muscles, correct schedule and alternation of work and rest - in case of asthenopia and spasm of accommodation the recommendations are exactly this.
In other cases, when vision has been affected by an endocrine system disorder, brain tumors, head trauma or vascular disorders, the most important is to eliminate the cause of the problems. Often after this vision is partially or even completely restored. Sometimes the only way to restore the former vigilance is to have an operation on the eyes with a scalpel or laser with cataract, retinal detachment and glaucoma, this outcome is not uncommon.
How to prevent a sharp decline in vision?
In the presence of diseases that can lead to a deterioration in visual functions, starting with diabetes and ending with a hereditary predisposition to myopia, regular visits to the ophthalmologist are necessary - it is best to visit him once a year, even if there are no such diseases.
To reduce the strain on the eyes of any overtaxing activity, from painting to computer games, it is important to alternate periods of load with rest periods, observe the rules of using the technique and do exercises for the eyes when fatigue occurs.
Proper nutrition, rich in trace elements and vitamins, will also help preserve eye health.
Multivitamins, pumpkin and parsley juice, as well as blueberries are good supportive agents for those who are already unwell.
Performing regular exercises for the eyes will save your eyesight. We offer a selection of articles:
- Exercises for Avetisov
- Gymnastics from Zhdanov
- Tibetan method
As a conclusion, the following can be said:
- Sudden loss of vision is typical for both children and adults, and if the problems typical for children are predominantly transient,there are irreversible lesions of the eyes.
- Some diseases affect only both eyes at once, and some - only one, and the first are more often associated with external factors, and the second - with lesions of the brain and blood vessels.
- Methods of treatment for different diseases can be completely different.
- A regular examination of an ophthalmologist is the best way to avoid them.
Useful video
We present to your attention the following video: