On the table, it is noticeable and for health is important! What is this? We will answer - it's red beet!

Few people know, but Buryak was brought to us from Byzantium in the distant times of Kievan Rus. And only after some time the ancient researchers evaluated the incredible benefits of this product, and its medicinal qualities called exceptional. Modern science not only confirmed these data, but also proved that beets are indispensable in the human diet. What is the reason for this uniqueness?

Beets are a unique set of valuable substances that do not break down even during heat treatment.

Plant characteristics

Beet common, it is a buryak or a burak is a biennial plant that is characterized by an edible fleshy root of a rich bard color. From the rhizome rose root rosette leaves, which have a cordate shape with small waves along the edges. The stalk of the plant is erect, it can reach a height of 1 m. In the stem sinuses of the upper leaves, pale sessile flowers are tied in the fall.

Most often, food is eaten by the root crop, which has a round or oblong shape, and its mass can reach 1 kg. Although it is the root, however, it usually protrudes over the surface of the soil a few centimeters. How the Buryak grows can be seen in the next photo.

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A wild relative of the Buryak used to eat in the second century. BC.

Today, beet due to its high taste qualities is quite actively used in many national cuisines of different countries of the world. Its root is added to the first and main courses, and drinks and desserts are prepared. The plant is used in the manufacture of salads and soups. And both parts of this plant can be used both after treatment under the influence of temperatures, and without it. But cooking is not the only area of ​​application of this plant.

Beet in medicine

The quantity and strength of the useful properties of a Boeryak is amazing.

  • This root is considered the best cleanser for the intestines. It contains a lot of fiber and essential organic acids, which strengthen the intestinal peristalsis, sanitize it and stimulate metabolism. Beetroot is very effective for constipation and destroys putrefactive bacteria.
  • It contains betaine, a lipotropic substance that takes an active part in fat metabolism, regulates blood pressure and prevents liver infiltration.

    Important! Betaine works great not only in fresh buryak - it performs its function well in hot beetroot, in vinaigrette, and in freshly squeezed beetroot!

  • This vegetable is rich in magnesium, therefore it serves as a good prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis and nervous disorders.
  • Buryak is able to exert a diuretic effect, which helps to reduce swelling.
  • It promotes healthy hematopoiesis, because it contains trace elements, which are responsible for this process.
    Beetroot prevents anemia
  • Folic acid, which is part of this vegetable, is an indispensable substance at the stage of planning and bearing a child - without it the fetal nervous system will simply not form.
  • Buryak is the record holder among iodine-containing root crops, so it is incredibly useful for thyroid dysfunction caused by deficiency of this element, and also an important product for the elderly.

Recommendation! Hangover? An excellent tool that can quickly put you on your feet is a beetroot full of beetroot!

Treatment with beetroot

Traditional medicine has been using beetroot since ancient times. We suggest you consider several options for applying this amazing vegetable.

  1. Anemia. Mix in equal proportions freshly squeezed beetroot juice, radish and carrots. Drink before eating 30 ml for several months.

    Important! Do not forget that you first need to squeeze beet juice, let it brew in the fridge for about 20 minutes, and only after adding fresh carrot and radish to it!

  2. High blood pressure, nervousness. Freshly squeezed buryak juice is combined with honey in a ratio of 1: 1.Drink the resulting drink at 100-120 ml twice a day.
  3. Constipation. Boil the beets and eat 100 g before the morning on an empty stomach and before each meal.
  4. Ulcers and tumors. Root vegetables in fresh form to pass through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Apply the resulting gruel to the problem areas as it dries up - this helps to soften the inflammatory processes.
  5. Runny nose. From the beet, squeeze the juice and put it until it goes sour. Bury in each channel three times a day for 2-3 drops.
  6. Scurvy. To overcome scurvy in your diet, you must enter the sauerkraut.

Note! To get from the buryak the maximum benefit that he can give, in a year it is necessary to eat fresh roots in the amount of 6 kg, cooked - 16 kg! And after irradiation in the treatment of oncology, patients are recommended to eat half a kilogram of this vegetable fresh every day or to drink one full glass of it fresh!

Caution - damage possible!

Beetroot has some limitations in the application. These include:

  • osteoporosis and the presence of predisposition to it, since this vegetable interferes with the normal absorption of calcium;
  • diabetes, because a significant amount of sugars is present in the beet;
  • urolithiasis, which is due to the presence of oxalic acid in the root crop;
  • diarrhea in chronic form - as we found out, Buryak has a laxative effect.

Make your diet correctly and do not forget about the gifts of nature. Be healthy!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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