How to cook delicious compote from sour cranberries

  1. A bit about the benefits of lingonberries
  2. Rules for making compotes
  3. Cooking recipes

A compote made of cowberry is a beverage that has a lot of useful qualities. It perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes and tones. In the hot summer it will help to cheer up. In the winter, will cheer up, protect against colds, strengthen health. There are many different recipes for this drink. We chose the most interesting and affordable for any hostess.

A little bit about the benefits of cranberries

It is not for nothing that birch bark is called the berry of immortality. Healing properties of this berry are known since ancient times. Her juice was treated with intestinal disorders, colds, neurasthenia, scurvy, rheumatism, jaundice. Decoctions and infusions of berries are recommended for rheumatism, liver, kidney, gastritis. In a wet form they help get rid of gout and edema. Fresh fruits are an excellent means of preventing avitaminosis. Useful properties of cranberries:

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  • diuretic
  • antioxidant
  • anti-inflammatory

  • restorative
  • toning
  • antisclerotic
  • soothing
  • cholagogue
  • analgesic
  • antitumor
  • antihypertensive
  • antidepressant.

The berries perfectly succumb to canning. When properly prepared, they retain all their valuable qualities. Morse, jam and compote of cranberries contain many useful substances with which the fruits of this plant are rich. The chemical composition of berries cranberries:

  • sugar - fructose, glucose;
  • vitamins - C, PP, A, E, B1, B2, B9, beta-carotene;
  • microelements - manganese, iron;
  • macronutrients - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium;
  • organic acids - ursolic, apple, benzoic, citric, tartaric;
  • tanning agents;
  • glycosides;
  • pectins;
  • flavonoids.

A compote from cowberries removes hangover syndrome after a festive feast, lowers blood sugar, removes toxins. Regular use of this drink will help get rid of anemia, purify the blood, improve eyesight, strengthen the circulatory system, reduce high blood pressure, and help get rid of many other diseases and ailments.

Cowberry in ancient times was called the berry of immortality for its medicinal qualities and medicinal properties

An interesting fact! Small, ordinary-looking bushes of cranberries are remarkable for their long life. Their average life is about 300 years!

Rules for the preparation of compotes

So, how correctly to brew compote from cowberries to maximally preserve all the beneficial properties of berries? For this, the following simple rules should be observed:

  1. All berries should be approximately equal in ripeness and size. In this case, they are evenly cooked and maximally retain their healing properties.
  2. The compote can not be digested. Otherwise, all the vitamins in it will be destroyed, and the drink will lose its valuable qualities. It is best to prepare compote on low heat and immediately, after boiling, remove from heat for further infusion.
  3. If the composition of the drink includes other berries or fruits, then it is prepared in several stages. Thus, it is possible to avoid their digestion.

In a properly cooked compote, all berries retain their original shape. It turns out to be transparent and does not contain any sediment. The taste of the drink, depending on the additional berries or fruits included in its composition, can be sweet and sour, bitter-tart or spicy. For lovers of sweet it is recommended that the amount of sugar in the recipe be increased in order to soften the sour taste of cranberries.

Compote, cooked by all rules should not contain any sediment or turbidity

Advice! To compote turned transparent and tasty, berries cranberries before cooking it is desirable to dry a little on the towel and lower them only into boiling water.

Recipes for cooking

There are many recipes for making lingonberry compote. They differ from each other in their ingredients and methods of processing berries. So, for example, to slightly sweeten the compote of cranberries, the recipe is supplemented with sweet apples. To add vitamins, add cranberry and lemon to the drink.

Recipe for cranberry compote

The simplest recipe for compote from cowberries contains only water, sugar and berries. It may seem somewhat sour and tart due to the specific taste of the fruit, but it is very useful for health, since the time of heat treatment in it is reduced to a minimum. Necessary ingredients:

  • 250 g fresh or frozen berries cranberries;
  • 200 g of granulated sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.
Cooking is best in an enamel saucepan, since aluminum utensils can add an unpleasant metallic taste to the beverage. Fresh berries are pre-sorted by removing the wood debris, and thoroughly washed under the tap. Frozen - spread on a plate for thawing. The washed cowberries are left in a colander, in order to make the glasses extra water, and at this time prepare the sugar syrup.

To do this, all the sugar is poured into the boiling water and, stirring, makes it completely dissolved. The syrup is lowered with berries, and after 3 minutes.after boiling the pan is removed from the fire. Then compote cover with a lid and leave to be infused. Due to a short cooking time, such a drink preserves all the beneficial substances of the berries in full. You can drink it both chilled and warm. And in order to prepare it for the winter, compote immediately after cooking poured on glass jars and rolled with a special machine.

Cowberry compote in Czech

This compote is somewhat different from the traditional one by the way of preparation, however it does not become less tasty and useful. For its preparation, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • cranberries;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • water - 1.5 cups;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp.

Conservation order:

  1. Syrup is prepared from sugar and water.
  2. Berries are dipped in boiling syrup and boiled for about 4 minutes.
  3. Boiled cowberry is laid out on clean cans.
  4. Add citric acid to the syrup and pour in jars of berries.
  5. The cans are covered with lids and pasteurized for about 15 minutes, and then rolled up.

The compote, cooked in this way, turns out to be quite sweet and will definitely appeal to sweet tooth.

An interesting fact! The name of the cowberry was received for the bright red color, which it transmits to the drinks prepared on its basis. The ancient Russian name of this berry is brown, which means red in translation.

Compote with lingonberries and apples

A compote made from cowberries and apples is prepared in two stages. Firstly, apples are cooked, then cranberries are placed in the resulting broth. This drink is quite tasty and very healthy. For the preparation of cranberry-apple compote you will need:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 2 kg of cowberry.

Prepare apples and lingonberries. They are cleaned of leaves, twigs, thoroughly washed. The apples are cut out of the core, and then divided into equal segments. After poured into a pan of water, put there the same sugar and bring to a boil. Apples are dropped into this syrup. Cook them for about 15 minutes. After this time, apple slices are taken out, and cranberries are placed in the syrup. Compote is ready after the berries in the process of cooking noticeably change their color to a lighter color and discolor. As soon as this happens, cranberries are taken out, and the compote is still poured hot on cans. In banks for beauty, you can put cooked apple slices and cowberry berries.

A compote made from lingonberry with apples turns out not only useful, but also very tasty!

Compote with cranberries and cranberries

The compote of cranberries and cowberries has a somewhat unusual taste, it will appeal to all lovers of sour. In addition, it has a lot of vitamins, as well as other nutrients. For cranberry-cranberry compote you will need the following products:

  • cranberries - 300 g;
  • as many cowberries;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp.spoons;
  • water - one and a half liters;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.a spoon;
  • peel - 1 teaspoon.

First they prepare berries. They are sorted, washed and sorted. Then pour water into the pan and bring it to a boil. In the boiling water dissolve the sugar, put there grated zest, lemon juice, and in the end fall asleep berries. After 5 minutes.after boiling, compote is removed from the fire. After a short infusion, the drink is ready for use. Interesting information about the beneficial properties of cowberry and the ways of its preparation can be found from this video:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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