Use Vizivit to improve vision

Vizivit is a dietary supplement designed to improve vision.

Due to the fact that the composition of plant components and vitamins, the product is completely harmless and allowed for both children and the elderly, who especially often suffer from vision problems.

It is well suited for reducing visual acuity and in cases where the eyes get tired of constant loads and activities that require constant concentration.

In addition, Vizivit is available not only in the form of capsules, but also as a cream intended for lubricating the eyelids, which often suffer from swelling and fatigue. Neither capsules nor cream are medicines, and they can be used in conjunction with other drugs.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Contra-indications and side effects of
    • 3. Terms and storage terms
    • 4. Analogues
    • 5. Price in Russia and Ukraine
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Conclusion
    • 8.Useful video

Instruction for use

Composition and form of release

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Produced in the form of capsules for oral administration No. 10 and No. 30 for 10 capsules in a blister pack. In each package there are 3 blisters. The pack itself is cardboard. Smell and taste due to the shell additive does not.

Cream for external use - a gel-like consistency, light brown in color, has a slight smell. Produced in tubes of 15 grams.

As the main component in the composition is dry extract of blueberries , containing amino acids, more than a dozen different types of anthocyanins, vitamins and antioxidants.

In addition to it, Vizivit contains vitamin A, it is retinol, necessary for the synthesis of rhodopsin - the pigment that is part of the visual cells of the eye, and selenium is a microelement that is important for many organs and glands, including the lens, which,may grow dull, which leads to cataracts.

Auxiliary components: calcium stearate, talc, aerosil, lactose, methylcellulose.

Indications for use

It is used as a strengthening agent for the eyes and the whole organism in general, improves blood circulation in the eye capillaries, enriches the body with useful substances.

It is shown to people who are forced to work for a long time at a computer or to be in conditions with artificial lighting. With diabetes mellitus slows the development of retinopathy and improves the nutrition of the eyeball.

Also can be prescribed as a restorative therapy after eye surgery. In this case, usually acts in conjunction with other medicines.

It should not be forgotten that, like any other biologically active additive, Vizivitis is not intended to treat serious problems with eyesight and in case of severe diseases it is used as an auxiliary and not as a primary remedy.

Approved for use at the age of 14 years, does not contain any components that are contraindicated in older age groups.

Interaction with other drugs

To avoid the phenomenon of hypervitaminosis it is undesirable to take with other food additives with a similar composition. Do not react with other drugs, so can be used in conjunction with any means.

Pregnancy and lactation period

Pregnant and carminative women are not prohibited from taking the drug, but its effect on the embryo is not sufficiently investigated, therefore, it is necessary to take Viviwit under the supervision of a doctor.

In such cases, during the course of taking this medication, other food supplements are canceled: excess retinol, according to some reports, has a teratogenic effect and can lead to malformations of the fetus.

Method of administration and dosage

Capsules intended for oral administration:

Dosage of
  • Adults: 1 capsule daily;
  • For children: 1 capsule per day
Usage time During or immediately after meals
Course duration 30 days. After a break, you can repeat

If Vizivit cream is chosen as a vitamin supplement, then it should be applied to the fingertips and rubbed into the eyelids in a circular motion. This must be done once a day for a month.

Contraindications and side effects of

Children's age and individual intolerance of the constituent substances are the only contraindications.

Side effects of

The agent does not have components that have a pronounced negative effect on the body.

Therefore, there are no side effects, except for allergic reactions in people with an individual intolerance to the bilberry extract.


Since the content of active components in the Vesivite is low enough, an overdose is extremely rare.

In case of long exceeding the recommended dosages, hypervitaminosis A is possible, manifested by dry skin, brittle hair and nails, joint pain, irritability, sleep disorders and loss of appetite.

Storage terms and conditions

The vitamin additive should be stored in a place without direct sunlight and at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees. Use the drug can be 24 months from release.

It is worth remembering that any funds with expired shelf life or stored in improper conditions can bring not a positive effect, but at best they simply will not help, or will aggravate the situation.


Analogues are considered to be drugs with the same or slightly different composition, but having the same indications for use.

Assigned analogues if the agent did not bring the desired result, or is not suitable for some other reasons, for example, because of intolerance of components or high cost.

In the case of Vision, these are the same vitamin supplements designed to relieve eye fatigue and eliminate visual defects. Some of the most common analogues of Vizivit are:

  • Visiox Cernica;
  • Complystitis Ophthalmo;
  • Vision;
  • Bilberry-mica;
  • Lutein Forte and Complex;
  • Ophthalmics.

Buying a similar drug, it is worth bearing in mind that it does not need to be a capsule or gel. Some of them are available in the form of eye drops.

Price in Russia and in Ukraine

In Ukraine Vizivit for oral administration costs from 100 hryvnia and more, the cream is about half cheaper.

In Russia, for a capsule, you will have to give 200 to 350 rubles , the exact figure depends on the pharmacy and the region, and for the cream is about 100 rubles. Costly drug can not be named, it is cheaper than most of the additives based on blueberries.


The tool is quite common and has various reviews. Someone considers it effective and responds only positively, but there are dissatisfied people claiming that this is a waste of money and there is no help from using Vizivit.

Still, the vast majority of buyers were satisfied. After the course of taking this remedy, the eyes grew less tired, unpleasant sensations such as dryness, swelling of the eyelids, and vision improved.

This is especially important for people working on computers. The advantages are the absence of any negative consequences after the course and a low price. Experts also consider this supplement effective and often prescribe it to their patients.


In summary, you can say about the following:

  1. It is not a medicine and can not be used to treat serious eye diseases alone.
  2. Often used in conjunction with a variety of drugs as an auxiliary.
  3. Has no contraindications and side effects, since it does not contain any strong substances.
  4. Affordable to virtually everyone.

Useful video

Maintain health with gymnastics for the eyes:

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