Cranberries with diabetes - healing effect and useful recipes

  1. Useful properties of berries for metabolic disorders
  2. Curative effect of berries in endocrine disease
  3. Tasty and healthy drinks

Diabetes is a chronic endocrine pathology characterized by metabolic disorders. The human body ceases to produce its own insulin, which leads to an increase in the level of sugar in the bloodstream. To the treatment of diabetes, a comprehensive approach is used, which consists of taking pharmacological preparations and following a diet. Endocrinologists recommend that patients include in their diet foods that help to reduce glucose and prevent high levels of glucose. Cranberries with diabetes become indispensable for therapy and prevention of berries. It is not only useful and tasty, but also helps to avoid severe complications of a dangerous disease - diabetic foot and kidney damage.

Regular consumption of cranberries leads to a decrease in blood glucose level in patients with diabetes mellitus

Useful properties of berries in metabolic disorders

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Virtually all biologically active substances from the chemical composition of cranberries help reduce the severity of symptoms of type 2 diabetes mellitus - rapid urination, increased appetite, weakness andfast fatigue. But for the first type of pathology, the acidic berry is very useful. Regular use of juices and fruit drinks prevents the rise of glucose level and introduces a variety in the limited diet of the patient.

The fact is that cranberries are almost the only berry, in which there are no sugars. What else contain healthy drinks:

  • Nicotinic and ascorbic acid. With diabetes, there is a gradual damage to small and large blood vessels. Vitamins contribute to their strengthening, normalize permeability, increase elasticity;
  • Triterpentines. They are also called natural antibiotics. Diabetes mellitus is often accompanied by the formation of inflammatory foci in soft tissues. Including fresh cranberry juice in the daily menu, a person conducts prophylaxis of the development of fungal, bacterial and viral infections;
  • Pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, riboflavin, thiamine. Vitamins of group B are appointed by endocrinologists by patients to prevent the innervation of skeletal and smooth muscle muscles. All these biologically active substances are in their entirety in cranberries;
  • Organic acids. With diabetes mellitus, the risk of damage to the blood vessels of the retina is increased. Apple, benzoic, oxalic acids prevent the reduction of visual acuity, including night vision.
  • Ursolic acid. Rarely occurring chemical compound is analogous to the action of hormones produced by the adrenal glands. The basis of the pathogenesis of diabetes is precisely the disorder of the hormonal background. The use of cranberry juices and fruit drinks helps to stabilize it.

Recently, many drugs have been synthesized that help the patient prevent the rise of the sugar level in the systemic blood flow. With high efficiency, they also have negative properties - a significant number of side effects. Cranberries are absolutely safe to use, so experienced doctors combine the use of berries with the use of antidiabetics. This allows you to reduce the dosage of drugs and avoid manifestations of unwanted complications.

Warning: It is necessary to take cranberry drinks with antidiabetics only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, a sharp drop in glucose in the blood can occur, which will cause a life-threatening hypo- or hyperglycemic coma.

Delicious cranberry juice will help to normalize the cardiovascular system in patients with diabetes

Curative effect of berries in endocrine disease

Several years ago, clinical trials were conducted to establish the effectiveness of lowering glucose levels in the blood stream by cranberry juice. As a result, it was found that the daily use of a glass of drink helps to prevent the increase in sugar in patients with type 1 endocrine pathology. And with type 2 diabetes mellitus, the level of glucose in the blood gradually decreased without taking any pharmacological drugs.

Recommendation: Reduction of sugar in the systemic blood flow occurs with the use of fresh or frozen berries. Nutritionists recommend to season them with cereal cereals - rice, buckwheat, corn.

The composition of acidic forest berries includes biological compounds that have a positive effect on the functional activity of the pancreas. It begins to produce specific beta cells. They are responsible for the production of their own human insulin. But do not exceed the daily recommended volume of cranberry drinks recommended by an endocrinologist in the hope of quickly reducing the level of sugar, as the stocks of beta cells in the human body are not unlimited.

With diabetes, nutritionists recommend preparing cranberry mousses with artificial sweeteners

Antimicrobial action

One of the most dangerous complications of diabetes is the diabetic foot. It is characterized by the development of wet trophic ulcers. Causes of suppuration and necrosis of the epidermis are:

  • gradual destruction of bone and joint tissue;
  • damage to blood vessels.
In place of small wounds, a bacterial infection quickly appears, provoking the formation of large ulcerative skin lesions. As a rule, surgical interventions are used to prevent their spread, and sometimes physicians have to amputate the limb. Cranberry in diabetes mellitus displays a pronounced antimicrobial activity, helping to prevent the development of bacterial infections. The use of berry drinks prevents the formation of inflammatory foci not only on the skin, but also inside the human body.

Diuretic effect of

Patients with diabetes are often diagnosed with nephropathy. Kidneys gradually begin to be affected, chronic renal failure develops. Paired organs lose the ability to concentrate, filter and excrete urine. Organic acids and microelements of potassium from the composition of cranberries show diuretic activity, have a multifaceted effect on the human body:

  • reduce renal and arterial pressure;
  • removes toxins from the body and toxic compounds;
  • eliminates edema.

Flavonoids and cranberry acids prevent the damage of renal vessels, contributing to the improvement of blood circulation and the removal of harmful mineral salts from paired organs.

Delicious and healthy drinks

Preparing cranberry juice is not difficult. Despite partial heat treatment, the drink does not lose its useful properties in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. How to make a delicious cranberry mors:

  1. Squeeze juice from three glasses of fresh berries and pour it into glassware.
  2. In the squeeze add 1.5 liters of water and simmer for about five minutes.
  3. Give the broth a couple of hours, strain it and mix it with the juice.

Drink you need to drink a glass 2-3 times a day for 2 months, and then make a week break. Cranberry juice is even easier to prepare. It is necessary with the help of a sieve or a juicer to prepare a drink, merge it into a glass container and store in a cool place.

Warning: When preparing cranberry drinks, do not use aluminum colander or pans. Organic acids from the composition of the berries will enter into chemical reactions with the metal and break down.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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