Cranberries with colds - medicinal properties and useful recipes


  1. Useful properties of the bog berry
  2. Curative actions of the berry culture
  3. Application of cranberry juice and juices
  4. Contraindications

Respiratory diseases at the initial stage are well treatable by folk remedies, many of which are very tasty. Such phytopreparations include all kinds of cranberry drinks. To enhance their therapeutic effectiveness, folk healers recommend sweetening the juices and fruit juice with flowery honey, add the slightly crushed berries of raspberries and citrus slices. Cranberries with colds reduce temperature, eliminate chills, dilute and remove phlegm from the respiratory tract. Healing berries will replenish stocks of trace elements and vitamins, mobilize the body of an adult and a child to fight a respiratory infection.

Cranberry is a time-tested remedy for the treatment of viral and bacterial catarrhal diseases

Useful properties of the bog berries

Colds are caused by the penetration of pathogenic viruses, fungi, bacteria into the respiratory tract. They begin to grow and actively multiply on the mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx, forming inflammatory foci. The harmful substances released during the life of infectious agents enter the systemic bloodstream and cause symptoms of general intoxication of the body:

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  • hyperthermia, chills, fever;
  • dyspeptic disorders - nausea, bouts of vomiting, diarrhea;
  • drowsiness, rapid fatigue, excessive weakness.

With all of the above signs of flu or sore throats, fresh and frozen cranberries are successfully coping.

This is interesting: The use of berries is most relevant for pathologies of viral origin. This is interrelated with the low effectiveness of the vast number of antiviral drugs, in a wide range of pharmacies on display. The fact is that the therapeutic activity of these agents has not been confirmed by any clinical trials. Therefore, when diagnosing tracheitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, their treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms.

Cranberry helps to reduce the severity of clinical manifestations. What effect on the human body will berry:

  • will increase the body's resistance to infectious agents;
  • will restore the water-electrolyte balance;
  • will accelerate the removal of the respiratory tract viruses and bacteria, as well as toxic products of their vital activity;
  • will reduce the viscosity of phlegm and facilitate its evacuation;
  • will increase the vitality of an adult and a baby.

In the therapy of any respiratory diseases, an abundant drink is of great importance. The use of a large amount of water, fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks prevents the development of a life-threatening person, especially a small child, a state of dehydration. It is characterized by a rapidly emerging micronutrient deficiency, without which all life systems are unable to function. Cranberry fruit drinks and juices are one of the best options for replenishing stocks of liquid and mineral salts in the human body.

Fresh cranberries, in contrast to frozen berries, preserved in integrity all biologically active substances

Curative effects of berry culture

A wide range of therapeutic effects is due to the presence in the cranberry of a large number of various biologically active substances. Especially a lot in the acidic berries of vegetable polyphenols, or bioflavonoids. These organic compounds prevent the blood from clotting against the background of high temperature and the development of inflammatory processes. Flavonoids improve the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, restoring optimal microcirculation. As the accumulation of polyphenols in the body from the veins, capillaries and arteries, harmful triglycerides are beginning to be excreted, preventing recovery. What nutrients from the chemical composition of cranberries help to quickly get rid of colds:

  • Ascorbic acid takes a direct part in the formation of immunity. Strengthening the protective forces of the body of an adult and a baby leads to the rapid destruction of pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi;
  • Organic acids( malic, ursolic, quinine, benzoic, oxalic) help prevent the spread of inflammation to healthy parts of the respiratory tract. Regular consumption of beverages from cranberries causes a decrease in the number of infectious foci on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • Group B vitamins( riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin) are always prescribed by pediatricians and otolaryngologists for colds to eliminate weakness and rapid fatigue. These biologically active substances are present in the whole composition in cranberries;
  • Nicotinic acid increases the elasticity of blood vessels, ensures the delivery of oxygen, nutrients and biologically active substances to affected tissues. This significantly speeds up their regeneration, restores optimal functioning.

Microelements interfere with the development of allergic reactions against the background of taking pharmacological preparations and( or) multiplying pathogenic microorganisms. The presence in the cranberry of a large number of potassium allows you to quickly and effectively stop edema, remove from cells and tissues intermediate and final products of inflammation. Drinks from cranberries have a toning and firming effect. They can be used not only to treat colds, but also for its prevention in the fall and spring, when the immunity of a person is noticeably reduced.

Cranberry juice effectively reduces temperature, eliminates sore throat and nasal congestion

Cranberry juice and juice application

Berry drinks contain many pectins. These polysaccharides have a unique property - the ability to purify the gastrointestinal tract from harmful compounds. Therefore, cranberries at temperatures are recommended for use by specialists in both folk and official medicine. Hyperthermia provokes impaired digestion and peristalsis, development of putrefactive and fermenting processes. Cranberry juice, like a broom, cleans out of the gastrointestinal tract all the slags and toxins, reduces the severity of dyspeptic disorders, and suppresses excess gas production.

Recommendation: At high temperatures, an adult and a baby often lack an appetite, which slows down recovery. Organic acids from the composition of cranberries are able to stimulate the production of gastric juice and digestive enzymes. In addition to the appetite, forces are also returning to fight respiratory infections.

You can prepare cranberry juice using:

  • sieve;
  • shower;
  • juicers.

To reduce the temperature you need to take 0.3 cup of delicious juice three times a day. The resulting beverage should be drained in a glass container and stored in a cool place protected from direct sunlight. When you get juice from cranberries, you can not use aluminum appliances, because a chemical reaction occurs between organic acids from the composition of berries and metal.

To improve the taste of acidic cranberry drinks, spices, thick honey and slices of citrus fruits will help.

Treatment of angina

Pathogenic bacteria and viruses can act as pathogens of angina. The composition of cranberry includes triterpentines, which are called natural antibiotics. Biologically active substances can suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms:

  • of staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • enterococci.

Berry fruit drinks and juices wash bacteria out of inflammatory foci and toxic products released by them. Cranberry in angina is used to prevent dyspeptic disorders and sudden temperature changes. A rapid and effective relief of inflammation prevents the penetration of bacteria into the lower respiratory tract and the development of serious complications - abscesses, pneumonia. You can prepare cranberry juice for the treatment of angina by this recipe:

  1. Squeeze the juice from three glasses of fresh berries and pour it into glassware.
  2. Place the dried residue in an enamel saucepan and dilute with 1.5 liters of boiled water.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer for about five minutes.
  4. Cool, mix with juice and take a glass 203 times a day after eating.

Cranberry mors can also be treated with fungal angina. Organic acids destroy the mycelium of fungi and remove infectious agents from the upper respiratory tract.

Tip: Young children often refuse cranberry juice and juices because of their pronounced sour taste. Improve it will help the addition of sugar, fruit jam or thick honey.

Drink cranberry juice and juices through a cocktail tube to prevent damage to tooth enamel

Treatment of cough

Most respiratory pathologies occur against the background of a painful cough that prevents sleep at night. Diseases are accompanied by perspiration and sore throat, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx. Cranberry from cough is used for any infections, regardless of their etiology.

To reduce its severity, you should drink 2-3 cups of berry juice every day. Organic acids and flavonoids from the composition of cranberries have a multifaceted therapeutic effect on the respiratory tract of an adult and a child:

  • reduce the viscosity of thick mucus;
  • interferes with strong sputum fixation to the mucous membranes;
  • evacuate mucus at each cough.

This allows you to translate dry cough into its productive wet form and significantly accelerate recovery. The human breathing is relieved, and the mucous membranes damaged by infection are restored.


Virtually all contraindications to the treatment of colds with cranberry drinks are due to the presence of a large number of organic acids in the berry. For example, doctors do not recommend consuming fruit and juice for people with thin or sensitive tooth enamel. But this ban is quite easy to bypass, if you take a cocktail tube. But there are absolute contraindications to the use of cranberries. These include:

  • ulcerative lesions of the walls of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis with high acidity( erosive, catarrhal, superficial).

During pregnancy and during lactation, cold can be treated with cranberry drinks only after consulting a doctor. The sour berry provokes allergic reactions in people who are hypersensitive to its active ingredients. Use cranberries in the therapy of respiratory diseases should be cautious to people who have a history of pathology of the urinary system and the liver.

Warning: Even in the absence of contraindications to marsh berry treatment, you should not use it in excessive quantities. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is enough to drink about 200 ml of cranberry juice or 2-3 glasses of Morse every day.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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