- What is gout?
- How effective is ginger in the treatment of gout
- Popular recipes with ginger
Useful properties of ginger have been known for many centuries, initially this plant became popular in Asia. On the territory of Russia, he met quite rare, so he can be considered borrowed from a foreign culture and from the adepts of traditional medicine of Asian countries. It is widely used to rid people of various diseases. In particular, it helps to get rid of a variety of problems with cartilage and joints, which bother many people. Ginger with gout can be considered as a therapeutic agent, and an excellent way to prevent many ailments.
What is gout?
Gout is an ailment that is mostly susceptible to men. It often occurs in those who have committed a violation in their bodies of metabolism, the development of kidney disease, often eats a lot, and also leads a low-activity lifestyle. Especially strong signs of the disease, if the last paragraph is combined with at least one of the others.
The basis for the development of gout is the wrong diet and an unbalanced diet. If, for example, every day to eat a variety of sausages, cutlets or shish kebabs, then after a certain time you can see that all the joints in the body are starting to get a little sick. These same products include alcoholic beverages, and the weakest of them are considered the most dangerous. Take at least beer - like nothing terrible, but it's not so simple. The fact is that this drink has a diuretic effect, and together with urine the organism leaves a large amount of still not assimilated calcium. A consequence of this is the lack of this element in the bones, which become brittle and cause severe pain in the nerve endings.
Why these products are considered dangerous
Each cell contains special substances called purines. They are absolutely harmless, but with metabolism they are transformed into uric acid. It just does not hurt, but it's for the time being. If overeating and eating the above products make it permanent, then this very uric acid is formed incredibly much. This leads to the fact that the kidneys responsible for removing urine from the body simply can not cope with a large amount of fluid.
The situation is much worse if the person has diseased kidneys. Here they will suffer doubly, because there is still a lack. In this case, salts of uric acid begin to gradually spread throughout the body, and their salts will be deposited in the cartilage and joints.
Important: for salts, this is the most optimal place for settling, because blood circulation is the least intensive here.
If these salts accumulate very much, then immunity will give "bells" to the person who are as follows:
- joint pain;
- obstructed motion;
- reddening of the skin and the formation of inflammation in the joint region;
- high body temperature.
This is exactly the way gout develops, which in addition can be accompanied by the appearance of kidney stones. In these cases, doctors prescribe medication and prescribe more to move, to change qualitatively the daily diet and include products that will facilitate the rapid cleavage of deposited salts. One such is just ginger.
How effective is ginger in the treatment of gout
Ginger for gout is a natural activator of a large number of internal processes. It contains a huge amount of biologically active substances. In its fresh form, this spice has such properties:
- is antimicrobial;
- is antispasmodic;
- is an anti-inflammatory;
- is stimulating;
- regulating.
Very often, a specialist can recommend this traditional medicine to stop pain and relieve inflammation. In this case, ginger will begin to effectively combat the deposits of salts of uric acid. Regular intake will help to split even those salts that are petrified from time, so it can be taken also when the doctor discovered small stones in the kidneys.
Along with this, ginger will help improve metabolism and stabilize all metabolic processes. Ingredients in the spice stimulate the production of enzymes in the stomach and enhance the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Also, spices will have a positive effect on the immune system and will purify the bloodstream from all kinds of toxins. This is the answer to all doubters who think - and you can take ginger with gout or not. Everything is simple - not only, it is possible, but also necessary, but it should be taken into account that any recipes of traditional medicine are not a panacea, medication should be of paramount importance.
What are the contraindications to
? They are not very much, but they are worth paying attention to, since the intake of ginger in combination with the presence of these ailments in the body can worsen the general condition of a person:
- large stones in the kidney or gallbladder;
- 3 and 4 stage of hypertension;
- gastric ulcer and gastritis;
- allergy.
Popular recipes with ginger
Spice can be added to food. Just grind the root and cook with it a bird or meat - they will become softer and more gentle, and the body will be much easier to digest it. You can also add ginger to salads from fresh vegetables.
The recipes with ginger are very different. Someone from doctors can recommend ginger oil for massage of the amazed joints. In this case, you need to rub a small amount of oil into the skin with light circular motions, performing the procedure every day for 2 weeks every 2-3 months. Prepare it very simply, you need:
- 1 tbsp.a spoonful of ground ginger pour a small amount of boiling water;
- stir to the state of gruel;
- pour a few drops of olive oil( if not - replace with almond oil);
- evenly distribute the resulting mixture over the gauze dressing;
- is applied to the affected joint and wrapped with polyethylene to preserve heat.
Keep this bandage about an hour.
For the most optimal effect and faster removal of inflammation, you can drink a ginger decoction along with a compress. It is prepared simply - one teaspoon of ground root spices should be mixed with 400 ml of warm water, then add honey to taste and take in small sips( the dosage is indicated per serving).
How to take ginger with gout, if you cook it with honey and other ingredients:
- mix honey and turmeric in equal proportions;
- add ½ part of the total amount of ground black pepper and twice as much grinded ginger;
- to add the resulting mixture of viscous consistency, add any vegetable oil;
- all this is warmed up in a water bath at a temperature of approximately 35-36 degrees, after which the mixture should be put on the gauze bandage and attach to the affected joint.
Keep the blade until it completely cools down. Use this means of traditional medicine can be every day until the inflammation disappears, and pain will not be lost.
. You can still make juice from fresh ginger. It needs to wet the cloth and cover the joint. For him it is necessary:
- to cleanse several roots of ginger from the skin;
- cut them into thin slices;
- put in any container of glass in such a way that it is almost completely filled;
- pour the olive oil to the brim.
Now this glass container should be left for 21 days, it is desirable to maintain the room temperature in the room. After this period, the juice can be used for a variety of purposes, not only in the treatment of gout - in cooking, for massage or cosmetic masks. The average shelf life is 45-50 days.
Tip: in order to prevent juice from disappearing, it is recommended to make small portions, and if necessary, you can repeat the procedure at any convenient time.