Indications and contraindications of electrosleep procedure for adults and children

Sleep performs an important function, beneficially affecting the body and restoring its strength. The study of these beneficial properties formed the basis of one of the types of physiotherapy, which is widely used both in children and adults. Electrosleep therapy allows you to create a physical condition, characteristic of natural rest and sleep.

  • The essence of the procedure
  • The use of
  • Indications
  • Procedure procedure
  • Contraindications

The essence of the procedure

To understand what an electrosleep in medicine, it is necessary to study the mechanism of its effect on the human body.

This procedure is a physiotherapy technique, with a low-frequency electrical current acting on the nervous system using a special device. As a result, these pulses lasting 0.2-0.5 milliseconds contribute to the inhibition of nerve impulses in the cerebral cortex, which causes a state similar in properties to natural sleep.

The appliance is adjusted for a specific frequency for each patient( from 1 to 150 Hz).The current strength does not exceed 10 mA.
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These electrical stimuli along the nerves of the skull and the vascular network of the brain reach the pituitary and hypothalamus, exerting a sedative effect on the body. The arising process of inhibition covers the pathological focus and contributes to its functional restoration. In addition, constant impulse currents in electrosleep stimulate vegetative-trophic centers in the brain.

This medication does not apply to medical sleep, with proper use it does not cause intoxication, addiction and other negative consequences.

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The use of

The recovery processes resulting from electrodes treatment have the following beneficial effects on the human body:

  • improving the central nervous system, normalizing the balance of inhibition and excitation;
  • normalization of blood supply to areas of the brain, their recovery after damage;
  • improvement of hemopoiesis process, stabilization of blood clotting parameters;
  • stimulation of the digestive tract, helps lower cholesterol;
  • normalization of excretory and sexual function;
  • establishes metabolic processes( mineral, lipid, carbohydrate metabolism);
  • has an analgesic, antispasmodic effect;
  • normalizes blood pressure, improves vasomotor reactions;
  • improves the reserve capabilities of the body, resistance to stress;
  • promotes the release in the brain of endorphins - substances of "happiness" that enhance mood and have an effect of anesthesia.
Angiography of cerebral vessels - indications, types, procedure, results
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Electrosome physiotherapy is used in the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by violation of nervous regulationsomatic functions of the body, the formation of stagnant sites of inhibition and excitation in the brain. In complex therapy improves the dynamics of the course of the disease.

Assigned to the following pathologies:

  • with neuropsychic diseases: vegetative-vascular dystonia, cerebral atherosclerosis, neuroses, asthenia, psychopathy, insomnia, somnambulism, encephalopathies, meteotropic reactions.
  • in children is often used electrosleep with stuttering, enuresis, different types of tics and so on;
  • with emotional stress, shock, tension;
  • in the treatment of the consequences of craniocerebral trauma, tick-borne encephalitis;
  • in hypertension, because it has antihypertensive effect. Electrosome therapy is used in stages IB, IIA and IIB;
  • with hypotension normalizes the indicators and improves the general condition;
  • electrosleep in pregnancy is used for the treatment of toxicosis - contributes to the cessation of salivation, vomiting, nausea, acts soothing to the mental state;
  • at the initial stage of atherosclerosis, with obliterating endarteritis;
  • in case of coronary heart disease of grade 1-2;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • with peptic ulcer;
  • for hormonal dysfunctions, diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • for skin diseases( eczema, neurodermatitis);
  • for rheumatism;
  • for various pain syndromes, including phantom sensations;
  • in the recovery period after surgery, with chronic fatigue, and even in the treatment of alcoholism.
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Technique for the procedure

It is not recommended to come on an electro-therapy on an empty stomach, it is necessary to remove contact lenses, it is desirable for women to remove cosmetics from the face. Clothes should be comfortable and not embarrassing, you can change into a nightgown or pajamas.

The patient is placed on his back on a bed or a couch, covered with a blanket. On the head area, electrodes are applied: by means of a mask on the orbit( cathode) and on the mastoid processes on the temporal bones( anode).If a rim is used, it is placed on the forehead. Then connect the electrode on the temples and the electrode of the mask to the apparatus electrosleep.

After this, the pulse frequency is set, which is individually set by the doctor, depending on the illness and condition of the patient. The surgeon adjusts the strength of the current, turning the handle and drawing on the patient's sensations( tingling, vibration).If discomfort is present, tell the doctor to set another mode of operation.

The procedure is carried out in silence, in a darkened, ventilated room, perhaps a quiet musical accompaniment. The reactions of patients may differ: some sleep the entire procedure, others - doze, someone has these periods alternate.

How long the electrosleep lasts is determined individually by the doctor. Usually the initial sessions last 10-15 minutes, with each time there is an increase in the duration of up to 40-90 minutes. The full course is 10-20 times, which are carried out every day or every other day, repeat it probably in 1.5 months, for prevention is applied 1-2 times a year.
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Electrosleep for children is used from the age of three. This procedure should be carried out in a quiet state, so sometimes there are difficulties. If the child is too restless, you can try to shorten the time of her holding, so that the baby is gradually accustomed.

Electrosleeping at home is allowed, especially if the patient is not able to visit the hospital. For this procedure, any electrolamp or semiconductor generator can be used to obtain a pulsed current.

There are a lot of devices for electrosleep on sale. But an indispensable condition should be a doctor's appointment of this procedure and an individual scheme of its application.

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This physiotherapy technique is well tolerated in both adults and children and, as a rule, has no negative consequences when used correctly. However, there are a number of contraindications to the procedure:

  • is strictly forbidden to conduct electrosleep with inflammation of the eyes and eyelids( conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc.), as well as in case of visual impairment( near-sightedness over 5 diopters), cataract, glaucoma, detachment and retinal degeneration;
  • dermatitis and inflammation in the face;
  • heart failure from grade 2;
  • inflammation of the membranes of the brain and acute violation of cerebral blood supply. After a stroke, the procedure is carried out with caution and not earlier than 40 days after overcoming an acute period;
  • presence of metal in the bones of the skull, eyeball, middle ear, head tissues, to avoid electric shock because this material is an excellent conductor;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • fever;
  • epilepsy or suspicion of it, since an electrosleep can provoke an attack and lead to an epileptic status;
  • hysteria, psychosis;
  • individual patient rejection of the procedure;
  • age is up to 3 years.

In the absence of contraindications to the electrosleep procedure, it can be additionally combined with other methods of physiotherapy, for example, electrophoresis, and with therapeutic measures - physiotherapy exercises, massage.

  • Mar 07, 2018
  • 33
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