Stock up on vitamins for the whole winter - prepare the sea-buckthorn with sugar

Seabuckthorn with sugar can serve as an excellent alternative to ready-made vitamin complexes, both in winter and in the spring, when the body is particularly acutely deficient in nutrients. Therefore, it is worthwhile to worry about your health in advance and make such a preparation.

Obvious use of sea buckthorn

As a rule, when making sea buckthorn with sugar, berries are not subjected to heat treatment at all, therefore they preserve absolutely all useful substances, and there are many of them in sea buckthorn. Fresh berries contain:

  • vitamins B, E, C, A, H, folic acid;
  • organic acids, including polyunsaturated;
  • many minerals, including iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, etc.

In addition, in the pulp and ossicles there is oil, without which fat-soluble vitamins, in particular, E and carotenoids, are not digested at all. Therefore, sea buckthorn is a self-sufficient product, from which valuable substances for the body are absorbed in full.

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Thanks to its unique composition of sea-buckthorn, especially cooked with sugar without cooking, it helps:

  • to eliminate any inflammatory processes;
  • to accelerate the healing of wounds, burns, pressure sores, frostbite, etc.;
  • to enhance immunity;

  • eliminate the deficiency of vitamins;
  • cope with depression, nervous overstrain, stress;
  • improve eyesight and overcome various ophthalmic pathologies, etc.

Warning! For sea buckthorn and any dishes based on it, it is necessary to treat with caution those who have increased the acidity of gastric juice, diagnosed cholecystitis, ulcer, pancreatitis, gastritis or urolithiasis.

Thus, to stock up with such a delicacy for the winter is for everyone. In particular, it can be useful to pregnant women, as it will help protect the weakened organism of the future mother from all sorts of viruses and will satiate him with the necessary for the full development of the fetus folic acid and vitamin E.


There are many recipes for making sea buckthorn with sugar. This:

  • The sterilized cans are filled with ¾ of the washed and dried berries of sea-buckthorn, mixed with an equal amount of granulated sugar. The remaining space is filled with sugar and covered with a normal capron cap or tightened with parchment. Thus, it turns out that 3 glasses of berries usually require 4 cups of sugar. The billet can be stored for up to 2 years in the refrigerator, while it can be noticed that gradually the sea buckthorn starts to release the juice that accumulates on the bottom, and the berries themselves float upward, resting in a layer of granulated sugar. As the sugar dissolves, the mass begins to thicken: the top layer becomes like soft caramel.
    Each berry should be well covered with grains of sugar.
  • No less useful is mashed buckthorn with sugar. To make such a delicacy, it is enough to rub 1 kg of fresh or thawed berries with 1.5 kg of granulated sugar in a blender or meat grinder. The resulting puree is poured over cans, be sure to put a few tablespoons of sugar on top and seal it tightly with a lid. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 months. If you want to make a more durable harvest for the winter from sea-buckthorn with sugar without cooking, then the mixture should be laid in sterile jars and rolled up with sterilized lids.

    Tip: to get rid of pits, the berries are crushed separately, squeezed through gauze and only then add sugar. But in this case it is necessary to adjust the amount of sugar used, depending on the weight of the obtained sea-buckthorn puree.

Other recipes from sea buckthorn

A delicious health drink in the winter will be sea buckthorn juice with pulp. It is prepared by lowering 1 kg of washed berries in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Steamed sea buckthorn is grinded through a cheesecloth or sieve and bred with sugar syrup to taste. The resulting liquid is again put on the fire and brought to 60 ° C.The juice is poured over previously sterilized half-liter jars, covered with lids and sterilized in a water bath for 20 minutes.

From the workpieces made in the autumn, it is possible to indulge in various seafood delicacies throughout the winter and spring, for example, with a paste or mousse

. The recipes for sea-buckthorn with sugar for winter do not end there. Diversify your diet can be a fragrant apple-sea buckthorn jam. To make it, you need to peel and peel 2 apples and cut them into cubes. Apples together with sea-buckthorn are placed in a saucepan, poured with 1.5 glasses of water and brought to a boil. After that, the mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, crushed with a submerged blender and added 1 glass of sugar and, if there is, 2 tbsp.l.agave syrup. The jam is cooked on low heat for another 20-25 minutes and rolled into sterile jars.

It is important: blanks from sea-buckthorn can not just be a spoon or with bread, but also add to compotes or teas, cook sauces from them, etc.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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