Useful properties of ginger root to preserve health and beauty


  1. Useful ginger root
  2. Indications for use
  3. Recipes for the use of ginger for medicinal purposes

The root of ginger has long been one of the most popular products for creating culinary condiments and cosmetics. With it, lose weight, take care of the skin, hair. But this does not end the useful properties of ginger. This nondescript root is very rich in what is necessary for each organism, and therefore can rightly be considered a medicinal plant.

The root of ginger - not only the popular spice, but a valuable medicinal plant

The useful ginger root

Useful properties of ginger, primarily due to its composition. It contains several different essential oils that give the plant an aroma, resinous substances - gingerols, which provide a sharp taste. Also in the root of ginger, you can find vitamins A, B1, B2, C, many trace elements:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

In addition, in the ginger, discovered felandrin, cineole, citral, borneol, camphine and the most important amino acids - lysine, phenylalanine, methionine.

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How the root

is used Due to its chemical composition, Ginger has amazing medicinal properties. It is an extremely effective tool to combat a fairly large range of diseases, which has been used for many centuries. According to some studies, the inhabitants of ancient China drank ginger tea for colds, Native Americans used the root as a remedy for nausea, and medieval Europeans escaped with help from the plague.

Like garlic, ginger is extremely useful for colds, viral infections. It fights pathogenic microorganisms, increases its own body defenses, reduces temperature, warms, renders the restorative effect, toning up and restoring energy. It is recommended to take it when coughing, since it has a rather strong expectorant effect, as well as with sore throats and not only, because the reduction of pain sensations is what ginger is also useful for.

The ginger root is very useful for the normal functioning of the digestive system. With regular use, it increases appetite, stimulates the process of digestion of food and the formation of gastric juice, thereby making life easier for those who suffer from indigestion, eructations, peptic ulcer. In addition, the inclusion of the ginger root in the permanent menu is a good prevention of cancer of the rectum and colon. Also, ginger has a carminative effect, relieves spasms, removes bile.

Ginger can be used in fresh, dried or ground form. All of them retain useful properties, but differ in the intensity of exposure to

Ginger essential oil is equally useful. It is used in aromatherapy as a soothing, relaxing remedy, to combat various psycho-emotional disorders. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, enhances immunity.

For women's health and beauty

Properties of ginger are very much appreciated by women. As in ancient times, and now it is actively used to restore, maintain and preserve beauty and harmony. In addition, it can alleviate pain during the "critical days", cope with nausea during toxemia in the early stages of pregnancy. Also during this period, he will raise vitality, give energy and help cope with the decline of strength, dizziness, nervousness.

In addition, ginger is recommended to take women with infertility, to combat inflammation, adhesions, fibroid, as well as to normalize the hormonal background. No less useful is this root during the menopause - with its help you can alleviate the symptoms, get rid of headaches and irritability.

Separately worth mentioning the properties of ginger for weight loss. Tea with ginger not only helps fight the cold, but also speeds up the metabolism, causes the burning of fat cells. The results will not be fast - for a few months of regular use of such a tea you can get rid of only 1-2 kilograms. Adding ginger to tea, you can add to this drink not only the original taste nuances, but also significantly enhance its useful properties.

Ginger has long been considered a rejuvenating elixir and has been used extensively in beauty recipes.

Ginger is often a part of caring cosmetics for skin or hair."Warming up" the blood, ginger helps to improve the complexion. It eliminates irritations, rashes, acne and pimples, small scars. As part of masks, it has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, improving its tone and slowing the aging process.

In masks for hair, ginger also has a warming effect, thereby stimulating hair growth and improving blood circulation in the scalp, which contributes to a better nutrition of the hair follicles. It helps to get rid of dandruff, strengthens the roots and restores the structure of the hair, reduces the fatness of the scalp.

Indications for use

Anesthetic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are actively used for arthritis, back and joint pain, gastrointestinal tract diseases( for example, poisoning, including fungi).

Indications for ginger root use is a rather large list of health problems, among them:

  • flatulence, stomach cramps, diarrhea;
  • incomplete digestion of food, causing accumulation in the intestine of harmful substances, toxins, toxins;
  • presence of parasites( eg, worms);
  • diseases of the oral mucosa. In this case, the root is chewed, it helps to freshen breath and destroy microbes;
  • allergic reactions, skin diseases;
  • elevated cholesterol;
  • problems with blood vessels, risk of blood clots;
  • joint disease, muscle strain, swelling.
Vitamins contained in ginger help to quickly strengthen immunity and cope with avitaminosis. Therefore, the root of this plant is especially popular in the cold and transient season, when the defenses of the body are weakened and are more susceptible to viruses and pathogens.

In addition, that ginger helps to cope not only with nausea caused by toxicosis of pregnant women, but also with motion sickness or seasickness.


The ginger root, being a medicinal product, besides tangible beneficial properties, also has contraindications that must be strictly observed so as not to harm the body.

It is very important to comply with the dosage and check the body for allergic reactions, because ginger is a very potent

. Although among the beneficial properties of ginger there is a decrease in temperature with a cold, it has a very strong warming effect, so at high temperatures it is worth noting. Also because of this action it should not be taken in hot weather or with bleeding.

Contraindications include:

  • food reflux;
  • biliary calculi;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • tumors;
  • liver disease, stones in the gallbladder;
  • frequent nasal bleeding, hemorrhoids;
  • increased pressure.

Since ginger has the ability to dilute blood, it does not go well with taking aspirin. It also contains many cardioactive components that increase the load on the heart and accelerate its rhythm. Therefore, you can not combine ginger with hypotensive or antiarrhythmic drugs.

Ginger should be excluded from the diet for those who suffer from acute gastritis or ulcers. It is also contraindicated in late pregnancy, late toxicosis( gestosis) and during breastfeeding. If earlier there were miscarriages, it is better to refuse from ginger.

Caution should be taken ginger root to children, because it is a very potent remedy. Although if you do not overdo with the dosage, ginger tea will be very useful to them, especially in the winter-spring period, when the cold and flu are raging.

Recommendation: it is better for children to choose fresh root, not ground, it will act more effectively and, moreover, will not be so sharp.

And, of course, one of the contraindications to the use of ginger in any form is the individual intolerance of this product. Signs of allergy to ginger can be a rash, heartburn, nausea, bloating. Also, these symptoms can indicate that the maximum rate has been exceeded. To make sure that there is no allergy, start using ginger better with a small amount, gradually increasing the dosage.

Recipes for the use of ginger for medicinal purposes

Ginger can be used in a variety of forms - like tea, tincture, decoction, externally in the form of compresses, masks, wraps. Depending on how it will be used, choose a dried, fresh or ground root, although most often the preference is given to fresh ginger, since it is most effective.

Fresh root is more effective and yet not as sharp as ground. Therefore, it can be added in more

Fresh ginger can simply be chewed, it helps to get rid of sores or sores in the mouth, freshen your breath, destroy microbes, and cope with toothache - for this, a slice of root is applied to a sick tooth. And if you eat a teaspoon of a mixture of common salt and crushed ginger with lemon juice before eating, this will facilitate digestion and assimilation of food, accelerate the elimination of toxins.

To cure upset stomach, you can prepare a special remedy with ginger. To do this, in half a glass of water add as much natural yogurt, add a quarter of a teaspoon of grated ginger and nutmeg.

Ginger compresses are good for coping with pain in the back, joints, muscles. To do this, a tablespoon of root is mixed with half a teaspoon of hot chili pepper and a teaspoon of turmeric. All this is diluted with water, for joints it can be replaced with vegetable oil.

A mixture of ginger and turmeric( on a half-spoonful), diluted with water to a mushy condition, will facilitate the opening of boils. To do this, it is put on the problem site for a few minutes.

Greatly removes fatigue and body aches in a warm bath with ginger. A couple of spoons of crushed root is poured with a liter of boiling water and cooked over low heat for about 15 minutes, then poured into a bath. This procedure will help to relax, speed up recovery and quickly fall asleep. Immediately after the bath, you need to rub the body with a towel and wrap yourself in a blanket.

Ginger tea

Cold, cough, lethargy and loss of strength - this is what ginger helps with. In the form of tea, it maximally reveals its warming, antimicrobial and tonic properties. Tea, by the way, can be used with a double purpose - not only against the common cold, but also with extra pounds.

Ginger tea will warm, improve the mood and color of the skin, give shine to the eyes. In addition, the root of ginger in a cup of tea will normalize cerebral circulation, improve memory, raise appetite and help digest food. If the diet contains many sweets, ginger will regulate digestion and restore the beneficial intestinal microflora.

There are a lot of ginger tea recipes. The simplest of them includes ginger and lemon. It is easy to prepare - wash the spine on a grater, without peeling, or cut into slices and pour boiling water. On this cooking ends, but to strengthen the action and complement the taste, you can add a lemon or lime, as well as a spoonful of honey.

Ginger tea is a very versatile product. A variety of recipes allows you to get a drink for every taste

The combination of lemon and honey with ginger has amazing useful properties. In addition to the rapid elimination of colds, it is able to give a charge of vitality and good mood, destroy parasites and accelerate the metabolism. Such tea is drunk not only for recovery, but also for the prevention of illness during the season of exacerbation of infectious diseases, in the autumn-spring period to combat avitaminosis and malaise.

That's interesting! In ancient China, for the prevention and control of colds, the following recipe was used: the root was cut into thin slices, sprinkled with sugar and cooked on low heat for about 20 minutes. Pieces were used for food, and the syrup was taken at the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease - coughing, sneezing,.

To cope with a cold, you can not only drink tea or syrup, but simply put a piece of root under your tongue, and after 15 minutes, chew it. Also a good effect is a little ginger juice and salt for half an hour before eating.

In addition, the juice of ginger helps heal wounds, sores and abrasions. If you apply cotton wool with juice to the damaged places, they will drag out much faster. The same effect has a mixture of ground ginger with water - the resulting gruel will disinfect the wound and accelerate its healing. The mixture can be applied to painful areas to eliminate pain.

The use of ginger for the human body is undeniable. This nondescript root has a beneficial effect on virtually all body systems, as well as on the psychological state. By including it in the diet, you can normalize the work of internal organs and fill yourself with energy, vitality. The main thing is to follow the rules and contraindications, so that ginger only brings positive results.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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