Is only when you feel hunger( III)

Only when hunger is felt( III)

Hunger is an urgent need for food, resulting from a physiological nutritional requirement. On the other hand, appetite is the desire for food, which can be the result of several different external factors acting through the mind and feelings. Everything that causes appetite encourages a person to eat, regardless of whether there is a real need for food.

It's not such an unusual thing when hunger is satisfied, but the appetite is still going on. The proposed numerous dishes, cooked specifically to appeal to taste and smell, designed to maintain appetite for a long time after satisfying the present hunger.

It is unlikely that a person is hungry when he reaches out for a dessert, usually served after dinner from many blueballs. And very few refuse to dessert, although they are fully satisfied and even feel heavy in the stomach. Dessert is prepared especially for appeal to appetite. This habit of eating inevitably leads to overeating and disease. Too many products at one time stimulate overeating. Hunger and a sense of taste are the only "guides" in relation to the quantity and nature of the food required.

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If we eat without being hungry, and our delicate sensations of taste are dead because of gluttony and taking seasonings and spices, alcohol, etc., the taste ceases to be a reliable guide. Unspoilt instinct of hunger reacts particularly sharply to food that is most needed by the body, unspoilt taste allows you to get the greatest pleasure and satisfaction from one or more types of foods required by a person;this taste will be satisfied immediately after a meal in the amount necessary to meet the needs of the body.

But if we get used to filling up the stomach, when there is no need for food, but only because there was a lunch break or at a fixed time, or because the doctor prescribed it, and we have no other indicator of food satisfaction and lack of hunger, thenwe will go to disaster. The presence of a natural need for food indicates that food is required for the body and that the organs of the body are ready to receive and assimilate it.

Food in a hurry or as a social duty, or because of the habit of stimulating the appetite is harmful to humans. The quantity, quality of food, as well as the frequency of its intake, should be regulated by the rules of hygiene, not etiquette and convenience.

There are many conditions under which the norm is the temporary loss of desire to eat( anorexia);for example, after a heavy load, because of strong emotional experiences( sadness, anger, etc.), with acute and usually chronic illnesses, and also after the meal itself. Hysteria and some kinds of mental state lead to loss of appetite. Do not eat until you want to.

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