Symptom of yellow eyes: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

In case the whites of the eyes get yellow, it is worth to consult a doctor, you can not leave this symptom without attention - the yellow color alone will not disappear.

Yellowing can indicate a number of pathologies that can occur in the body.

For example, after examination and analysis, the patient is diagnosed with viral hepatitis, liver disease, infection, conjunctival diseases or even malignant tumors.

    • 1. Causes of yellow eye symptom
    • 2. Diseases that may cause a yellow eye symptom
    • 3. Prevention of eye yellowing
    • 4. Conclusion

Problems with the bile duct and bile ducts can also lead to yellowing of the eye proteins.

Causes of yellow eye symptom

There are a number of reasons why the eye whites can turn yellow:

  1. Frequent sleep deprivation, dry air in the room, prolonged work at the computer can provoke the fact that the eyes get tired, become inflamed and therefore can acquire a yellow shade. In such cases, it is recommended to spend time outdoors, in the open air, soothing soothing lotions are helpful.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Diseases and parasites of the liver.
  4. Diseases of the eye.
  5. Malignant neoplasms of the eyes( melanoma).

Diseases in which a yellow eye symptom can occur

In medical practice, many diseases of different locations are known, in which patients have a yellow eye protein. Consider the most common.

Diseases of the liver

The most common cause of yellow eye proteins are various liver diseases.

These include hepatitis, cancer, fatty liver, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, etc. There are three factors that cause hepatitis:

  • alcohol,
  • viruses,
  • medications.

For example, conventional acetylsalicylic acid can cause a hepatoxic reaction, so when yellowing the eyes, you can look for the cause in the lists of medications taken.

Drugs causing liver toxicity:

  • cytotoxic drugs,
  • antibiotics,
  • antiviral medications,
  • antituberculosis drugs.

Let's consider one more reason of occurrence of a syndrome of yellow eyes. In red blood cells - erythrocytes - contains bilirubin, an enzyme, in the decay of which yellowing of the sclera and eye proteins is possible.

With an increased level of bilirubin in the blood, you can be sure that the cause of yellowing of the eyes is hepatitis( more often hepatitis A, a characteristic feature of which is the icterus of the skin of the skin and eyes).

There are three types of jaundice depending on the level of bilirubin excretion:

  1. Hemolytic jaundice .It can occur with accelerated decay of hemoglobin - bilirubin is formed in such a quantity that the liver does not have time to process indirect bilirubin in a straight line.
  2. Hepatic jaundice .It is caused by liver damage due to the following causes: drug, viral, toxic effects, alcohol poisoning, liver cirrhosis, pseudotuberculosis, leptospirosis, etc. In such cases, the level of indirect bilirubin significantly increases in the blood( the liver is not capable of processing it and bilirubin is absorbed into the blood back).
  3. Cholestatic icterus .Yellowing of the eye proteins can be a consequence of blockage of the bile ducts with a tumor or stones.

Another cause of yellowing of proteins is the infection of the liver with parasitic worms( opisthorchiasis, echinococcosis), when parasites settle in the liver and release harmful substances to the body.

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Jaundice of newborns

In the first days of the baby's birth, the proteins of his eyes, as well as the skin, can acquire a yellow tinge. Such a state of the baby's physician is called a jaundice, and this is due to the fact that the baby's blood is saturated with a large number of erythrocytes during intrauterine development.

With the birth of a human, his body does not need so much red blood cells and they begin to decay intensively and come out, causing a jaundice. After 1-2 weeks, the yellowness passes, otherwise the baby is hospitalized for a more thorough examination.

Malignant formations

With the development of such a simple disease as melanoma( neoplasms of the conjunctiva), the eye proteins also assume a yellow color. The disease is difficult to diagnose and treat, therefore, one should not take independent actions.

D Eye diseases

Symptom of yellow eyes can occur in diseases of the visual system, for example, they include:

  • pterygium - this disease is characterized by extensive conjunctival growth, which can irretrievably lose sight,
  • pingvecula - due to impaired lipid metabolism, a fattyyellow color.

Gilber's disease

This disease is a constitutional jaundice, the frequency of which is assessed in different ways: if you take into account the clinical signs, this syndrome is rare, and if we take into account bilirubinemia, then we can say that Gilbert's disease occurs quite often.

Boys suffer from this ailment 3-5 times more often than girls. It is necessary to note the difficult diagnosis of this disease due to a moderate increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood.

Yellowness eye sclera appears only with increased hemolysis or with a prolonged delay in feeding. Fasting causes an increase in the activity of producing bilirubin, which affects the proteins of the eyes.

There is no treatment for Gilbert's disease, but there is a way to reduce eye jaundice - an emulsion of soybeans eliminates hyperbilirubinemia. Also helps sparing diet number 5, cholagogue substances and vitamins.

Other cases that result in a yellow eye symptom

  1. Alcohol abuse, malnutrition. For the normalization of the patient's condition, it is necessary to adhere to a diet, refuse from acute, salty and fried foods, alcohol, flour. More to eat foods that contain vitamin C, and also eat more fruits.
  2. Lesion of internal organs .Jaundice sclera is also observed with some problems with the gallbladder and bile ducts.

Preventing the appearance of eye yellowing

Preventive action against any disease significantly reduces the percentage of its appearance and possible complications. This concerns visions as well.

To prevent the appearance of the yellow eye symptom, it is necessary: ​​

  • the food should be as balanced as possible, including large quantities of vegetables, protein, fruits, excluding salted, flour, alcoholic drinks, fried, smoked,
  • daily long walks outdoors,
  • full sleepit is recommended daily at least 8 hours),
  • without fail need rest when working behind a computer monitor,
  • reception of multivitamin preparations( especially those that are positively recommendedo affects the eyesight),
  • when eye fatigue and jaundice appear, you can use special eye drops or lotions with the use of drugs.


Syndrome of yellow eyes can not appear for no reason, this is always preceded by any reason, therefore it is very important to consult qualified specialists for help in time.

But to which doctor to make an appointment? It can be an ophthalmologist, a therapist. Having done additional tests of urine and blood, the doctor will put the correct diagnosis and, of course, prescribe the necessary treatment, and the sooner this is done, the less undesirable consequences and all sorts of complications can be avoided.

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