Vitamins( group B)
Vitamin B2. Riboflavin, like vitamin B1, helps the body in carbohydrate metabolism. He also takes part in the metabolism of proteins and fats. Vitamin B2 is necessary for the proper functioning of three other vitamins - B6, folic acid, and niacin, which are involved in such processes as the formation of red blood cells and the construction of body tissues, especially the skin and eyes. The lack of riboflavin causes the appearance of such symptoms as dry, scaly skin of the face, cracks in the corners of the mouth and the appearance of inflammation in the oral cavity. A day is recommended to consume 1.5-1.7 mg of riboflavin. .
Riboflavin refers to water-soluble vitamins and, therefore, is lost during food processing. When heated, it quickly breaks down in alkaline solutions, which is a strong argument against adding a pinch of soda to the cooking water, but shows stability in acid solutions or with dry heat treatment. The greatest danger for riboflavin is light, or rather solar ultraviolet, which destroys it almost completely. Of cereal crops, most of the riboflavin is removed during grinding. Grinding rice also leads to its loss, so it is better to prefer brown rice. Rich sources of riboflavin are meat, liver, eggs, milk, yoghurt, cheese, as well as dark green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli.
Vitamin B3. Niacin acts as one of the components of the energy response in mitochondria. Niacin deficiency occurs in very rare cases, usually with alcoholics. The daily dose of niacin is 13-19 mg.
Vitamin B6. Pyridoxine is one of the essential components of protein synthesis. He also turns glycogen into glucose, directly used by the muscles during work. In addition, its presence is necessary in the construction of certain amino acids and for the conversion of some others into hormones( one of which synthesizes niacin from tryptophan).Pyridoxine takes part in the formation of red blood cells and the construction of nerve tissues. It also participates in the metabolism of some fats.
If vitamin B6 is deficient, inflammation of the oral cavity, runny nose, nervousness and convulsions can be observed. Separately, the lack of pyridoxine is not common, it is observed only in the case of a general deficiency of B vitamins in the body. In an excessive amount, pyridoxine is very toxic and can cause temporary or irreversible damage to nerve tissues. But an excess of vitamin B6 can be formed only by prolonged intake of excess doses. Pyridoxine is lost in the preparation of food: 70-75 percent - with baking, 90% - with canning, 15% - with the freezing of fruit.
Pantothenic acid. Is an essential precursor of acetyl-coA, which in turn is the main fuel in the Krebs cycle. It is found in a variety of food products and its deficiency in the body is almost never found.
Biotin. Performs many different functions, one of which is the formation of oxaloacetate, the main substrate in the Krebs cycle. Biotin is found in peanuts, chocolate and eggs.
Folic acid. Is one of the necessary components of the synthesis of amino acids and purine. Its lack can negatively influence the formation of DNA.In a day it is recommended to consume 400 micrograms of folic acid.
Vitamin B12. Cyanocobalamin is an essential component involved in the process of normal digestion, protein synthesis, and the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. It also has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. It protects nerve fibers from damage, and maintains their ability to reproduce, prevents the appearance of anemia, and also ensures normal growth and development of the body as a whole. The lack of vitamin B12 is particularly felt by vegetarians and elderly people. In a day, it is recommended to consume 6 μg of vitamin B12.
In the case of a lack of cyanocobalamin in the body, there are violations of coordination of movements( stitching gait), memory disorders, hallucinations, vision disorders, anemia and digestive disorders.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"