Corn for popcorn: we disassemble the grades and the method of preparation

  1. Tradition is popcorn
  2. History of popcorn creation
  3. Explosion of grains and voila popcorn ready or as anything is possible
  4. Popcorn varieties
  5. Popcorn popcorn cultivation
  6. Popcorn health benefits
Popcorn became megapopular

It's hard to find someone who does not know, what is popcorn. A couple of decades ago we saw it only in foreign films, where people ate fancy balls during a movie trip or at home in front of a television. But the borders have become more transparent, technology and technology do not stand still, and now in our country a glass of popcorn will surprise no one. But many are wondering whether it is possible to grow a culture in our climate, whether all corn for popcorn fits or only certain varieties. We decided to deal with this issue.

Tradition is popcorn

Yes, now it is difficult to see a person who would go to the cinema, go to the park and not buy a glass of popcorn if it is sold in this place. Children simply can not imagine a walk without delicacies, because nowadays, air corn is available for every taste. There are sweet, salty, with caramel, marshmallow and in a variety of desserts. Only one thing, however, scientists today believe that this delicacy, without which millions of people can no longer imagine going to the cinema, is harmful, because producers do not stint on supplements.

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Once we saw popcorn only in the films
. It's not surprising, in this age the cultures themselves are grown everywhere using chemicals to get a quick and high yield. So, it does not stop there, because to make products more tasty, for the sake of their greater sale, a lot of additives are put in the composition. Often we do not even know about them, as not always the information on the package is reliable. And a reasonable question arises in people who care about their health and the future of their children, how to make popcorn from corn, what sort of variety is needed, whether it is possible to grow it yourself, for example, in the country. We will rejoice you, all this is possible, and you will find out further how.

The history of the appearance of popcorn

We will talk about varieties, agrotechnics and recipes a little later, but for now we want to tell you where this delicacy came from people. You will not believe it, but it's been many centuries, and the Indians have discovered popcorn. Like many great discoveries or not so significant, but useful and interesting, and popcorn can be attributed to the latter, the role played the case. Indian tribes, who in their diet always eat corn or maize, once found that some of the cobs for some reason begin to explode.

Of course, this could not help but interest the resourceful people, and they began to prepare popcorn in two ways. The first option is that the cobs were put in butter and worn over the fire, the second one was the corn grains taken out, folded into a bag and hovered above the flame. And so the first popcorn appeared in the world, gradually the delicacy spread. Sure, many, in general, do not understand how everything happens, why the corn explodes and takes on a bizarre shape. We will explain further.

Explosion of grains and voila popcorn ready or as anything is possible

Why does corn explode?

Corn is known to all of us, no one surprises, but do not fry it and expect popcorn, as only certain varieties are capable of this action. Seriously, then, yes, popcorn varieties of corn are different, it's not some rare species, we'll tell you later their names. The difference is that there is a drop of water inside the grain, there is starch in it. The reaction is very simple - with heat treatment or, more simply, when you heat the grains, the water transforms into steam, expands and it is tight inside, and, yes, a typical explosion occurs. By the way, the walls of maize varieties for popcorn are thinner than usual.

All thanks to water as part of

For information! In the civilized world, popcorn hit around 1519, and as often happens not without the participation of a navigator. And it was not Columbus, but Cortez. He brought the dish to Europe.

It's that simple. And you can grow the culture on your site, it's easy to do, harvest and cook for the whole family this kind of snack or dessert. The main thing is that the product will be environmentally friendly, and therefore beneficial to health. After all, like many gifts of nature, corn also has its nutritional and necessary composition - vitamins, minerals, fiber. It is also suitable for children, and adults, and for those who lose weight.

Varieties for popcorn

If you have a dacha or your house, then grow your corn, but we recommend the following sorts for popcorn:

  • "Lopay-Lopay".A good variety, the grains of a saturated orange color, the very same culture does not grow high. It refers to the mid-term;
  • "Ping-pong".The impressive size of the bush is up to 2.3 meters. A notable feature is small cobs, which are many. The grains themselves are slightly elongated;
  • "The Volcano".A symbolic name for a culture that explodes. Slightly less than the previous corn sibling - up to 2 meters. These cobs are light, highly resistant to diseases;
  • "Zeya".Can be attributed to the best varieties of corn for popcorn. A remarkable feature is the color of the grains - they are reddish-maroon. Early maturing, the stem in human growth, the cobs form up to 25-30 cm
  • "Red".Has received a characteristic in color cobs name. They are very beautiful scarlet, growing compact bush - up to one and a half meters, often used for landscape decoration;
  • "Gostinets".A strong feature of this corn is its resistance to weather adversities, namely to the scorching sun, drought. Taller bushes are much higher than humans - up to 2.3-2.5 meters. Forms and large cobs of 25-30 cm;
  • "Granddaughter's Joy".A wonderful name, besides, the variety has a lot of positive sides - it gives the maximum yields, does not fear infirmities, the harvest is formed early, unpretentious in growing, the cobs are compact, as well as the bushes.
Some sorts of

are needed for popcorn. As you can see, each variety has its own strengths, it's up to you what to plant. You will read the general principles of agricultural technology further. You can experiment with different varieties and decide for yourself, from what corn to make popcorn for your family, because we are all individual, and everyone has tastes, of course, too.

Tip! Buying corn seeds for growing, pay attention to the information on the packaging from the manufacturer, there are described the main nuances, and what kind of climate is suitable for this culture. After all, we have a big country, the weather has its own.

Agrotechnics of growing corn for popcorn

So, everyone can grow a culture, it can not be attributed to those that grow only in warm climates, southern regions. The process is practically no different from growing the simplest, sugar variety. Only here varieties for popcorn do not like weeds, the soil should not be too loose, so that the rhizome can develop well, which, by the way, is very powerful. Also, do not plant varieties near, that is, sugar corn and popcorn, as insects will dust the bushes, and you may not get the result you expect.

So, the corn is planted with the help of grains, which is placed in the soil. The distance between the seedlings should be not less than 35 cm, and preferably 50 or 70 cm, so that the bushes can grow well, the crop ripens evenly. Planting should be watered 1-2 times a week, in a drought - 3-4 times. Again, it still depends on the variety, remember the weeds, the loosening of the soil. And that's how you grow your corn crop, from which you can make excellent popcorn, that will benefit health, and about it further.

Tip! It is better to plant corn after tomatoes, potatoes, pre-fertilize soil, apply mineral fertilizer. During the growth of seedlings you need to patch the site.

Uses of popcorn for health

Of course, we are only talking about a natural product, without harmful additives. Well, the first thing you should start with is that the popcorn is simply delicious, and it gives joy that has a beneficial effect on our emotional state. Also, the product struggles with depression, stress due to vitamin B2 in the composition. What else is useful for corn popcorn?

Only a natural product can benefit

Important! Popcorn on sale around the world contains a lot of synthetics. American scientists have proven that the product adversely affects health, especially for children. Think before buying such a treat.

A vegetable product that is rich in coarse fiber or fiber. It is needed by our intestines and stomach for cleansing from food debris, toxins, toxins. Rough fibers play a huge role for our health. They help to remove all stagnation that protects against diseases, stimulates weight loss, energy flow, cleanses the skin, and passes certain ailments.

With a lot of protein, vegetable fats, which are very good for our body, corn can replace meat. In this case, it is the varieties for popcorn of these substances that have 21% more than simple types of culture. Also in the composition of polyphenols and B vitamins, which play a direct role in the work of a number of organ systems, normalize the metabolism and give us youth and vivacity, help the nails and hair.

Good to know! Because of the large amount of protein, popcorn should be eaten by those involved in sports, who work physically, and also beneficially affects people in old age. It is also worth remembering that popcorn is a food of its own.

Well, we turn to the most delicious part, how to make popcorn in a microwave from corn or on a plate. After all, we have already grown a crop from varieties that can be bought in a shop with seeds or on the Internet.

Making air popcorn at home

You can make your own delicacy from the grains that were grown on the site. You can buy corn and buy, but not in retail outlets, but for those who grow their culture for popcorn alone. The principle of cooking is very simple for both a microwave oven and a gas cooker.

Make a delicacy at home just

Tip! Before you start to prepare a delicacy, it is better to keep the grains for half an hour in the cold, so they will better prepare, and all will be revealed.

So, you pour oil in a cup, which can be closed with a lid. Oils need a little bit so that the popcorn is not too greasy. If you use a microwave oven, put the grain in a cup under the lid for 3-4 minutes. In a closed frying pan cook at low heat until the moment when the crack starts. After that, the pan is removed from the plate, but not opened. Grains will continue to unfold until everyone turns into popcorn. Simple, fast and tasty.

Tip! To make your popcorn look like a store, add salt or caramel, depending on what you like more, a salty treat or sweet.

We hope, now you will be more careful when you go to the cinema, the parks where popcorn is sold. It is better not to buy it here, but to do it for your family at home.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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