Black Corn: Benefits and Uses

We are all used to seeing corn with shiny golden grains, arranged neat rows on the ear. But their color may vary depending on the variety. And besides yellow there is also black corn. This species is useful, as well as other plant relatives, but nevertheless there is a difference between them.

Homeland of amazing black corn is Mexico

The use and application of

Black corn is called Hopi - in honor of the Indian tribe inhabiting Arizona, whose members and brought out this unique variety. And she received her color thanks to a high percentage of anthocyanins - natural antioxidants, which provide the ability of cereals to display powerful anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antioxidant properties. In addition:

  • The presence of a large portion of fiber in the composition of black corn has a positive effect on the digestive tract. Dietary fiber absorbs and removes excess liquid from the body, as well as slags, toxins and other harmful products.
  • Group B and magnesium vitamins support the nervous system, help cope with stressful situations and depressive conditions, relieve insomnia, neuroses and increased excitability.
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  • Antioxidants slow down the aging process, build up metabolism and help fight free radicals, thus ensuring the prevention of malignant tumors.
  • Vitamin K is necessary for the proper functioning of blood vessels and normal blood coagulation, and therefore black corn will be useful in hemorrhagic diathesis, bleeding and some liver diseases.

Also in the black corn are minerals such as phosphorus, iron, potassium and calcium, vitamins A, E, PP and essential amino acids. The protein in it contains much more than in conventional varieties, and the starch substances are somewhat smaller, and therefore the glycemic level of such grains will be somewhat lower. In short, this variety of corn has obvious advantages over ordinary yellow varieties.

You can grow black corn on your own site

Note! The seeds of black corn are planted according to the same rules as corn is usual!

Application in folk medicine

Black corn in our country is still not very popular, but in South America is quite in demand. Local residents note its excellent medicinal qualities and brew on the basis of this product a traditional drink, which is called Chicha Moranda. It is also one of the main components of the daily diet, and a cure for many diseases.

The black corn drink helps to carry out complex cleansing of the body from harmful products and compounds, saturates with useful biologically active components and fills with energy. With it, you can eliminate the inflammation, destroy pathogens and reduce the workload of the stomach. Prepare the drink according to the following recipe:

  • kilo of black corn is released from leaves and fibers, washed under running water and placed in a pan with water( 4 liters);
  • add a couple of chopped apples, lemon, sliced, 4 buds of cloves, a stick of cinnamon;
  • bring to a boil and cook on low heat until all the corn kernels burst;
  • turn off the gas supply and leave it at room temperature to cool the beverage.

Note! If necessary, you can add a little sugar or honey to the ready-made drink!

Drink such a drink instead of the usual compote or tea throughout the day.

Cooking application

Black corn has excellent taste qualities, in no way inferior to the usual - yellow. For this reason, it can be added to salads, used as a side dish, making baking from such flour. As for steaming and cooking in water, then it is desirable to salt the cobs already ready, since if you do this immediately, the grains will turn out to be too hard.

Black corn is very popular today in American cuisine. Her grains are smeared into flour and flavored cakes are cooked, which are served with different fillings. Cakes have a pleasant sweetish-nutty taste and are perfectly combined with many products.

Peruvian cuisine: fish cevic on black corn tortillas

In addition, black corn flour makes flakes, chips, and also adds it to some cosmetics and is used as a dye.


Black corn has some contraindications. From its use it is necessary to refuse at the raised coagulability of a blood, a thrombophlebitis and propensity to a thrombus formation. Eliminate this product from the diet should also be with peptic ulcer disease.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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