Badger fat is the most famous natural remedy for the treatment of diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma. There were good results after using it for tuberculosis and even lung cancer.
In our time, badger fat from cough is also widely used along with drug therapy.
Benefit of badger fat
Badger fat contains a whole range of useful compounds:
- vitamin A - is necessary for skin regeneration, hair and nail growth, prevents the development of tumors;
- B vitamins - needed for the immune system, involved in the repair of nerve tissue;
- polyunsaturated acids - they are not produced in the human body, but are necessary for many synthetic processes, for feeding cells and removing harmful cholesterol;
- oleic acid - improves metabolic processes, prevents the growth of tumors.
Also in badger fat there are many minerals that are necessary for proper metabolism.
Thus, this natural remedy increases the body's immune forces, normalizes metabolic processes, works the digestive system, prevents the development of hypovitaminosis.
It is these properties that allow with the help of badger's fat to treat many diseases of the respiratory and other systems. In addition, this product is useful in anemia.
When using badger fat, its benefit depends on the concentration of biologically active substances. It is best to use the fat obtained in late autumn.
How to cure a cough with badger fat?
You can start treatment with a three-time administration of badger's fat. It is recommended to use a tablespoon of fat for forty minutes before eating. Thus, treatment should be continued for about two weeks. After that, leave two doses of the drug a day.
Important: this medicine should be used strictly on an empty stomach. Before the last meal should take at least 2 hours.
Depending on the cause of the cough, the treatment may differ.
Treatment of bronchitis
In acute bronchitis, badger's fat can be ingested or external to warm the chest.
Adults should take fat for 2 hours spoons three times a day, before the main meal no later than 40 minutes. Drink the remedy best with warm milk. This treatment continues for 2 weeks. At the same time, you can rub your chest( avoiding the heart area) and back between the shoulder blades. You can lubricate your feet. This procedure should be done before going to bed at night.
Note: the use of badger fat from coughing is possible only under the condition of normal body temperature.
In chronic bronchitis after two weeks of a triple intake go to a two-fold( before breakfast and two hours after dinner).They continue the treatment for another month and a half.
Children under five can not be given badger fat inward, you can only rub your chest and feet before going to bed.
Another powerful remedy for diseases of the respiratory system, which is used since antiquity, is radish with honey. This composition will serve as a good addition to the treatment of badger fat.
Treatment of tuberculosis
Tuberculosis of the lungs is a serious disease in which immunity is always reduced. Only badger fat can not cure this disease, but it is possible to significantly improve immunity and improve the effectiveness of medicinal antituberculosis drugs. When tuberculosis is recommended to use tincture on badger fat.
You need to take:
- the aloe leaves scrolled on the meat grinder( 1 tablespoon);
- badger fat( 1.5 tablespoons);
- cognac( 1 teaspoon);
- powdered cocoa( 1.5 tsp).
All components should be well mixed, the mixture should be taken on an empty stomach once a day. Wash with plain water. This agent promotes the regeneration of pulmonary tissue affected by tuberculosis.
Badger bacon during pregnancy
During pregnancy, many changes occur in the woman's body. Inevitably, the immune defense decreases, which is manifested by frequent respiratory infections, activation of chronic diseases.
At the same time, most drugs are contraindicated at this time, so you have to look for alternative therapies.
Badger fat during pregnancy is one of the surest means for treating many diseases. But since the effect of this remedy on the body of the unborn child is poorly understood, it is recommended that it be applied externally. If there is a need for internal application, it is necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. Perhaps, in some cases, this natural source of nutrients is a good substitute for medicines.
Contraindications to the use of badger fat
In general, there are few contraindications for using badger fat.
These include the following conditions:
- individual intolerance to the product;
- liver disease, biliary tract;
- pathology of the pancreas;
- children under five years of age( for oral administration), then after consultation with the pediatrician.
Side effects of
In the treatment of badger fat, unwanted effects may appear. For example, nausea, diarrhea, allergies in the form of urticaria and skin itching. Possible disruption of the pancreas, liver, which is due to the receipt of an unusual product in the digestive tract. In these cases, you must stop taking the medication and consult your doctor.
Where to buy badger fat?
Badger bacon is best bought in a pharmacy, in glass sealed bottles. It is not necessary to acquire this remedy through acquaintances from hunters. After all, this fat is not cleaned, and there is no guarantee that a fake will not fall into your hands.