Kefir is not only a delicious drink, but also an excellent curative and preventive remedy! To prevent many diseases of the intestine, doctors recommend drinking kefir at night.
The main component of this useful drink is kefir fungus - a deposit of lacto and bifidobacteria. These bacteria do not allow the development of pathological microorganisms in the intestine, restore the microflora and promote the strengthening of the immune function.
Usefulness of kefir has been repeatedly proven by gastroenterologists, since this drink has therapeutic properties for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
This drink, unlike milk, is much more quickly absorbed by the body, which helps to avoid additional stress on the pancreas. And for those who want to lose weight a little, kefir is almost indispensable! Especially if you use it correctly. For example, you can prepare on its basis a spicy cocktail with turmeric. The recipe of this drink you will find in the article: About subtleties of weight loss will tell turmeric.
Drinking just one glass of sour milk product per day, you can completely get rid of diseases such as dysbacteriosis, constipation, diarrhea, bloating and others.
Kefir in pediatrics
Pediatricians recommend to introduce kefir in the diet for children no earlier than 8 months. This sour-milk product is rich in amino acids, vitamins and microelements, which are necessary for the full growth of the baby, strengthening its immune system, normalizing digestion. In addition to the above benefits, the drink perfectly stimulates the appetite for children who eat poorly. This effect is due to the high content of lactic acid in the product.
Babies, who have problems with stool, it is recommended to give kefir before bedtime in the evening.
It is not recommended to give children a sour-milk product that is sold in regular stores! Often such a drink has a long shelf life. It is better for children to take kefir in the dairy kitchen, so you will be sure that the drink will only benefit your baby's body!
Beneficial effect of kefir on the body
The use of kefir for the body is as follows:
Promotes normalization of the stool( which is especially important for people with chronic constipation); - Increases immunity;
- Relieves fatigue;
- Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
- Stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which increases appetite;
- Replenishes the lack of microelements and amino acids in the body;
- Struggles with free radicals, protecting the human body from cancer!
Who should not drink kefir?
Nutritionists can not call special contraindications to the use of this fermented milk product. However, there are people who can suffer from a stomach disorder after drinking this drink.
In addition, if the kefir is stored incorrectly, a person can get serious food poisoning after consuming the drink.
Important: To avoid negative consequences, follow a few simple rules: do not store the package with kefir at room temperature for more than 2 hours, use only a fresh product, watch the expiration date of the drink and then everything will be in order.
Contraindications to the ingestion of kefir
- Children younger than 8 months( since they do not yet have an enzyme that helps to assimilate the product);
- Lactose intolerance;
- Increased acidity of gastric juice;
- Frequent heartburn.
Is yogurt useful? Definitely yes! This magic drink is able to completely restore the intestinal microflora after a long treatment of antibiotics, cope with the syndrome of chronic fatigue, increase the defenses of the body.
The product has almost no contraindications to use, but if you decide to improve your health with this drink, then before starting treatment consult a gastroenterologist or a nutritionist.