- Why Omega-3 fatty acids
- Useful properties
- Benefits for women
- Benefits
- men
Contraindications to the human body to function optimally, it needs not only vitamins and minerals, but also other biologically active substances. These include Omega-3 fatty acids - a building material for cells and tissues that comes with food. Deficiency of bioactive compounds causes the development of cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. What is useful for Omega-3 - polyunsaturated fatty acids contribute to lowering cholesterol, improve the skin, hair, nails. And pediatricians recommend the inclusion of foods with a high content of these organic substances in the diet of infants to increase the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections.
Why Omega-3 fatty acids
People who care about their health, try to avoid foods that contain proteins and carbohydrates. These bioactive compounds are necessary for the growth and division of cells in the human body, they are actively involved in metabolic processes. But to fatty foods fans of a healthy lifestyle are wary, knowing about their ability to clog blood vessels and disrupt the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors warn that a shortage of useful lipids will sooner or later cause even more serious health problems.
This is interesting: The main source of Omega-3 fatty acids for humans are marine fish, eggs, meat, nuts and vegetables. A lot of useful polyunsaturated fatty acids in unrefined vegetable oils, especially linseed and olive.
Omega-3 fatty acids serve as an energy reserve of the body. If their quantitative content in the daily human menu is less than 35-40%, then the growth and division of cells significantly decreases. Disturbance of metabolism becomes the reason of deterioration of a person's appearance, makes him defenseless before many external and internal negative factors.
Omega-3 do not apply to fats, which in excessive use of the richness of the soup or baking a dough deposited on the buttocks and abdomen. These biologically active substances are involved in metabolic processes, are structural components of cell membranes and membranes. One of their most important functions is participation in the production of prostate gland hormone-like substances by the body tissues. Why do people need these bioactive compounds:
- regulation of blood pressure;
- support for the optimal state of large and small blood vessels;
- heart muscle function;
- smooth work of smooth muscle and striated musculature;
- correct innervation( transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system).
Introduction Omega-3 in the diet has a positive effect on the health of adults and toddlers. Why in the human body often there is a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids, because they are present in many foods? The fact is that Omega-3 is not resistant and is destroyed during long-term storage or heat treatment. In a piece of fried in breadcrumbs sea fish practically does not contain useful biologically active compounds - they are destroyed under the influence of high temperature.
Tip: The most gentle way of processing fish, meat and shellfish are steaming, baking or decoction. And fruits, greens, nuts or seeds should be eaten raw.
Useful properties
The benefits of Omega-3 for women and men is, first of all, in their anti-inflammatory activity. Disease-causing bacteria, viruses, yeast-like fungi after penetration into the human body begin to actively grow and multiply. In the process of vital activity they release toxic substances, poisoning cells and tissues. Under the influence of the immune response, an extensive inflammatory process develops, provoking painful sensations. If the human body has a supply of Omega-3 acids, then there is no development of events in such a negative scenario. The immune system works on an advancing, destroying infectious and allergic agents, stopping inflammation.
Polyunsaturated acids are characterized by a diverse beneficial effect on the human body:
- potentiation of the synthesis of biologically active compounds( eicosanoids), without which it is impossible to conduct biochemical reactions;
- ensuring delivery of nutrients and molecular oxygen to soft, joint, bone, cartilage and muscle tissues;
- improvement of myocardial contractility;
- increase of elasticity and normalization of permeability of capillaries, veins, arteries;
- prevention of the development of allergic reactions - eczema, urticaria, atopic dermatitis;
- acceleration of regeneration of damaged tissues due to trauma or inflammation;
- stabilization of the psychoemotional state - elimination of increased anxiety and nervous excitability due to the development of the "hormone of joy" of serotonin and inhibition of the production of "stress hormone" cortisol.
Recommendation: With significant physical activity, active sports, doctors recommend an additional intake of Omega-3 acids. This will increase endurance, accelerate the growth of muscle muscles, prevent rapid fatigue.
One of the most important functions of polyunsaturated acids is the purification of blood vessels from cholesterol blocks. They take part in the formation of low-density lipoproteins. These conglomerates transport cholesterol to the target organs, and then are excreted from the body without depositing in the veins and arteries. Regular consumption of foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids does not worry about the condition of their blood vessels.
For weight loss
Polyunsaturated fatty acids stimulate the optimal work of the gastrointestinal tract - improve peristalsis and digestion, prevents the development of putrefactive and fermenting processes. Therefore, Omega 3 for weight loss is used for such purposes:
- decrease in appetite;
- reduction in cravings for sweets;
- high-grade assimilation of proteins and carbohydrates;
- prevention of accumulation in tissues of harmful triglycerides.
The ability of Omega-3 to accelerate metabolism is also important for gradual weight loss. Food products do not stagnate for long in the stomach and intestines, but are fully cleaved and adsorbed by their mucous membranes.
For skin
The poor condition of the skin, hair, nail plates is directly related to the number of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body. These bioactive compounds accelerate metabolic processes, contributing to the elimination of acne, small rashes and redness, the effects of acne( scars, scars, pits).What else is useful for Omega-3 for the skin:
- increase elasticity and elasticity;
- prevents the early appearance of facial and deep wrinkles.
The more human foods with Omega-3, the faster he heals on his skin scratches, bruises, burns, wounds. Not without reason at the stage of rehabilitation after injuries doctors recommend an additional intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
For joints
Neuropathologists and surgeons always prescribe drugs or dietary supplements with polyunsaturated fatty acids to patients who are diagnosed with destructive degenerative changes in one of the departments of the spinal column. Than Omega-3 for joints are useful:
- reduce the severity of the pain syndrome;
- arrest the inflammatory process;
- delivers molecular oxygen, nutritional and biologically active creatures to tissues.
Deficiency of omega-3 acids in articular and cartilage cells and tissues several times increases the likelihood of osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, intervertebral hernia and radiculitis.
Benefits for women
Gynecologists recommend that women after the onset of natural menopause include foods with high concentration of Omega-3 in their diet. During the menopause, various metabolic disorders occur, provoking fragility of bones, psychoemotional disorders, dry skin and mucous membranes, including the vagina. Additional intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids normalizes the endocrine glands, speeds up metabolic processes, eliminates neurological disorders. For what women take Omega-3 more:
- decrease in the severity of pain during menstruation;
- Prevention of premature aging;
- prophylaxis of benign and malignant neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system, mammary glands.
Tip: Women are much more likely than men to suffer from venous insufficiency. Eliminate ugly vascular "asterisks" and "mesh", as well as to prevent their appearance will help the course of dietary supplements with Omega-3 acids.
Doctors recommend enriching their daily menu with products with polyunsaturated acids for those women who are preparing to conceive or have problems with being overweight.
Benefits for men
After 45 years in the male body, the production of testosterone is gradually decreasing. And the full sex life of the stronger sex depends on the amount of this sex hormone. Omega-3 acids are directly involved in the synthesis of hormone-like substances, including testosterone. A man's diet should include a lot of oily sea fish, nuts, legumes and vegetable oils. They contain useful polyunsaturated fatty acids. For what men take Omega-3:
- improvement in potency;
- increases libido;
- prevention of prostatitis;
- increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
The benefits and harms of Omega-3 fatty acids are directly dependent on the appropriateness and correctness of their use. When a sufficient amount of these organic compounds enters the human body together with plant and animal food, the additional intake of pharmacological preparations or biologically active additives will cause an overdose. The main symptoms of this dangerous to human health include such symptoms:
- disruption of the digestive tract - nausea, vomiting, excessive gas formation, diarrhea or constipation;
- drowsiness, apathy, weakness, dizziness;
- head, joint, muscle pain;
- poor blood coagulation, formation of extensive hematomas even with minor bruises;
- arterial hypotension;
- painful or other uncomfortable sensations in the liver.
Fatty acids are an integral part of almost all biochemical processes in the human body. Therefore, the individual intolerance of these biologically active substances is extremely rare. The main contraindications for Omega-3 acids are:
- hypervitaminosis;
- poor digestibility of trace calcium or its overabundance in the human body;
- decreased functional activity of the thyroid gland;
- is an open form of tuberculosis.
Additional intake of omega-3 fatty acids is strictly prohibited for poor blood clotting or the presence of bleeding( hemorrhoids, cracks, rectum).Contraindications include acute and chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.
It is interesting: The main cause of the development of an allergic reaction after taking BAA are auxiliary components for the formation of capsules or other additives - extracts of herbs, blueberries or cranberries.