Advantages of raw plant food
What are the advantages of raw vegetable food before boiled?
A number of modern studies point to the benefits of raw food:
Numerous studies show that those people who consume a lot of fruits and vegetables are less likely to suffer from cancer and heart disease. The best impact on the body is provided by fresh unpeeled vegetables and fruits. Thus, during cooking, 30-50% of all useful elements that determine the specific sharp taste of cruciferous ones are destroyed: mustard, cabbage, watercress and horseradish. These substances not only create special, incomparable gustatory sensations, but also protect the vegetable lovers from cancer. The same can be said about natural coloring compounds - carotenoids, contained in yellow and red-colored vegetables and green leaves. Carotenoids prevent chronic diseases, stimulate the body's defenses, inhibit the development of tumors. Some of these substances are destroyed during cleaning and cooking. The biologically active substances contained in celery, cabbage and cherries are especially sensitive to heat treatment.
Garlic also loses most of its medicinal properties during cooking. This is primarily an essential oil with a strong bactericidal effect, killing pathogenic bacteria and fungi and improving blood circulation. Therefore, garlic, consumed fresh, has an effect on the human body superior to such advertised garlic drugs from pharmacies. Raw food causes a person to chew intensively, which promotes better digestion of food. There are indications that people who are accustomed to raw food, the proteins and carbohydrates of the latter are well digested. Raw food is provided to a greater extent by the body's need for vitamins. With raw food, the body receives more mineral salts in their natural form. Raw food, due to its natural flavor and taste, requires less spices and less salt. Contains up to 80% water and therefore almost does not cause thirst. Gives quick saturation with less. Thanks to vegetable fiber and vitamins it improves the functioning of the intestines. Nitrogen balance can be achieved with less protein.
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