How much should we drink water?

How much should we drink water?

Water, alone or as an integral part of other nutrients, is one of the important constituents of food introduced into the body. The adult organism normally contains 63% water, the living cell contains 70 to 80% water, the more active organs of our body contain more water( the brain - 79.8%);in addition, a number of chemical processes can occur in the body only in the presence of water. Water, evaporating through the lungs and skin, maintains the regulation of body temperature.

A healthy person absorbs about 35-40 g of water per 1 kg of weight.

The amount of water evaporated by the body depends on the nature of the work of the person( his profession) and the ambient temperature;at sedentary work the person evaporates 53,6 g, and at rise on mountain - 230 g of water at an o'clock. Approximately 63.7% are due to evaporation through the skin, which should be observed in a number of diseases.

Every food contains a certain amount of water, and usually with food we get 60% of the amount we need - the probable amount of water obtained from food can be considered equal to 1000 g per day.

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Thus, water is a very important part of our food, in spite of the fact that it does not provide heat energy.

The dishes themselves, including soup, usually contain about 1 liter of liquid, but with a milky vegetable or diet from raw plant foods, the amount of liquid administered can be much larger. Lack of water, like its excess, is poorly tolerated by the body. Excess water can weaken the action of gastric juice, and thereby disrupt the digestive process. Inordinate thirst can also indicate intestinal diseases.

With separate food, when the first place is vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water in plant tissues, the consumption of water in its pure form should be limited.

Many believe that drinking an excessive amount of clean drinking water, they cleanse the body of waste and salts, however, this is far from the case. Salts and slags "do not wash out" from the body just like that. If you really want to get rid of toxins, then, first of all, you should limit the consumption of table salt, which blocks the kidneys, and only then you can talk about any positive results.

Eat sea salt and make sure that the amount of liquid drunk, eaten fruits and vegetables is not above normal. The main thing is the internal balance of the body. When choosing a separate food regime, we are striving to regain the lost natural balance, and not to violate it with excessive zeal.

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