Features of the diet - proteins
When observing a vegetarian diet, it is necessary to avoid the formation of protein deficiency in the body. To do this, you need to include in the daily diet at least 100-150 grams of kernels of nuts, legumes or seeds. In case of their absence, they can be replaced, by way of exception, by the consumption of milk or dairy products, with the exception of oil. However, it must be remembered that this replacement is a temporary measure, applied on an exceptional basis, because milk for an adult is an unnatural product. Some modern scientists are opponents of vegetarianism, believing that to provide the human body 20 indispensable amino acids involved in the synthesis of its own protein, can only animal proteins. Supporters of yoga consider this statement to be erroneous, stating that compliance with a balanced diet of plant foods provides the body with all 20 essential amino acids in the required amount. These amino acids are found in nuts, seeds and legumes. The other important components of food, such as carbohydrates, fats, mineral salts, trace elements, vitamins, etc., in plant foods are in more optimal proportions and quantities than in the animal. Unsaturated fatty acids, essential for normal functioning of the body, are contained mainly only in vegetable oils( nut, sunflower, and also from various grains, legumes).
Vegetarian opponents argue that plant foods contain less protein than animal products. Some products of plant origin, such as nuts, seeds, and legumes, contain the same amount of protein as meat, and the protein content of soybeans is twice as high. A balanced diet of plant foods fully satisfies the needs of the human body in proteins. According to the International Committee on Protein Requirements of the WHO( 1974), the daily intake of protein is 0.55 g per 1 kg of body weight, provided the protein is of high quality( nuts, seeds and legumes contain high-grade proteins) if the energy needs of a person are fullyare satisfied at the expense of carbohydrates and fats.
The energy requirement for proteins is not difficult to satisfy when consuming cereals, vegetables and fruits. So, for example, the diet described above contains: 42 g protein, 57 g fat, 535 g carbohydrates, and its caloric value is 2,055 kcal, which corresponds to WHO requirements.
Used materials:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP«Healthy food»