- Properties for the body
- Useful recipes
- Safe application
Ground ginger root is known for its sharp taste and incomparable aroma, which he will gladly present to any dish in which he will be. However, this spice is valued not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Let's consider the use of ground ginger for medicinal purposes in more detail.
. Properties for the body.
. Nutritionists and folk medicine experts for a moment do not doubt the powerful healing properties of ground ginger. And first of all, this is due to the fact that it is in this product that the greatest amount of gingerol is concentrated - a special substance that gives the spice of the spice itself, and getting into the body, significantly speeds up the metabolic processes and has a warming effect.
Adding ground dried ginger to different dishes, you not only enrich their taste, but also take care of your own health. Thanks to this eastern spice, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is stabilized, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, and excess cholesterol is removed from the blood.
Ginger powder is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which allows it to be used successfully to combat pathogens, to remove inflammatory processes and to get rid of helminths. These same qualities become relevant during the cold season, when the body is most susceptible to virus and bacterial attacks.
Note! And in such cases, ginger acts multifaceted: when fever produces a warming effect, with a dry cough it helps in liquefaction and sputum and also destroys pathogenic microbes!
Ground ginger is very useful for health and has found its application in the fight against atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease and convulsive conditions. It helps well from edemas of any etiology, eliminates menstrual pains and treats inflammation of the joints.
Help in losing weight
Dried ground ginger is considered a good assistant in losing weight, and this fact has been known for a long time and helps women around the world to bring their figure closer to the covetedindicators. In order to get rid of extra pounds, you do not need to prepare any complicated dishes or severely restrict yourself in food, just include the aromatic spice in your menu and enjoy the results. And what is most pleasant, ginger powder will sound good in absolutely any dish: from soups and saltworts to desserts and drinks. Add it to meat rolls and fish casseroles, sprinkle vegetable stews and cereal side dishes, put in compote, tea, coffee, do with it sauces and spicy desserts, and your weight in the meantime will approach the necessary values.
Tip! To use the ground ginger root for weight loss brought the expected effect, it is necessary to combine its use with sports. If the spice will work alone without correction of diet and exercise, then you can not wait for weight loss! After all, hoping for a miraculous transformation with the help of ginger alone, and at the same time to abuse with sweets and fatty foods is at least illogical!
If you use dried ground ginger competently, then using it is quite possible to correct your figure and strengthen immunity in parallel. And this is due to the fact that the aromatic spice can work in different directions:
- to reduce the feeling of hunger;
- add strength and charge energy;
- to accelerate the metabolism;
- cleanse the digestive tract and normalize its functioning.
Useful recipes
The use of ground ginger should be moderate, as its taste is more acute than fresh or pickled root. Therefore, in the dishes it should be added with small pinches, preferably not earlier than 15 minutes before readiness. As for baking, in this case, the powder is put into the dough when it is kneaded, but sometimes it is enough just to sprinkle a little cake or buns on top.
So, how can you use ginger powder?
Drinks and tinctures
Tincture. This tool can be used for colds, viral infections, to strengthen the body's defenses, strengthen immunity and increase libido. Prepare this natural medicine as follows: pour 50 g of ginger powder into a glass container and fill it with 500 ml of vodka, shake well, tightly close and remove into a dark place for about 15 days. It is desirable to mix the future tincture with stirring. After the specified time, the filter is filtered, if desired, add a little honey or sugar. Use ginger tincture of 5 ml( teaspoon) twice a day for 15-20 minutes before eating, previously diluting this portion in a glass of boiled water to room temperature. Spicy milk drink. It is an excellent cough remedy. For its preparation, it is necessary to warm the milk a little, then pour ¼ teaspoon of dried ground ginger into the cup, add a little fresh honey and a small pinch of turmeric. Drink a milk drink in small portions throughout the day.
Means against the flu. Put in a glass half a spoonful of ginger powder, cinnamon powder, natural honey and a pinch of black ground pepper, pour everything with boiled water. Drink small sips well warm every 3-4 hours.
Drink from diarrhea. For a glass of boiled water, you need to add half a teaspoon of our spicy spices and the same amount of nutmeg. Mix everything, divide into two portions and drink throughout the day.
Anesthesia and relaxation
Relaxing bath. Having taken such a bath, you will immediately feel a soft warmth in the whole body, while you can completely get rid of fatigue and forget the stressful situations that happened during the day. To make such a bath you should boil a liter of water, add 4 teaspoons of ginger in powder and boil for about 10 minutes. Fill the bath with water and pour it into her broth.
Important! The duration of taking a bath is not more than 20 minutes!
Compress from joint and muscle pain, sciatica and neuralgia. Mix half a teaspoon of ginger with the same amount of turmeric, add one drop of mustard oil and a pinch of hot pepper. In the resulting mixture, pour a small amount of water( to the consistency of a thick gruel) and apply it to a piece of fabric or gauze, folded in several layers. Apply the compress to the sore spot, fix it with polyethylene and wrap it in a blanket. So it is necessary to lie down about half an hour, after which the compress is removed and again lie down under a warm blanket.
Safe use of
But remember that dried ground ginger has contraindications for use. These include:
- liver disease;
- acute gastrointestinal diseases;
- tendency to bleeding.
In addition, use this seasoning should be carefully with parallel intake of drugs that reduce blood sugar( because ginger root works exactly the same) and at elevated temperature. In other cases, you should observe moderation and do not abuse flavored spices. Be healthy!